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HungryJoe talks about those Damn Kids in his virtual yard.



  • edited June 2011
    Also, Rym has long hair. That's clearly a plus.
    It would be a plus if he got his hair caught in a set of elevator doors and the elevator ripped off his head.

    Although, knowing him, he'd probably think that would just make him all the more special. The next show, he'd be all, "Well I just had my head ripped off. Suffice to say, this will easily make me more attractive to IT firms who are even now lining up to easily give me easily even more money. Easily."
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • Although, knowing him, he'd probably think that would just make him all the more special. The next show, he'd be all, "Well I just had my head ripped off. Suffice to say, this will easily make me more attractive to IT firms who are even now lining up to easily give me easily even more money. Easily."
    Ok, I kind of lol'd.
  • edited June 2011
    I was pretending to be a Viking! It was very important!
    do I maybe still have some value left as protein and body parts?
    Always. Just donate your bodyparts to the Young Abomination Wellbeing Brigade.
    I prefer to donate to Fine Young Cannibals.
    Post edited by KapitänTim on
  • A friend of mine wrote a blog post yesterday about becoming homeless for a year, which is how quite a few entertainers I know live. His post started with:

    "About 18 months ago I joined a cruise ship to find a book in my cabin left there by the previous entertainer. It was called “The Four Hour Work Week”, which made me laugh because that’s precisely all most entertainers on ships work anyway."

    My comment:
    "Four hour work weeks always seemed a bit excessive to me too!"

    Another entertainer:
    "haha...Three is plenty!"

    Don't start comparing vacation days! Last year ONE vacation of mine last 28 days.

    And Joe, you're an asshole. Fuck you.
  • edited June 2011
    And Joe, you're an asshole. Fuck you.
    Wow, I really take that seriously and it really cuts to the quick, seeing as it comes from a guy whose main job is tossing little balls in the air and whose main hobby is taking pictures of himself.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • My main hobby is writing and singing songs about myself.
  • My main hobby is writing and singing songs about myself.
    I have one for you:

    My name is Luke
    And I'm gonna puke
    Over the side of this boat
    I hope it won't stain my coat
    Because I plan to be taking some photos of myself later.

    La dee dah dee tra la la hey
  • Boys, all of your various stats are incredibly impressive. Now shut up and eat your veggies.
  • Boys, all of your various stats are incredibly impressive. Now shut up and eat your veggies.
    can we start comparing junk size now?
  • edited June 2011
    can we start comparing junk size now?
    Here, have an uncensored photo of my junk.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • can we start comparing junk size now?
    Here, have an uncensored photo of my junk.
    Damn, that's a lot of junk. I'm impressed.
  • edited June 2011
    Damn, that's a lot of junk. I'm impressed.
    Took me me a while to get such sizable junk. I'll admit, I did pose it for the photo, but still, gotta make it look good, yeah?
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited June 2011
    5 packs Marlboro, at least 3 lighters, zippo lighter fuel, cards, cups, pens and Apple crap. Also Werther's Originals
    Post edited by Zack Patate on
  • Can anybody in this thread make a JD not worthless? It'd really help me out. :(
  • edited June 2011
    Can anybody in this thread make a JD not worthless? It'd really help me out. :(
    Do you have a JD? When did you get it?
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • I don't, but my girlfriend/domestic partner does. She got it in 2009 and has been banished to temp doc review ever since. She makes more than me doing it, which is nice, but it's soul crushing and has absolutely no opportunities for advancement. Also, you know, we're paying 2k a month in interest on nearly 200k in loans and that's like, super great.
  • I don't, but my girlfriend/domestic partner does. She got it in 2009 and has been banished to temp doc review ever since. She makes more than me doing it, which is nice, but it's soul crushing and has absolutely no opportunities for advancement. Also, you know, we're paying 2k a month in interest on nearly 200k in loans and that's like, super great.
    Holy Crap!! Could she get a job in the government (city, state or federal) and get loan forgiveness?
  • Also, you know, we're paying 2k a month in interest on nearly 200k in loans and that's like, super great.
    There's a federal student loan program if she has Direct Loans. There's an option called income-contingent repayment, which locks the payment to your salary and ignores the interest accrual. I'll dredge up the links.
  • Apparently those jobs, which nobody wanted a few years ago, are nearly impossible to get now too. Jobs for lawyers basically do not exist, at least not in NYC (and neither of us want to move).
  • Apparently those jobs, which nobody wanted a few years ago, are nearly impossible to get now too. Jobs for lawyers basically do not exist, at least not in NYC (and neither of us want to move).
    There's a federal student loan program if she has Direct Loans. There's an option called income-contingent repayment, which locks the payment to your salary and ignores the interest accrual. I'll dredge up the links.
    I'd appreciate the assistance. I'm sure she's probably already looked it up, but if she's missed something it'd be nice. We're at the point where our income can sustain paying the absurd interest, but that is also the point where we're seriously considering asking our parents for assistance in getting a loan at a lower interest rate and using it to pay off some of the higher, more absurd rates. I don't have any debt, so I never had experience with these things. It's pretty miserable. Student loans suck.
  • A JD is worthless right now.
    So WHY won't you put babby in me and let us move to the sticks and have a cottage farm? God, you are such a hypocrite! "Finish law school and get a job" "Oh wait you CAN'T"
  • edited June 2011
    The surplus of JDs is getting to be a real problem. Just last month, we went to a friend's graduation from Georgetown Law. Now, Georgetown is rated something like the top 14th school in the nation, but our friend doesn't have a job. It probably has something to do with the fact that Georgetown graduated 600 people this year. Then there's American University, Catholic University, George Washington University, George Mason University, Howard University, and even UDC with graduating JDs. Just a few miles away, you have the University of Maryland and the University of Baltimore pumping even more JDs out. These people are all competing for jobs in the Atlantic corridor, and it's getting to the point where there just isn't anything left. It's just ridiculous. You know how many med schools are in DC? Georgetown and George Washington. You know how many are in Maryland? The University of Maryland and Johns Hopkins.

    It's the damn ABA's fault for allowing too many law schools to exist to feed the vanity and greed of too many professors and administrators. The AMA has a better idea of how to keep their profession form becoming saturated with too many new grads. The ADA does a good job of that, too.

    I was actually pretty lucky to get my degree, license, and level of experience prior to this big, well, collapse is just about the best way to describe it. However, even at that, working conditions have been greatly affected for everyone. That's kind of why I've been taking biology and chemistry courses on the side this past year. I'm seriously considering just going to back to school full time at some point to do something in health care (the biggest problem there is that i don't actually want to heal sick people. Fuck sick people. I might not mind experimenting on sick people, but that's a whole different topic.) or maybe get a PhD in Biology or Chemistry.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • edited June 2011
    The surplus of JDs is getting to be a real problem.
    This is the reason I refuse to pay any tuition and do not want a traditional law job. If I lose my full scholarship, I leave the school. With my environmental science bg, I have expertise that a lot of other JDs don't have, so I am more marketable. Still, budgets are tight right now and companies/gov'ts are struggling to pay their current employees, much less hire new ones. I also have several other money-making skills to work with should I not be able to get a full-time legal job. As long as I can make my bills, I'm totally cool with getting legal experience where I can with volunteer work and then maybe hanging a PT sliding-scale shingle for people who can't afford expensive legal help.
    Post edited by Nuri on
  • You guys should have been doctors, but you wanted to be evil lawyers. :-p
  • You guys should have been doctors, but you wanted to be evil lawyers. :-p
    No way. My mom and stepdad both went through med school. No way am I ever doing that shit. Plus, I hate people.
  • Plus, I hate people.
    Again, EVIL LAWYERS. You hate people, that's why you went into Law :-p

    //Obviously Nuri going into environmental law is probably one of the few "Lawful Neutral" Lawyers, usually made up of the evil type. (There are no good lawyers :-p)
  • You guys should have been doctors, but you wanted to be evil lawyers. :-p
    I think med schools try to stop evilness. Law schools encourage it. However, even if I do some sort of health care, I'll still try to be evil. What I hope will happen is that I get a PhD in biochemistry and get to add that to my legal experience to be an evil pharmaceutical lobbyist.
  • //Obviously Nuri going into environmental law is probably one of the few "Lawful Neutral" Lawyers, usually made up of the evil type. (There are no good lawyers :-p)
    How do you know I won't go to work for industry? The bad guys need environmental lawyers too!
  • How do you know I won't go to work for industry? The bad guys need environmental lawyers too!
    I was giving you the benefit of the doubt... BUT YOU HAVE SHOWN YOUR TRUE COLORS :-p
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