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Mechwarrior: Living Legends - The Megathread



  • In MW2 you can just load it up with machine guns and go to town, too. Ahh, the days of the MG boat.
    Not to mention my favorite trick - immediately and constantly alpha-strike with my MG boat and slag their legs almost instantly, then dispatch them at your leisure.
  • Weak. A star of Elementals would either dig you out of cover or just swarm your sides/head/arms/legs.
  • The best madcat I ever played with was in Mechwarrior IV when a guy somehow managed to outmaneuver and out-play everyone. I think he turned his radar off and he took extreme advantage of the city layout of the map, basically being undetected till he was right behind or flanking our team and then just tore everyone up with close range machine gun things. It made the game come alive for me way more than the majority of games where it was all gauss rifles and ppcs at max range all the time.

  • MG boat only works if you get way up close.

    A zillion small lasers FTW!
  • MG boat only works if you get way up close.

    A zillion small lasers FTW!
    That's why any space I had that wasn't MG, Ammo or heatsinks was jump-jets. Tap into the air, then do a 300 MPH diagonal dash toward the enemy.

  • Another detail I recall is he actually moved his arms around independently. I always knew you could do it, but nobody I played with ever bothered. So this guy would disappear behind a building and still shoot you with just his arm exposed at random intervals. If all else failed he would jumpjet over a parking garage or other cover and disappear - and since he knew to power down and disable radar he could disappear fairly well too.

    It was like fighting a godamn ghost - but in a mech.
  • It's actually pretty awesome to grab a Fafnir with dual Improved Heavy Gauss Rifles and deactivate your radar... manage to crawl your way behind an enemy line and put two heavy shells into the rear armor... You can one-shot a light mech that way, easy.
  • It's funny to read all this shit that works in the video game, but doesn't work at all in tabletop.
  • It's funny to read all this shit that works in the video game, but doesn't work at all in tabletop.
    It's hard to effectively hide an assault mek in tabletop. On MegaMek, where you can hide units out of LOS, it's a little easier to surprise others. I've managed to get a Fireball around the flank of an enemy in a city, surprising him with a back full of laser. Of course, that sort of thing only works well once... Personally I just switch my mechs off Radar very early in the game, usually to Magscan/Seismic depending on the terrain.
  • Weak. A star of Elementals would either dig you out of cover or just swarm your sides/head/arms/legs.
    Yes, but a Scott with nothing but small lasers, an Alex with claws, and a Pete trying to LRM me have no chance.
  • Weak. A star of Elementals would either dig you out of cover or just swarm your sides/head/arms/legs.
    Yes, but a Scott with nothing but small lasers, an Alex with claws, and a Pete trying to LRM me have no chance.
    Except Alex with the claws usually won.

    No more level 3 tech for us.

  • Alex won once with that. I remember it very well.

    All was normal, except that Alex kept shooting lasers and PPCs at forests for no good reason. Then he let us get close to him. "Easy pickings" we thought. "Who uses claws anyway?"

    I think it was Pete who fell first. Torn to shreds in a single turn. It was too late for any of us to escape.
  • Alex won once with that. I remember it very well.

    All was normal, except that Alex kept shooting lasers and PPCs at forests for no good reason. Then he let us get close to him. "Easy pickings" we thought. "Who uses claws anyway?"

    I think it was Pete who fell first. Torn to shreds in a single turn. It was too late for any of us to escape.
    CBT or one of the PC games?
  • edited December 2011
    Alex won once with that. I remember it very well.

    All was normal, except that Alex kept shooting lasers and PPCs at forests for no good reason. Then he let us get close to him. "Easy pickings" we thought. "Who uses claws anyway?"

    I think it was Pete who fell first. Torn to shreds in a single turn. It was too late for any of us to escape.
    CBT or one of the PC games?
    Any story we tell will be CBT. My favorite is still the quad mech that would not go down.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Awesome. I did have a good run with an Archer awhile back... the variant that houses the 8 rocket-10 packs.

    The best way I've found to use that mek was to simply use it to soak up damage while hoping to get a good alpha strike in, so to that end I was pushing it pretty hard through cover to get in range of a Clan heavy that was tearing my Emperor to pieces...

    Well, he managed to blast the legs out of the Archer before he even got in range, and that KO'd the pilot with some bad rolls. After that, he ignored it and concentrated on my Emperor.

    Eventually, my pilot did wake up, and his meks were pretty close.. so I was able to unleash the entirety of the rocket packs into their back armor. Managed to blow apart his Heavy, even though I still lost..
  • Mech Warrior Living Legends does not differentiate between separate joystick type devices. It thinks my joystick and my steering wheel is the same device! As a result, I cannot control my direction and pitch with my joystick while controlling my throttle with my pedals. God damn.
  • I've always been interested in the tabletop games due to my large involvement with the PC games, my first was mechwarrior 2 i think.

    Is it worth it to even try picking it up and playing? Coming from a guy who have not touched much board games before that is.
  • edited December 2011
    It's overly complicated, takes way long to set up your mechs, it's got a billion sourcebooks and the balance is garbage.

    It's also really really fun, so go for it.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • It's not a board game. It's a tabletop miniatures game. It just doesn't require you to actually use miniatures. I suggest acquiring the core rule book and reading it. Then you can see what you think.
  • edited December 2011
    I've always been interested in the tabletop games due to my large involvement with the PC games, my first was mechwarrior 2 i think.

    Is it worth it to even try picking it up and playing? Coming from a guy who have not touched much board games before that is.
    Also, a good way to check out the rules and see if you like how the game plays out is Megamek. It's exactly what it says it is, an unofficial online version of the tabletop game. It's free and has bots, and is a good way to just try out the game. I absolutely love the game and can't wait to try out the real tabletop now.
    Mech Warrior Living Legends does not differentiate between separate joystick type devices. It thinks my joystick and my steering wheel is the same device! As a result, I cannot control my direction and pitch with my joystick while controlling my throttle with my pedals. God damn.
    Sucks. Honestly I don't think I'd be able to do nearly as well with a joystick/throttle setup, regardless of how cool that would be. The pinpoint targeting afforded by a mouse is very nice.

    Also, I was playing around with it last night... LRMs got a much-needed buff in the latest patch, they can now track light mechs much more effectively. I managed to land second place on a full server by almost exclusively using an ELRM boat (1500 meter range tracked vehicle) and the ELRM-equipped Raven.

    Of course, we still lost because they were actually using "tactics"...

    EDIT: After reading through the MegaMek release stuff, I REALLY want to play through a long-ish campaign against someone near my skill level... Having to keep track of what mechs get damaged and stuff adds a whole new strategic level to it..
    Post edited by SquadronROE on
  • Sonic, you ever get this thing working? Let me know if you have any problems.. Or if you just want to blast around on a server sometime.
  • I just purchased and am installing the game. I won't be able to dive in until my new video card arrives and I install that, which should be by the end of the week. ^_^
  • Word! Awesome!
  • I'll be getting a new gaming laptop on the 16th, so I'll be joining you guys then.
  • Sonic, you ever get this thing working? Let me know if you have any problems.. Or if you just want to blast around on a server sometime.
    Well, I've got it going for joystick and keyboard. Still working out the bugs for button mapping but, yeah, let's have a go at it sometime.
  • Cool. Just PM me when you want to play and I'll hop on. I'm SquadronROE on Steam and the same on MWLL, so it makes it easy. Also my only problem is that I can't play from work.. so anytime after 4EST works during the week.
    I'll be getting a new gaming laptop on the 16th, so I'll be joining you guys then.

  • I'll likely be up for a shot at it after MAGFest. Given that I have precious little prior knowledge of Mechwarrior, I assume I'm in for one hell of a ride.
  • I'm running the auto Updater now.
  • I'm running the auto Updater now.
    You'll be running it a few more times.
  • Crysis Maximum on sale for 7.49! This was EXACTLY the sale I was waiting for!
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