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Deus Ex: Human Revolution



  • Is that Twenty Sided guy a real person or an angry computer nerd composite AI?
  • Yeah, I'm sticking with the smoking jacket/blazer. But damned if I don't still want that coat.

    EDIT: Apparently the company has done some well-received MGS stuff. Looks legit.
    $189 for a coat like that seems way too cheap to me, but who knows.
  • I'm astonished you're hearing such bad things. It feels exactly like a Deus Ex to me, at least from the first five hours. There's air ducts everywhere, there's five different wants to get everyone's email password, there's racist caricature bums on the street, there's inventory tetris. In fact, thus far the only thing missing is that your shots go where you want them to without having to level up your pistol skill and I haven't (yet) heard "Saw someone... guy in a coat." To the former I say good riddance, to the latter: "...probably just some homeless guy..."
    I've only seen a video of it, but I'm pretty sure there is a bit where one guy will say something about how we didn't land on the moon, or raises questions to if (giant terrorist act) was an inside job. And you can punch him right the fuck out.
  • edited August 2011
    Nothin' to see here.
    Post edited by Gold Experience on
  • edited August 2011
    I have yet to see a crack. Does this even include a crack?
    Post edited by Nine Boomer on
  • Gold Experience has now made 10 posts. One is about having sex, and the others are public messages replying to whispered requests for info about pirating a newly released game. Weird.
  • It is almost like he is trying to live a Russian stereotype, all he need now is to start talking about vodka and how good the old USSR was.
  • The price of that coat is so strange, it's either 189USD or 189Euros ... I'm confused, I thought the euro was worth more than the dollar?

    That said, It's one sexy coat.
  • I don't like the original Deus Ex. Got it cheap on Steam, it's not really very playable. No interest in the new one.
  • I have played it for about 10 hours so far, and I'm just about to go to the china bit (ive been doing all the side quests I have come across). I was dying a lot until I adjusted my tactics to be more ninja and less space marine. I enjoy shooter games where you feel very vulnerable and have something invested in whether or not you get shot. (the original ghost recon and the stalker series are good examples of this). I think that this game may not appeal to many people who are used to the majority of shooters out there. The game-play experience may be different if you invest in gun skills and dermal armor, I've been focusing on hacking and conversation skills.
  • I don't like the original Deus Ex. Got it cheap on Steam, it's not really very playable. No interest in the new one.
    It's a shooting RPG, only you don't have enough health to go into a firefight with more than two guys at once and your guns aren't very accurate until about halfway through the game. Scott is just pissed that he can't play it as if it was Counterstrike.
  • edited August 2011
    Dude you should be a little bit more hush hush about piracy. Some people on the forum are radically against it.
    I'm okay with that and I am willing to hear all opinions.
    Gold Experience has now made 10 posts. One is about having sex, and the others are public messages replying to whispered requests for info about pirating a newly released game. Weird.
    Is it weirder than you doing this much research on me?
    Post edited by Gold Experience on
  • First of all, "this much research" is reading three threads among many others that I would read anyway, and clicking on your forum user name. For this forum, that is about the minimum amount of research you'll ever see. It's hardly research at all, more like having a memory slightly better than that of a goldfish.

    Secondly, yes, waaaaaay more weird. Certainly around here. Normally those who post the "I Just Had Sex" video in the Boo-yah thread are the younger forum members who have also shared many stories about attempting to woo young ladies, and failing, or succeeding but it not going to plan, and other things. That they then share that they've had sex is in context to their existing persona, but posting such a video is a way to share that next step without going into all the messy details.

    With you there is no context. Are you in a relationship? Me too! We've been together for only three months, so we're still having sex most nights. It would be weird for me to post that video on a daily basis. The same for many others on the forum. Or even if I wasn't in a relationship, I tend not to go too long without some kind of sexy fun time, and feel no need to share it on the forum. Although sometimes I do when drunk. But even then I feel I can get away with it, as I've been chatting here for many years and most people know me.

    So yeah. Weird. For you.

    Also if a message shows up with a different colour background and the word "(whispered)" at the top it mean that only you can see it. A whisper is between you and one other person. Sucrilhos has now made at least two whispered posts that only you can read, and both times you've posted the response, including his message, as a public message instead of whispering back. That's not cool. It's not expressly against the rules of the forum, as there are very few rules, but I can assure you it isn't cool. Piracy is fine by most people, and we all probably do it to various extents, but there is zero precedence for posting wholesale links to pirated content within normal forum threads. It might be the normal course in other forums, but not this one. Scott, Rym and the other moderators are away at PAX at the moment, so they probably won't pick up on it, but for the sake of smooth running of the forum, I'd suggest you don't continue the habit.
  • On the podcast Rym & Scott always make it sound like they want people to be active on the forum and they advertised it as being a friendly place with cool people.
  • It is a friendly place with cool people.
  • Yup. I'm a friendly and cool person. If you think that above response was in any way unfriendly or uncool or unwelcoming, I'll tell you that I had no intention of any such message. That I just spent time writing five paragraphs to help you understand the history or culture of the forum means I want to help you not come off as too much of an idiot. For example: if someone whispers to you, don't reply as a public post. That's not cool. Certainly not if it is a private post asking about pirating a newly released game. If I was being unfriendly or uncool I'll have either ignored you or insulted you.
  • I want to help you not come off as too much of an idiot.
    This is you being a friendly, nice guy?
  • I want to help you not come off as too much of an idiot.
    This is you being a friendly, nice guy?
    Sounds friendly enough to me.
  • I guess I'll just gtfo your clubhouse then. Sorry fellas.
  • I want to help you not come off as too much of an idiot.
    This is you being a friendly, nice guy?
    Please don't try to pick a fight with me. I was trying to help. I think I helped. That I mentioned the word idiot, I didn't say you were an idiot, I said I was trying to make you not LOOK like an idiot. Reposting whispered comments even after someone points them out would be an idiotic thing to do, but you edited your posts. You're not an idiot, obviously.
  • This is what happens when I'm not arround. People other than me start absorbing the evil particles floating between the bits.
  • Nine, please be the mean guy again. We need you here.

    Also: I wasn't being a jerk, new guy, just pointing out that Luke was, in fact, being friendly.
  • They're right, that's not mean by a long shot... If you want to see mean, try talking to Scott about smoking. That's just dangerous.
  • Anyone else annoyed that your energy bars don't recharge on their own? Only the first one does. As someone sneaking around using takedowns a lot I find myself taking one guy down and then just waiting behind the other one until it recharges. I guess they just want me to use food to recharge those other bars but I find the mechanic a bit unneeded.
  • edited August 2011
    They're right, that's not mean by a long shot... If you want to see mean, try talking to Scott about smoking. That's just dangerous.
    Also, alcohol, most FPS games that are not counterstrike or quake, most video games, console FPS, certain board games, the list goes on.
    Anyone else annoyed that your energy bars don't recharge on their own? Only the first one does. As someone sneaking around using takedowns a lot I find myself taking one guy down and then just waiting behind the other one until it recharges. I guess they just want me to use food to recharge those other bars but I find the mechanic a bit unneeded.
    I was under the impression that they recharge if you don't fully deplete that bar, but I don't know, that's just what I got from gameplay preview videos.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Nine, please be the mean guy again. We need you here.
    What will I get from you in return?

    Also, I can still pre-order this fucking game. PRE-ORDER. ON STEAM. AND I KEEP SEEING THESE ASSHOLES FROM THE USA GOING AND PLAYING THIS GAME. Fucking Square Enix. The game's already in brick and mortar ready to get shelved but those fucking cunts think they need to arbitrarily delay shit. WHAT THE FUCK, YOU'RE A MULTI-NATIONAL COMPANY SQUARE ENIX, HAVE A SINGLE MULTI-NATIONAL RELEASE DATE YOU DUMB SHIT.
  • This is what happens when I'm not arround. People other than me start absorbing the evil particles floating between the bits.
    I wasn't being evil!

    But this is why I don't bother with any other forum, or try to interact with brand new people on this forum. I was the first person to interact with Gold Experience in any meaningful way on the public forum, and he/she (we have no hard info about this person except they just had sex and like Deus Ex enough to pirate it but not pay for it) tries to start an argument with me. Instead of picking up on my very gentle and kind suggestions about forum etiquette, he/she attacks my actions as being in some way weirder than his/hers. So I just spent 10 minutes of my time typing a reply that explains it all in depth, and he/she reads that in the default "someone responding to me in any length" tone of voice, which is obviously "the only reason I type anything longer than herp-de-derp is when I want to win an argement or take someone down, so I'll scream this in your face, hmm-kay?" or similar.

    Thankfully this forum is full of people who read what you type, rather than assuming a tone of voice and then skipping to a conclusion.
  • Thankfully this forum is full of people who read what you type, rather than assuming a tone of voice and then skipping to a conclusion.
    Wait, Which forum are you on?
  • God damn it, it is Friday and the games has yet to unlock. #firstworldproblems
  • Anyone else annoyed that your energy bars don't recharge on their own? Only the first one does. As someone sneaking around using takedowns a lot I find myself taking one guy down and then just waiting behind the other one until it recharges. I guess they just want me to use food to recharge those other bars but I find the mechanic a bit unneeded.
    I was under the impression that they recharge if you don't fully deplete that bar, but I don't know, that's just what I got from gameplay preview videos.

    That may be true but it seems that using a takedown move (melee, one-hit KO) uses a full bar by default. I don't seem to have much option other then sit and wait for recharges or run around stuffing powerbars in my face.
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