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GeekNights 20110831 - Puella Magi Madoka Magica



  • I think the comparison between Eva and Madoka are really just completely dumb to make in the first place. Both are very good series that I enjoyed.
    The only comparison I would really make is that both took a well known genre (Giant Robots and Magical Girls, respectively) and took it in interesting directions, adding a darker, more psychologically sophisticated twist to old standards.
  • The reason I compare them is because they give you that same sort of feeling when you watch them. They also both use a lot of the same animation techniques. The one they both use the most often are scenes where characters are talking, but their faces are not on screen. They also both use the same technique of having characters thinking or talking while floating in some sort of surreal/psychedelic space. The result of these is that watching either show puts the viewer in the same sort of mood.
  • Well, I guess I'll find out first hand next week or so. I'm currently watching EVA again because I got my boxset, and I planned to rewatch Madoka some time soon and I might as well do it right after EVA.
  • Also, [SPOILERS]Madouka DID "man up" and make the choices Codger would have liked to see, back in previous iterations of her reality. And they led to shit and the fan becoming intimately acquainted, from Homura's perspective. [/SPOILERS]
  • @YoshoKatana

    That's what makes me even more aggro, in the other time-lines she had no qualms about making the "choice" and it seemed like she was well aware of what happened previously too.

    But in the last iteration she suddenly became a wuss and fucked about for the entire series. The ending wasn't that great either, Spirited Away did it better with the hair ribbon (so you'll never forget) trope.

    I also question the shows use of "entropy" as a plot device, having studied Physics at university that just made me even more mad, madder, maddest.


    Follow that up with Evangelion 1.11 and Evangelion 2.22. To ease the blue balls you get from Madoka...
    Are you kidding? Madoka did it right. Acting sooner would've been catastrophic by comparison.
    The show still cock-blocked for 12 episodes with very little return on investment IMO.

    I love Pirate Asuka!
  • I also question the shows use of "entropy" as a plot device, having studied Physics at university that just made me even more mad, madder, maddest.
    This, I agree with. When they said the level of energy in the universe goes down I was like "NO!"
  • I also question the shows use of "entropy" as a plot device, having studied Physics at university that just made me even more mad, madder, maddest.
    "Kids understand that real crabs don't sing like the ones in The Little Mermaid. But you give an adult fiction, and the adult starts asking really fucking dumb questions like 'How does Superman fly? How do those eyebeams work? Who pumps the Batmobile's tires?' It's a fucking made-up story, you idiot! Nobody pumps the tires!" - excerpt from G. Mo's "fuck you, wizard dad" interview in Rolling Stone, via Daryl Surat.

    Also, the show has the word "magic" in the show twice (once in Latin) I'm not expecting some sort of Asimov hard science.
  • edited September 2011
    I thought pumping the tires of the Batmobile was one of Alfred's duties.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • edited September 2011
    The thing is, they're throwing the scientific terms around - especially "entropy". If you're going to do that, you should make sure you're technically correct. If it's just magic, sure that's cool, but then use different words for it.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Also, the show has the word "magic" in the show twice (once in Latin) I'm not expecting some sort of Asimov hard science.
    This show lost all credibility of being "magical" once they mentioned aliens. It didn't matter how many variations of "magic" were in the title.

    If you're going to dispute the laws of thermodynamics, do it with more class... Like how magic was described in Nick Cage's classic "The Sorcerer's Apprentice".
  • This show lost all credibility of being "magical" once they mentioned aliens.
    How so? Is there some rule you can't have both? You've got one seriously limited imagination dude.
  • his show lost all credibility of being "magical" once they mentioned aliens.
    There's a relevant quote about sufficiently advanced technology and magic that you should find.
    You've got one seriously limited imagination dude.
  • edited September 2011
    If you're talking about magical girls, just stick with magical stuff. Don't go all quoting entropy and advance technology, because it's all superfluous BS that sounded "cool". And it didn't add to the narrative.
    You've got one seriously limited imagination dude.
    Limited as it maybe, it's not a prerequisite to calling out this bad show.

    Edit: I quite like Magic Knight Rayearth, that did the whole magical girl, advance technology and romance 100x better!
    Post edited by Codger on
  • You've got one seriously limited imagination dude.
    Limited as it maybe, it's not a prerequisite to calling out this bad show.
    But saying "there are aliens, therefore there can't be magic" is not a valid argument for why this is a bad show. Also, why are you expecting writers to actually UNDERSTAND physics? It's just an excuse to have magical girls with their depressing, horrific lives and deaths.
  • It's a bad show without the aliens, it just added to it IMO.
  • It's a bad show without the aliens, it just added to it IMO.
    So far you haven't given one reason for it being a bad show. All you've said is that you do not like it because you are narrow minded. You can like or not like it as you please. What about the show makes it not good?
  • It's a bad show without the aliens, it just added to it IMO.
    So far you haven't given one reason for it being a bad show. All you've said is that you do not like it because you are narrow minded. You can like or not like it as you please. What about the show makes it not good?
    He's said that he didn't like it because he couldn't sympathize with the characters, and he couldn't understand why Madoka waited until episode 12 to be a magical girl.
  • edited September 2011
    Cock-blocking, procrastination and whining unlikable protagonist. Which I have stated numerous times in previous posts above!
    Post edited by Codger on
  • Cock-blocking, procrastination and whining unlikable protagonist. Which I have stated numerous times in previous posts above!
    That's reasons you don't like it. Those aren't reasons it isn't good.
  • whining unlikable protagonist.
    I really don't see that, nor can a fathom how you would have these complaints about Madoka yet enjoy MKR. MKR was largely unwatchable even when I was a desperate anime fan watching anything I could get.
  • edited September 2011
    Anyone who says they watched the whole show but considered Madoka to be whiny/weak-willed for not growing a pair and making the contract earlier, did you even pay attention at all when Madoka fucking WATCHES HER FRIEND GET BRUTALLY KILLED BY A WITCH in the third episode? Let's see here.. First time Madoka almost makes a contract, Mami gets killed. Second time, she finds out the true nature of the soul gem, that making the deal with Kyubey would cause her to sacrifice her humanity. Not to mention that this entire time, Homura is begging her not to strike the deal with Kyubey, and for good reason. Seriously, if your only complaint is that Madoka is a wuss, then you seriously didn't pay attention to shit.
    Post edited by ProfPangloss on
  • Final thoughts episode is happening tomorrow night.
  • Final thoughts episode is happening tomorrow night.
    Please and thank you.
  • Final thoughts episode is happening tomorrow night.
    YES! Thank you! Next can we get an Utena final thoughts?
  • edited September 2011
    This show lost all credibility of being "magical" once they mentioned aliens.
    What, you mean like extra terrestrials like what the Sailor Scouts are technically are?

    Though I totally exposit that Sailor Moon started using Spiral Power (and therefore by proxy Getter Rays) from the start of season three but that's an argument for another time and another place.
    Post edited by Conan-San on
  • @ProfPangloss

    That is called cock-blocking.

    If she was so shell shocked and knew the consequences of the Faustian choice, why didn't she leave? Instead she hung around like a bad smell, doing dumb shit like interfering is a magical girl showdown. When she was told not to, unless you're a magical girl by QB. Sayaka maned up and made the choice despite Homura's warnings and knowing less about the consequences.

    I said as much in previous posts, my REASONS still stand!


    Yeah... Sailor Moon was more of a sentai show with a magical girl gloss IMO.
  • Final thoughts episode is happening tomorrow night.
    YES! Thank you! Next can we get an Utena final thoughts?
    HA! That'll be the day.
  • edited September 2011
    HA! That'll be the day.
    I say that as well with Escaflowne or Bebop.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • I say that as well with Escaflowne or Bebop.
    Both of which are significantly better shows than Madoka.
  • Both of which are significantly better shows than Madoka.
    However, Madoka is fresh in their heads, so it's understandable they would do it now and get it out of their system before it becomes another one of those "We'll do a final thoughts episode in the future," but see nothing of it for years, possibly never.
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