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  • Posted By: RochelleProbably best to respond with "I'm not convinced, but we can run a few simple tests." or not at all.
    This is perfect. It's for science!
  • edited September 2011
    Where are those muppets that are currently the Google Doodle (for Jim Henson's birthday) from?
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • I think they're original. My difficulty is that I can't figure out what they do.
  • The one with the glasses will shake his head and his glasses will pop off. I reckon the rest will do something similar, but I haven't worked them out.
  • If you click on them or the hand icon below them, their head will follow around your mouse cursor, and if you click somewhere on the side their mouth will open. Also, if you have the red monster on the far right selected long enough, he'll eat the tall green one next to him.
  • edited September 2011
    Everybody here seen Major League? Good. If not, you should.
    Anyway. I don't follow baseball very closely, though I have a bizarre enjoyment of baseball in fiction (Major League is one of my favorite movies of all time, and I really enjoy baseball anime and manga). Today, for the very first time, I heard about Gaylord Perry, a pitcher from the 60s, 70s and early 80s who was notorious for throwing spitballs a.k.a. cheating by smearing all sorts of stuff on the ball. Despite that, the guy made it to the baseball Hall of Fame. So I looked the guy up on Wikipedia and the first thought that came to mind when I saw the picture for him on the right hand side was "hey, the guy looks like the spitball pitcher from Major League!". Anybody else thinking that Eddie Harris (that's the name of the character in Major League) was modeled after Gaylord Perry?
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • Where abouts could I find the AMV hells? Or similar vidios. I have a freshers fair for my society coming up next week and my plan was to have a couple of monitors playing some anime clips to draw people in and all that. Any advice would be great.
  • edited September 2011
    The tubes of the you.

    Does anyone else find Michelle Obama very attractive?
    Post edited by KapitänTim on
  • Does anyone else find Michelle Obama very attractive?
    Not very, but mildly. Then again, my gold standard is Catherine Zeta Jones.
  • For me I think it is because she is the first lady..
  • For me I think it is because she is the first lady..
    Attracted to power, then?
  • Well, yes and no. I mean I wouldn't want to get with Nancy Regan while she was first lady. I think the power just makes Obama go from a 5 to an 8.
  • She has very nice arms.
  • edited September 2011
    How do I copy files between two UNIX systems without the use of SCP?
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • How do I copy files between two UNIX systems without the use of SCP?
    FTP, USB sticks, HTTP, netcat, NFS, or a billion other methods.
  • How do I copy files between two UNIX systems without the use of SCP?
    FTP, USB sticks, HTTP, netcat, NFS, or a billion other methods.
  • Oh MAN! Why isn't that available for windows!? IT'S LIKE TRON!!!!
  • How do churches expect to be taken seriously when they do this kind of crap (which just came across my desk)?

    Pets and their families are invited to XXXXCHURCHNAMEXXXX for a Blessing of the Animals service at XXXXTIME&DATEXXXX.
    The service will start with prayer and includes an opportunity for pets to receive individual blessings. It is a celebration of the important place pets hold in the lives of church families.
    The event is open to the public. The owners of pets that do not travel well may bring photos. Children without pets may have stuffed animals blessed. All pets should be on leashes or crated.
    The service will be held rain or shine.
  • It is something that started a long time ago. When most people were farmers....
  • It is something that started a long time ago. When most people were farmers....
    I wouldn't have a problem with it if it were equally balanced by, you know, feeding the hungry or clothing the poor... things Jeebus is actually attributed with commanding his followers to do. Andrew and I were just chatting about this... we can actually respect Christians (batshit crazy though they might be on matters of talking to invisible people) who translate their craziness into benevolence.

    Don't expect respect if you're spending energy on mindless, moronic feel-goodery at your mystic-themed social club (that's what modern American churches are) if you refuse to, I don't know, follow all those things in the bible about "if you have two shirts, give one to the poor." My second-biggest problem with Christianity (the first is lack of evidence) is that Christians fixate on the xenophobic, discriminatory, judgmental, lawyer-y parts of their source text but not the parts that actually demand them to promote social good.

    For that matter, based on the alleged teachings of Jeebus, shouldn't all Christians be Democrats? It says a lot about the religion that it is dominated by the Randian fear and loathing and utter lack of compassion of the right.
  • It is something that started a long time ago. When most people were farmers....
    I wouldn't have a problem with it if it were equally balanced by, you know, feeding the hungry or clothing the poor... things Jeebus is actually attributed with commanding his followers to do. Andrew and I were just chatting about this... we can actually respect Christians (batshit crazy though they might be on matters of talking to invisible people) who translate their craziness into benevolence.

    Don't expect respect if you're spending energy on mindless, moronic feel-goodery at your mystic-themed social club (that's what modern American churches are) if you refuse to, I don't know, follow all those things in the bible about "if you have two shirts, give one to the poor." My second-biggest problem with Christianity (the first is lack of evidence) is that Christians fixate on the xenophobic, discriminatory, judgmental, lawyer-y parts of their source text but not the parts that actually demand them to promote social good.

    For that matter, based on the alleged teachings of Jeebus, shouldn't all Christians be Democrats? It says a lot about the religion that it is dominated by the Randian fear and loathing and utter lack of compassion of the right.
    They do feed and cloth the needy. They do it year round... That is what the majority of collections go to. They do not need to say, "Hey today is give a homeless guy a jacket day!" Because they do that shit all the time. This is a once a year thing that is held onto because of tradition. I mean fuck man, do you even know why it is done? Its the feast of St. Francis. I do not go to church, but I know some shit. I was raised catholic and was forced to study.
  • They do feed and cloth the needy. They do it year round... That is what the majority of collections go to. They do not need to say, "Hey today is give a homeless guy a jacket day!" Because they do that shit all the time. This is a once a year thing that is held onto because of tradition. I mean fuck man, do you even know why it is done? Its the feast of St. Francis. I do not go to church, but I know some shit. I was raised catholic and was forced to study.
    You are saying the majority of collections in Christianity go toward benevolence? I defy you to show evidence for this.
  • One of the other people on the exchange to Japan I went on was once surprised by a shinto ceremony at someone's house to bless their car.
  • Nothing wrong with a "bless your pets" ceremony IMHO. Doesn't hurt anything and doesn't really cost anything. If you're religious, it's about as harmless a thing you can do while being religious.

    As far as whether the majority of collections in Christianity go towards benevolence, it would depend on the particular sect of Christianity. A good chunk of the collections probably does go towards upkeep of the physical facilities (churches, etc.) and salaries of the priests/ministers/etc. However, at least with respect to Catholicism, there is a fair number of Catholic charities that probably do get what's left over.
  • Nothing wrong with a "bless your pets" ceremony IMHO. Doesn't hurt anything and doesn't really cost anything. If you're religious, it's about as harmless a thing you can do while being religious.

    As far as whether the majority of collections in Christianity go towards benevolence, it would depend on the particular sect of Christianity. A good chunk of the collections probably does go towards upkeep of the physical facilities (churches, etc.) and salaries of the priests/ministers/etc. However, at least with respect to Catholicism, there is a fair number of Catholic charities that probably do get what's left over.
    Priests do not take salaries... The money goes to soup kitchens, homeless shelters, youthgroups, schools and the upkeep of the church and rectory. Do you see priests driving BMWs? Heck the rectory does not even have a TV. Most of their meals are when they are invited to someone's house. (I am speaking of course of the "true" church. The Roman Catholic Church.
  • edited September 2011
    (I am speaking of course of the "true" church. The Roman Catholic Church.
    Oh yeah, those guys who molest children. Truly.

    Post edited by Jason on
  • The ones who got caught.....
  • Priests do not take salaries... The money goes to soup kitchens, homeless shelters, youthgroups, schools and the upkeep of the church and rectory. Do you see priests driving BMWs? Heck the rectory does not even have a TV. Most of their meals are when they are invited to someone's house. (I am speaking of course of the "true" church. The Roman Catholic Church.
    Well, by "salary" I mean day to day living expenses that, at least for the average parish priest, isn't extravagant. Maybe "living allowance" would be a better term, but most priests I have met do have a basic (generally older model) car, clothes other than their priestly uniforms, and so on. I'd also be surprised if most priests' meals consist of being invited to someone's house as I doubt they'd get enough meals if this was their only way of eating.
    To be fair, a lot of that was stuff gathered over 2000 years or so and none of it belongs to the Pope himself.
  • To be fair, a lot of that was stuff gathered over 2000 years or so and none of it belongs to the Pope himself.
    That's not fair at all. Jesus says to get rid of all your possessions, and that being rich is evil. If the church needs money, they should sell all their gold and shit before passing around a collection plate.
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