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  • If you're a good person, and you do what you feel is right
    Fred Phelps thinks he is a good person and does what he feels is right.

    People disagree about what is the "right" thing to do and what constitutes a "good" person. That's why every social contract we form involves a degree of negotiation. I have terms with my social contracts - if you break those terms, then I will no longer form those social contracts with you.

    And my counter to your argument is that any "real" friend respects you enough to respect your wishes, even if they disagree with them. We have a society based on shared tolerance, not shared acceptance.
  • And my counter to your argument is that any "real" friend respects you enough to respect your wishes, even if they disagree with them.
    That forms a paradox. If two people are friends who have conflicting wishes, they can't possibly both respect each other's wishes. If you lost a friend every time you had a disagreement we would all be very very lonely.
    Fred Phelps thinks he is a good person and does what he feels is right.
    Everyone thinks they are a good person. This is why most people tend to be friends with people who have similar ideas. Thankfully due to the Internet it's easier to find such good friends instead of just being forced into friends with people who happen to be in your geographical proximity that you might not get along with very well.
  • edited July 2011
    That forms a paradox.
    That's because there's no objectively correct way to approach the topic. It's all subjective.
    If two people are friends who have conflicting wishes, they can't possibly both respect each other's wishes.
    Which is why they negotiate the terms of their friendship. You figure out where each other's lines are - like, what are the things you care enough to share irrespective of your friend's wishes - and then don't cross them, or only cross them with consent. So for you, I would only share things that I don't care about being reshared, or that you don't care enough to reshare. If I want to talk about something that you would reshare even if I asked you not to, I simply don't include you in the conversation. This avoids all drama for both parties while still mostly respecting each other's wishes.

    In other words, we compromise.

    Now, of course, this does rely on people being good about social agreements, but most of the time they are, and if they're not, fuck them.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Which is why they negotiate the terms of their friendship. You figure out where each other's lines are - like, what are the things you care enough to share irrespective of your friend's wishes - and then don't cross them, or only cross them with consent. So for you, I would only share things that I don't care about being reshared, or that you don't care enough to reshare. If I want to talk about something that you would reshare even if I asked you not to, I simply don't include you in the conversation. This avoids all drama for both parties while still mostly respecting each other's wishes.

    In other words, we compromise.

    Now, of course, this does rely on people being good about social agreements, but most of the time they are, and if they're not, fuck them.
    This also shows the importance of honesty. While I may think it's ok to share something against your wishes, if I feel that sharing is the right thing to do, I'm not lying. You don't see me making a promise I'm not going to keep. If I stuck a cupcake in my eye and then shared it anyway, that's a super dick move. FOREVER.
  • This also shows the importance of honesty. While I may think it's ok to share something against your wishes, if I feel that sharing is the right thing to do, I'm not lying. You don't see me making a promise I'm not going to keep. If I stuck a cupcake in my eye and then shared it anyway, that's a super dick move. FOREVER.
    Absolutely, and as long as you communicate that up front to people, then there's no drama. Just tell people, "I will spread around [x] sort of information whether or not you want me to," and then it's up to someone else to respond to that. Likewise, when I have shared information with you that is not [x], you'd best stick to what you say.
    And this is why Pinkie Pie is the superior pony.
  • I am enjoying seeing Scott try to parse this hu-mon concept of "friendship." PATHETIC EARTHLINGS.
  • edited July 2011
    I am enjoying seeing Scott try to parse this hu-mon concept of "friendship." PATHETIC EARTHLINGS.
    I learned everything I need to about friendship through MySpace.

    I understand that Tom rules this planet, but he is meek and sheepish.
    Post edited by Byron on
  • edited July 2011
    This is something I often disagree with Luke Crane about. He has some old games, like He doesn't want to share them because they are old and they suck. I don't understand how it could cause any harm to put it out there anyway. There are a few hardcore fans who would gain joy from it, and it would cause him no harm. If I could get a copy, I would share it, but he's very good at protecting his stuff.
    Luke has stated UASS doesn't work as promised. It's broken. He doesn't want to release a broken game.
    Post edited by okeefe on
  • edited July 2011
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Your font rendering is way off compared to OSX.
  • edited July 2011
    Your font rendering is way off compared to OSX.
    Well, I'm just using the Javascript command to make web pages live editable, and then using a fill tool to get rid of the red "You can't spell" underlines. In theory, it should be rendering in exactly the same font as my browser renders that particular section of text - though apparently, it's different to yours. Comparing the posts above it to the picture, I see no visible font difference.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Your font rendering is way off compared to OSX.
    Well, I'm just using the Javascript command to make web pages live editable, and then using a fill tool to get rid of the red "You can't spell" underlines. In theory, it should be rendering in exactly the same font as my browser renders that particular section of text - though apparently, it's different to yours. Comparing the posts above it to the picture, I see no visible font difference.
    Sure, I guessed that was what you were doing, but obviously not on a mac with Firefox. Oh, and your screen resolution is wider than mine, meaning the image fell off the right hands side.

    Fun stuff though!
  • edited July 2011
    WATER IS A POISON! NO ONE EVER DRINK WATER! Also, my tap water tastes like old socks.

    Scott, poison is all about dosage. Also, there is a significant amount of evidence that moderate alcohol consumption is a net plus. Dark beers are also full of fiber.

    EDIT: I've been had. F U churbster
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • edited July 2011
    Sure, I guessed that was what you were doing, but obviously not on a mac with Firefox. Oh, and your screen resolution is wider than mine, meaning the image fell off the right hands side.

    Fun stuff though!
    Yeah, I'm running 1920 by 1080 on a 24 inch screen, so I figured it would probably be a little wide, but fixing that is a little more than the quick and dirty job I was bothering to do.

    If you want the command - It should work on any up to date version of firefox - it is
    javascript:document.body.contentEditable='true'; document.designMode='on'; void 0Just copy and paste it into your address bar.
    EDIT: I've been had. F U churbster
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited July 2011
    Churba's screen is much wider than mine so all the text goes off the side with that image.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Churba's screen is much wider than mine so all the text goes off the side with that image.
    Lesson learned - Make it smaller. Also, I should have cropped out the white sidebar.
  • I've tried to follow the argument about resharing, but I think in general it's a moot point. Private sharing is not for secrets any more than an e-mail is, with the additional disadvantage that if you don't disable resharing, G+ can authoritatively attribute a post to you. There's certainly a good reason not to disable it, though: You can privately share a link, and have a private comment thread on it, but still allow your friends to reshare the link elsewhere, attributing you.

    It's also worth noting that if you share a post privately, and then your friend reshares it to "extended circles", your boss/coworker/mother won't see it unless they also have your friend circled; It's then considered a post on their 'stream', not yours.
  • Churba's screen is much wider than mine so all the text goes off the side with that image.
    Lesson learned - Make it smaller. Also, I should have cropped out the white sidebar.
    Also, don't use a JPG file, if at all possible. The grey blurring around the text is a dead giveaway.
  • So, now that we all know how good Apreche is at backpedaling in contrast to being a friend, how about we go back to our own business?
  • edited July 2011
    You guys are wasting your time, honestly.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • You forgot the edit button.
  • edited July 2011
    I've no idea what you're talking about ^_~
    Besides, I can't think of how quoting would work.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Also, don't use a JPG file, if at all possible. The grey blurring around the text is a dead giveaway.
    True dat - I should have thought of and done that but let's face it A)since when do I have a reputation for acting on well thought out plans, and B)if I was going for a convincing job instead of a quick and dirty one, I wouldn't have made Apreche-puppet say he was a furry for ponies, either.
  • B)if I was going for a convincing job instead of a quick and dirty one, I wouldn't have made Apreche-puppet say he was a furry for ponies, either.
    Wait, that wasn't supposed to be the convincing part?
  • edited July 2011
    Wait, that wasn't supposed to be the convincing part?
    Well, it apparently fooled Andrew, but credit to him for having a laugh about it afterward.I hope. Don't kill me plz?
    Post edited by Churba on
  • It's also worth noting that if you share a post privately, and then your friend reshares it to "extended circles", your boss/coworker/mother won't see it unless they also have your friend circled; It's then considered a post on their 'stream', not yours.
    Are you sure? Extended circles is everyone in your circles and theirs. My boss/coworker/mother is in my circle and I'm in my friends circle so they should see it?
  • Can anyone spare an invite for me? My e-mail's in my profile. Thanks!
  • Can anyone spare an invite for me? My e-mail's in my profile. Thanks!
  • Oh man, I forgot to say I got one like 5 minutes after I posted. :) So thanks, Ruffas, Sail and jmerm!
  • I'd like to have a look too. I'm not really interested in social networks, but its worth a try. Email in profile.
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