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PAX Prime 2012: Bobcats To The Front Of The Line



  • I almost want to go to Seattle during PAX time but not go to PAX just hang out in Seattle :-p
  • I almost want to go to Seattle during PAX time but not go to PAX just hang out in Seattle :-p
    I think this is Ro saying that Seattle sucks other then PAX Prime and no one should live there or visit :-p
  • No, choosing to visit Seattle during PAX and not go to PAX is heathen speak.

    Seattle is fun and worth visiting, perhaps living in. I would if it wasn't so darn expensive along with the fact I don't want to work at the Seattle VA.

    You did visit at a very good time though. It's been cloudy all day today.
  • I'm so glad I waited to buy my plane ticket. For the past few months, roundtrip prices have been hovering at around $700-800, but now they're dipping to $400-600. This pleases me.

    (I was honestly worried I wouldn't be able to come to Prime, since $1000+ (with hotel and other expenses) is a pretty steep price to pay for something that lasts a weekend.)
  • Emily and I are flying in to Seattle Tuesday evening and back Monday night. So we'll be around for a while!
  • I'm pretty sure I blow ~$1500 per PAX when its all said and done. It's absolutely worth it to me though. I've become a little more efficient I guess... over time.
  • Emily and I are flying in to Seattle Tuesday evening and back Monday night. So we'll be around for a while!
    I'll be around Wednesday night to Tuesday afternoon. Monday though I'm doing some rediculous 12 brewery tour.
  • I'm up for some Thursday night shenanigans since I'll probably take Friday off. I know there is some stuff going on but dunno how late that runs.
  • Tomorrow at some point the Tri-wizard drinking tournament sign up comes up. Though I have not seen a ton of interest from people around here.

    Probably more relevant to your interests:
  • Drinks, food, and games sounds pretty interesting.
  • I realized. If we spend an entire month excited for the next PAX every single time, that's two months a year. That's 1/6 of the rest of our lives given to PAX.
  • I realized. If we spend an entire month excited for the next PAX every single time, that's two months a year. That's 1/6 of the rest of our lives given to PAX.
    Yeah...PAX only gets 1 week a year from me.
  • I'm always excited about PAX.
  • Fuck, I'm excited for PAX and I'm not even going.
  • Just got an email UPS notification that my badges will be arriving next week! Woot! I don't recall this happening before. So awesome!
  • So is it getting close to time to set up a G+ huddle/message group thing or something?
  • Too early. It's not even a week prior. Geez.
  • Got my passes in the mail yesterday! Feels weird not getting 3-day passes though...
  • Too early. It's not even a week prior. Geez.
  • You guys are like addicts looking for your next fix.
  • You guys are like addicts looking for your next fix.
    Yes. And?
  • Khoo and A2: Khoo Harder
  • edited August 2012
    He also tweated that it will be his last Khoo and A.

    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • I should enter the yu-gi-oh tournament. I figure if a can of coke can win then me not knowing anything about the game can win.
  • Remember that the coke can only one because it paid the most money for the deck.
  • You have to have good cards though. It doesn't matter what your skill is, you only win with better cards. Or, if you believe the show, fantastic amounts of topdecking.
  • Well, the game mostly comes down to topdecking anyway so it's pretty accurate.
  • Everyone probably noticed already, but Hideo Kojima panel.
  • Remember that the coke can only one because it paid the most money for the deck.
    I don't know how I missed this earlier but when I read it I just imagined a can of Coke strolling in with tophat and dapper mustache throwing hundred dollar bills around.
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