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Minecraft Contest: Tertius (READ FOR UPDATE)



  • edited April 2011
    My snow biome gets rain.

    Update: Correction, apparently it now snows. Which covers up all my work.
    Post edited by Kiey on
  • You cannot. A whitelist is a bouncer at the club door. If you're not on the list, you're not getting in the club.
    Also, why would you want to get in without being whitelisted?
    Sorry, I worded that sentence awkwardly due to my ignorance. What I meant to say was how would I go about getting onto the whitelist so that I can join in on the server?
  • Is there some way to alter the weather in a biome?
  • You cannot. A whitelist is a bouncer at the club door. If you're not on the list, you're not getting in the club.
    Also, why would you want to get in without being whitelisted?
    Sorry, I worded that sentence awkwardly due to my ignorance. What I meant to say was how would I go about getting onto the whitelist so that I can join in on the server?
  • edited April 2011
    Is there some way to alter the weather in a biome?
    I can make it start raining or snowing in the appropriate biome, but the API doesn't allow me to make it rain in a snow biome or vice versa. At least for now.
    Post edited by Jason on
  • Is there some way to alter the weather in a biome?
    I can make in rain or snow where you are, but the API doesn't allow me to make it rain in a snow biome or vice versa. At least for now.
    I just need it to not snow in my city anymore, it covers up all my hard work. Otherwise I guess I'll build a dome.
  • Is there some way to alter the weather in a biome?
    I can make in rain or snow where you are, but the API doesn't allow me to make it rain in a snow biome or vice versa. At least for now.
    I just need it to not snow in my city anymore, it covers up all my hard work. Otherwise I guess I'll build a dome.
    i think the biomes got switched up when the server went down today due to a power outage. I can always try a ghetto-style fix by yanking the plug from the wall and seeing if that changes anything.
  • I think I was technically in a snow biome before, it just rained instead of snowing for some reason (bug?)
  • I think I was technically in a snow biome before, it just rained instead of snowing for some reason (bug?)
    I don't know. I haven't really parsed how weather works yet.
  • I can always try a ghetto-style fix by yanking the plug from the wall and seeing if that changes anything.
    No, please don't do that. The outage screwed up some chunks the first time. No telling what else will happen.
  • I don't know. I haven't really parsed how weather works yet.
    It's all about the biomes - The majority get rain, a small few get snow, and the desert gets none.

    Kiey - Feel your pain, though, Everyfuckingthing out my way is covered in snow, despite not being the right biome for it, I think.
  • To fix the snow issue, either put a roof on it, or place lots of torches. Torches melt snow once the snowing stops.
    Side note: The hole in the top of my mountain, which is in a snow biome, allows for a beautiful column of snow that falls on the top of the mass that will be the castle eventually. It's quite pretty.
  • edited April 2011
    OK, you guys have piqued my interest in this game. I have never played, nor ever even seen it. Think I may have to pick it up this weekend; any advice on starting?
    Post edited by Rym on
  • OK, you guys have peaked my interest in this game. I have never played, never even seen it. Think I may have to pick it up this weekend, any advice on starting?
    Look up How to survive your first night in minecraft on youtube, it will give you the bare minimum you will need to start single player.
  • OK, you guys have peaked my interest in this game. I have never played, never even seen it. Think I may have to pick it up this weekend, any advice on starting?
    Don't try to start grandiose. Begin small. Build up. Use the environment to your advantage.
  • Cool do I need anything to join you guys this weekend? This white list thing I guess is needed?
  • Use the environment to your advantage.
    This. My "Hall of justice" would have been a real bitch to build had I not built it in the side of a mountain, thus being able to take advantage of all that stone.
  • edited April 2011
    You need to be whitelisted by Jason to log in. There is no set time when people are on, although EST afternoon/evenings seem to be pretty popular.

    Also, yes, take advantage of the environment. I wish I was able to find a cavern of acceptable size for my project, but alas, I am forced to carve/blast one myself.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • I wish I was able to find a cavern of acceptable size for my project, but alas, I am forced to carve/blast one myself.
    You should see the caverns I've got. Hit up Miklagard some time and check out my vertical mineshaft.
  • I wish there was a way to have elevators. and spike pits.
  • I wish there was a way to have elevators. and spike pits.
    Pistons should be able to help with the first, and cactus the second.
  • spike pits.
    Are lava pools not enough for you?
  • The cavern, it grows. I'm comfortable saying that the cavern for the castle is about 25% complete. It's turning out to be a much, much larger task than I thought initially. I will say though, it is fun being the most mentioned player in the server auto-notice list weather it be "Malvorich hit bedrock" or "AHHH! JESUS CHRIST! JASON, MAKE HIM STOP!"".
  • Might I request access? Collaborative Minecraft always ends up resulting in something fascinating.

    username flanigan
  • edited May 2011
    I don't think the Wood Vendor/Buyer is working correctly. It keeps saying I don't have enough of the required item in hand and I'm 99.9% sure I'm doing it right. >__>

    Edit: Also the Magenta Vendor sign is no longer there. I SWEAR IT WASN'T ME THIS TIME!
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • spike pits.
    Are lava pools not enough for you?
    Lava pits make light. I like my deathtraps to be surprising and unavoidable without prior knowledge.
  • Can I be whitelisted on the server? My user name is Bawkboomcow. Thanks!
  • So who's making a castle like structure at X: 267 Y: 74 Z:102? I'm only curious because it's awfully close to my area and I have plans for that area. I have a few signs posted so please don't build there. Thanks!
  • People should post screenshots more often.
  • People should post screenshots more often.
    See that requires some extra thinking that I have not thunk.


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