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PAX Prime 2012: Bobcats To The Front Of The Line



  • I dunno, I'm always massively offended that there aren't more lesbians in attendance at these industry conferences. I've tweeted about it, but for some reason it's been completely ineffectual.
    Obviously everyone is welcome. PAX Dev did not sell out. There is some greater reason that they choose not to show up, and it is in no way the fault of PAX.

    I'm going to after PAX. Willing to bet it will be mostly white dudes.
    If you're horribly offended, be sure to make snarky tweets about it.
  • We'er not going to say much, since the penalty for saying too much about PAX Dev is that you will be banned from all future PAXes, Dev or otherwise. Says so right on the badge.
  • (I'm not reading internet tones very well here, or maybe it's just Scott, but I hope you guys know how sarcastic I was being.)
  • (I'm not reading internet tones very well here, or maybe it's just Scott, but I hope you guys know how sarcastic I was being.)
    Totally got that. I thought it was funny. :)

  • PAXstralia!

  • PAX PRIME 2013 4 days, Friday-Monday and next year: PAX AUSTRALIA.

    I need to get a passport.
  • Dammit. I can't even get to Seattle for PAX. How am I supposed to get to Australia?
  • edited August 2012
    Dammit. I can't even get to Seattle for PAX. How am I supposed to get to Australia?
    I'll get back to you on that. Hell of a family trip, if you do.

    I hereby pledge - I will do everything within my power to help out, guide, show around, and otherwise show a good time to ANY FRCF member who wishes to come to PAX Australia, and does so. I'm already working on it. As my word is my bond, so it is.

    I actually got a tweet about this, and I thought people were taking the piss.

    Will also be doing my damnest to become an enforcer for this event.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I'm going to after PAX. Willing to bet it will be mostly white dudes.
    I really want this story to end with Django Con turning out to be full of incredibly attractive nerdy ladies and you be the only guy there.

  • edited August 2012
    Dammit. I can't even get to Seattle for PAX. How am I supposed to get to Australia?
    I'll get back to you on that. Hell of a family trip, if you do.

    I hereby pledge - I will do everything within my power to help out, guide, show around, and otherwise show a good time to ANY FRCF member who wishes to come to PAX Australia, and does so. I'm already working on it. As my word is my bond, so it is.

    I actually got a tweet about this, and I thought people were taking the piss.

    Will also be doing my damnest to become an enforcer for this event.
    Fucking eh! If I make it I can also meet some other Australians there and we can rock out!

    I should cosplay as Chopper!

    Post edited by Coldguy on
  • I might come to one Australia pax. Mostly to meet Churba and see Australia.
  • I might come to one Australia pax. Mostly to meet Churba and see Australia.
    I will meet up with each and every one of you that comes along, and naturally, there will be drinking and food. If I can swing it, I might even throw a barbecue.
  • I have played a silly amount of games today but I am definitely interested in something serious soon.
  • How Negligent of me, I forgot to post something vitally important -

  • edited August 2012
    PAX Australia could be the best thing ever, at least from my perspective.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • edited September 2012
    I should cosplay as Chopper!
    I'm tempted. I have special plans, if I manage to become an enforcer. But if I'm only going as a guest, then I'll have to figure out what to go as. Black Monday blues? The Guy with the blue glasses from Durarara? Nathan Drake? James Dean? Jin or Mugen from Samurai Champloo? Choices, choices.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • You could probably do Jin from Cyberbots/Marvel vs. Capcom, with or without pants.
  • Having gone to a PAX, I am getting the PAX jealousy so bad right now. Damn you all!
  • edited September 2012
    Having gone to a PAX, I am getting the PAX jealousy so bad right now. Damn you all!
    So come to PAX Australia. I'll buy you a beer. TWO even. And I'll let you sleep with lackofcheese, he's very pretty.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Maybe you can help me escape from Churba's sex dungeon.
  • I'm down for some pax australia. Gives me a chance to head to australia. I did a whole lot of wandering around and some drinking. Sorry rym and scott I was a little buzzed when you guys were playing bohnanza. Hope I wasn't being too weird.
  • edited September 2012
    I'm down for some pax australia. Gives me a chance to head to australia. I did a whole lot of wandering around and some drinking. Sorry rym and scott I was a little buzzed when you guys were playing bohnanza. Hope I wasn't being too weird.

    Fuck sorry for double posting. My phone didn't show even my post even after refreshing
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • Maybe you can help me escape from Churba's sex dungeon.
    Bullshit, It's more like a lair than a dungeon.
  • Hey, it's much harder to tell from the inside.
  • edited September 2012
    I already have venues and hotels scoped. Figuring out if I should be sneaky and make some calls in the next few days to figure out where it's going to be before the announcement. Might not be fruitful, and I doubt I'd announce it publically - or privately, loose lips and all - just to be ahead of the game in preparations.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Holy shit, I might just meet some of you people. Didn't think that was ever going to happen.
  • List of things to do in Australia

    1) PAX
    2) Real BBQ
    3) Coral Reef

    Please add to this list.
  • edited September 2012
    List of things to do in Australia

    1) PAX
    2) Real BBQ
    3) Coral Reef

    Please add to this list.
    4) Try Fairy Bread
    5) Try Vegimite
    6) Attend an Austrian Rules Football Game
    7) Smuggle Illegal video games and sell them for mad profit
    8) Make fun of both New Zealand and Tasmania*

    *When vising other countries substitute names here in this triad.
    Post edited by Coldguy on
  • 9) "Put shrimp on the barby".
  • 9) "Put shrimp on the barby".
    I think that's covered by #2
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