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  • some bugs
    I've yet to encounter any bugs. What do you mean?
  • What do you mean?
    I have had a few but here are two that I will complain about.

    I still receive some posts from a person that I have blocked. I seems to come and goes as sometimes it will show their posts and sometimes it does not.

    The other is the photo album. It took three tries to upload photos for me. I will admit I was pushing the limit with trying to upload a ton at once but they should put a hard limit in if that is an issue. Also for some reason it will not let me navigate through my album to choose a profile picture from there, I had to re-upload a photo directly to my profile picture. It would let me try but it either locked up or only displayed a few of the pictures in the album.
  • Those are options I have not played with myself, so I hadn't come across that. Don't forget to give your feedback to Google!
  • I have not played with myself
  • That would be a lie child. I do not lie when it comes to enjoying myself.
  • Ok cool finally got everyone who linked their profiles on this thread to a FRC circle, if I missed anyone let me know.

    Also is there a formal group on G+ for FRC and if so where is it? Also could be add G+ to ID share as well?
  • Also is there a formal group on G+ for FRC
    I just hit my head so hard on my desk that several Gigaton nukes applauded in awe.
  • Also is there a formal group on G+ for FRC and if so where is it?
    What Air Co. means to say is that the model of Google+ doesn't allow for such a thing. Rather than choosing whose posts you see (twitter) or mutually agreeing to see the posts of others (facebook), Google+ is centered on choosing who sees your posts. By adding us to a given circle, you let us see everything which you share with that circle. If you want to see the posts of a specific person (assuming they don't make everything public), you need to be added to a circle of theirs that has the rights to see said posts.

    In other words, post a link to your profile in this thread, we will add you, then you will see who added you and you can choose to add them.
  • edited July 2011
    Ah ok you can find me here and here.
    Post edited by Coldguy on
  • Here is mine. I need to start using it but I really have not found many people to talk to on there yet.

    As for how posts are shared I am sort of split. On one side I like that I get to choose who can see my posts, although I already do that through privacy setting on Facebook, but I dislike that all it takes for me to see someone elses post is for them to add me in their circle. I can see myself blocking a lot of people to prevent their posts from showing up.
  • Here is mine. I need to start using it but I really have not found many people to talk to on there yet.

    As for how posts are shared I am sort of split. On one side I like that I get to choose who can see my posts, although I already do that through privacy setting on Facebook, but I dislike that all it takes for me to see someone elses post is for them to add me in their circle. I can see myself blocking a lot of people to prevent their posts from showing up.
    But you don't see them in your stream; just in your Incoming.
  • That is true. I had a certain way I wanted to use this service worked out in my head but I will have to retool that idea. Although I also was under the impression you could have fully public posts but it seems you have to have people in your circle for them to see it so my idea already was not working.
  • You can have completely public posts.
  • You can have completely public posts.
    Oh, well then I really need to start toying with it more. I was under the impression public was only public to all of your circles. Before I make anymore comments about the way posts are handled I will play with it some. So far that is one of the few things I still have not missed with much.
  • edited July 2011
    public: the internet at large.

    (your) circles: any person whom you have added into any of your personal circles (note there are only personal circles)

    extended circles: any person who you have added into any of your circles, and any person who is in any circle of any of those aforementioned people.

    custom: pick and choose which of your circles you specifically wish to share the content with.

    private: just you.
    Post edited by Byron on
  • If critical mass switches over to G+, I wonder how circles will affect cross-pollination of ideas. If I post anime-related stuff only to my Otaku circle, and HPC stuff only to my HPC circle, and Disney stuff only to my Disney circle . . . well, you get the idea, and then multiply across a lot of people's circles.

    In theory this could be done in FB too, but the implementation of Lists was so weak I doubt many people were using them. And in general I think this is a trend that's been going on a long time; just think of how different things were when we basically had only three major television networks in the US. It's a lot easier these days for people to end up just seeing the content they already know interested in (and/or the news analysis they agree with, etc), which isn't all bad, but has its downsides.
  • edited July 2011
    Here's mine:

    My Google+Bodtchboy's Google+

    Still messing around with it. Mostly I'm trying to get all of my family on it so I just have to post pics of the kids to a family circle and they can all access them. MUCH easier for me.
    Post edited by bodtchboy on
  • Not switching until they let me use my account. It's bullshit.
  • Not switching until they let me use my account. It's bullshit.
    New features are rolled out to the seething masses first before they hit apps, as apps is aimed at "enterprise" users who want more stability and less chance of a fuck-up.

    Annoying, but I practically guarantee we'll get it at some point in the near future.
  • Well, games are a sure thing now, but it seems like google is adding them in the least annoying way possible.
  • One thing about G+ that I'm taking some getting used to is the idea of just what's supposed to go where. I'm starting more and more to think that the idea of having most things public (with a City-level location attached) for basic day-to-day non-personal stuff is the best way to go, rather than restricting everything to circles.

    Also, it's kinda annoying that "Nearby" isn't an option on the website, only on the mobile app.
  • edited July 2011

    Also, it's kinda annoying that "Nearby" isn't an option on the website, only on the mobile app.
    I had just assumed that was part of the site but never really checked since I have been using my phone mostly. That is a bit annoying. I will have to add that to my next piece of feedback.

    Lately it has been saying I have 4 notifications that I need to look at but when I check I have none. I have not had many other issues as of late really.
    Post edited by canine224 on
  • edited July 2011
    Also, it's kinda annoying that "Nearby" isn't an option on the website, only on the mobile app.
    I played with the mobile app for a few minutes, but I completely missed this. I think part of the reason against nearby on the web is that computers don't typically have a physical location that they report to web sites.
    Lately it has been saying I have 4 notifications that I need to look at but when I check I have none. I have not had many other issues as of late really.
    Did you send feedback?

    I have noticed a few bugs using the web interface. The profile pics seem to be off: one person with a profile picture had the no-profile-picture thumbnail, and another person was showing up with my profile picture thumbnail but had his own profile picture that should have been there. I sent feedback on the latter one. It was kind of neat. A sort of screenshot gets taken. You can highlight the problem and blackout anything you don't want seen.

    I've also noticed that the entire system is surprisingly slow. It takes a good 5-10 seconds to load the number of notifications when using the web interface.
    Post edited by Byron on
  • I played with the mobile app for a few minutes, but I completely missed this. I think part of the reason against nearby on the web is that computers don't typically have a physical location that they report to web sites.
    On the android app, go to "Stream" and then slide to the left. Or, right. Slide the screen to the left by swiping right.
  • So If you do a limited share to a cricle, and if anyone in those circles reshares it with extended circles, all your cricles that you initially decided not to share with will now see it.

    Seems to be some kind of loophole that is the opposite of what the circles are for.
  • So If you do a limited share to a cricle, and if anyone in those circles reshares it with extended circles, all your cricles that you initially decided not to share with will now see it.

    Seems to be some kind of loophole that is the opposite of what the circles are for.
    Solution: Don't share the MomShouldNeverSeeThis.jpg with anyone. How I see it and use it (will haven't used yet, but idea is there) is that with circles I can focus stuff to people whom might be interested of it. There is no need for me to share interesting rpg news with people who have no interest towards roleplaying games. That's just my way, but in any way you use Google+ don't ever share the with anyone, or at least know the risks.
  • So If you do a limited share to a cricle, and if anyone in those circles reshares it with extended circles, all your cricles that you initially decided not to share with will now see it.

    Seems to be some kind of loophole that is the opposite of what the circles are for.
    Solution: Don't share the MomShouldNeverSeeThis.jpg with anyone. How I see it and use it (will haven't used yet, but idea is there) is that with circles I can focus stuff to people whom might be interested of it. There is no need for me to share interesting rpg news with people who have no interest towards roleplaying games. That's just my way, but in any way you use Google+ don't ever share the with anyone, or at least know the risks.
    Google's the new Santa. He knows if you've been naughty or nice, and he checks his list 3 million times per second.
  • Solution: Don't share the MomShouldNeverSeeThis.jpg with anyone. How I see it and use it (will haven't used yet, but idea is there) is that with circles I can focus stuff to people whom might be interested of it. There is no need for me to share interesting rpg news with people who have no interest towards roleplaying games. That's just my way, but in any way you use Google+ don't ever share the with anyone, or at least know the risks.
    The problem is that not sharing "MomShouldNeverSeeThis.jpg" is the only option. The ability to share what you want to who you want is one of the primary features. Why even have circles if you dont care who sees it. As it is now, someone can reshare your stuff with everyone you know regardless of what you do either by accident, malicious intent, playful trolling, etc. Of course you can turn off reshare if you dont forget, but some cool things you'd like being reshared among other people who would potentially like it.
  • The problem is that not sharing "MomShouldNeverSeeThis.jpg" is the only option.
    Nope. You can choose who in your circles can see the post you are sharing. When you click to share a post that was not made public by the original poster, a warning comes up saying to be careful who you share it with, because it was originally not intended for everyone. Not sharing isn't the only option, you just have to split people up into more organized circles, and make sure that if the original poster had someone in mind that they didn't want to see their post that that person isn't in the circle you share it with.
  • Why even have circles if you don't care who sees it?
    It's easier for me to explain with example so let's do that again. Let's say I have MyPartyPictures.jpg and I want to and will share it with my Bros, using Bros circle. That is because my Bros are the people who would be most interested of MyPartyPictures.jpg and to whom I primary want to share them. Now the MyPartyPictures.jpg might be shared outside of my Bros, but that is no problem, because even when I wanted to focus sharing MyPartyPictures.jpg to my Bros it's not something that I wouldn't ever want to get outside of that circle.

    With circles you aim your messages and shares to specific people, but you have to ether really trust those people to keep your stuff on themselves or be ready that things will be reshared and copied over all Internet.
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