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PAX Prime 2012: Bobcats To The Front Of The Line



  • There is a possibility that PAX Down Under will be at the same time as San Diego Comic-Con, which could be at the same time as Connecticon.
  • MAGFest seems sweet. I don't really know that much about it. I also can fly for free so I only really need to worry about lodging and whatever else I want to invest in.
    The good news is that it takes place in a football field of a Hotel and there are other hotels near by in the resort town. The hotel is in no rush of getting sold out anytime so no need to rush on that. Also having cash to pick up convention things/music cds/food/alcohol is a plus as well.
  • There is a possibility that PAX Down Under will be at the same time as San Diego Comic-Con, which could be at the same time as Connecticon.
    Guess you are screwed.
  • I can confirm that the venue capacity for PAX Australia will be equivalent to PAX East.
  • I can confirm that the venue capacity for PAX Australia will be equivalent to PAX East.
    Oh good, you've narrowed down my choices. Thank you, Matt!
  • I'm relatively sure that PAX:AU will be sometime in June or July, and the weekend of July 4th seems a good bet. From what I've pieced together talking with Churba and Yug, it sounds like Brisbane or Sydney. I'm hoping it's Brisbane, that city seems really fun. Gotta start saving now, though.

    Also, sorry if I was quiet and awkward when I was around you guys on Friday. I was coming down with a cold, and ended up spending all of Saturday and Sunday in bed. Fortunately I got better by Monday, and learned some Eclipse from Creamsteak. That game is really fun, but man does it take a long time to play!
  • edited September 2012
    I'm relatively sure that PAX:AU will be sometime in June or July, and the weekend of July 4th seems a good bet. From what I've pieced together talking with Churba and Yug, it sounds like Brisbane or Sydney. I'm hoping it's Brisbane, that city seems really fun. Gotta start saving now, though.

    Also, sorry if I was quiet and awkward when I was around you guys on Friday. I was coming down with a cold, and ended up spending all of Saturday and Sunday in bed. Fortunately I got better by Monday, and learned some Eclipse from Creamsteak. That game is really fun, but man does it take a long time to play!
    If they're smart, that'd be the time - Right now is when there are relatively few conventions on, if any, and frankly Yug knows as a marketer as well as I do - Australians have incredible loyalty to local products over imports, and thus, if they run at the same time as the Supernovae, Then whichever Supernova con is on in or near that city will take a very significant bite out of their attendees.

    If It's Brisbane, it's a split between the Convention Center (Which, coincidentally, is somewhere I used to work, have regularly done events, and know top to bottom like the back of my hand) and the RNA showgrounds, which is a collection of Buildings and Pavilions, but is better set up for concerts and throughput.

    If it's Sydney, it's going to be either Sydney Showground, or the Sydney convention and Exhibition center.

    I honestly hope it's Brisbane too - Oddly, though, not for myself, because fuck it, I'd fly to Sydney or Melbourne or Ayers fucking rock in a Cessna if they were holding PAX:AU there. BUT, if it's in Brisbane, I can help all of you guys out better, show you around better, and generally be of far greater assistance than I would be able to with the more limited resources I have in Sydney. Not to mention, most of my work in hotels, Bars and other such industries have been here, not Sydney, plus I've got that sweet local knowledge.

    Sure, I'm a guy with a personal infrastructure, but that doesn't mean I'm running a Massive operation, I'm more set up to handle myself and maybe a partner or two for travel and smaller projects, not Conventions and Crew. I could handle it here, but less so there.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited September 2012
    I'm torn now. Brisbane for nostalgia sake would be awesome. But I love sydney it's so cool and also I could stay at my cousins house so free lodging.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • I wonder if it really did top the survey results.
  • I wonder if it really did top the survey results.
    Khoo was legitimately surprised that no one guessed the "obvious" choice.
  • I still say they should just do "PAX International", and hold a separate PAX once a year in some foreign country and not just Australia.
  • I don't think I can muster enough time off to do more than one PAX a year regardless of where it is.
  • I still say they should just do "PAX International", and hold a separate PAX once a year in some foreign country and not just Australia.
    Part of PAX is that community feel. If it moves around, it would be more difficult to develop. Not impossible, certainly. Just more difficult.
  • I still say they should just do "PAX International", and hold a separate PAX once a year in some foreign country and not just Australia.
    You mean a different one each time?
  • I wonder if it really did top the survey results.
    Khoo was legitimately surprised that no one guessed the "obvious" choice.
    Yeah it definitely wasn't obvious to me. It's not a stretch, but it wasn't the first country I would have guessed. That would have been England (which by the sound of Mike's stammering during the Q&A, is in the long-term works as well). Is there some sort of west coast thing where Australia is looked at as our "English-speaking across the pond cousin," as we view England on the east coast?

  • Funny thing about Pax Australia is that they were able to choose a place where I'm even less likely to go than any of the US Paxes.
  • If PAXlantis was a floating mobile city, we could have PAX on all seven continents every year.
  • Yes. I meant that.

    A few years in Australia perhaps, then UK, then Germany.

    I think a community could easily be developed in each country. There are already HUGE gaming communities in all the nations I mentioned. It's just PAX will definitely have to cater more to certain gaming aspects. Germany, for instance will definitely need to move more towards LAN and tabletop gaming vs console.
  • edited September 2012
    If PAXlantis was a floating mobile city, we could have PAX on all seven continents every year.
    Better still, I could live in PAXlantis.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • I'm still waiting for tickets to PAX Scott's Basement to go on sale
  • Funny thing about Pax Australia is that they were able to choose a place where I'm even less likely to go than any of the US Paxes.
    It's okay! We'll come to you when there is a PAX Europe! We held out hope, and it paid off - and I'd bet a European PAX isn't far down the list from us!

  • PAX should be hosted on a private island. I would also like Mr. Roarke and Tattoo to greet me when I land.
  • I'm still waiting for tickets to PAX Scott's Basement to go on sale
    First I need a basement.
  • Here are pretty much the only pictures I took at PAX.





  • I loved that panel, so well done. On the PAX twitch live stream the audio is mixed such that you can barely hear the presenter a couple of times when the music crescendos, I am hoping someone can work some audio magic and tone down the music a bit and bring up the spoken audio. In the meantime, this recording allows you to actually hear everything he is saying but it misses the first part.

    PAX stream of this segment of the presentation:
    Watch live video from pax on
  • First actual day back at work since PAX. Is sad day.
  • Apparently the east 2013 onpeak info leaked again, but I wasn't around and it's gone now. I'm curious if it's the same problem as last time, or if an [E] or someone else leaked it.
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