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Random Questions



  • edited September 2011
    Does anyone have any idea what this upcoming X-Men Re:Genesis storyline is about? I understand that they are divided and its basically Cyclops vs Wolverine. But why?
    It's basically that Wolverine takes up Xavier's ideology regarding human and mutant societies (integration), and Cyclops takes up Magneto's (segregation). Since X and Magneto are both depowered and vanished in House of M, it seems to be setting the universe up for their return. Probably using some crazy Grant Morrison logic or some shit.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Days after shave.

    0 - Awesome! No stubble! Baby's butt!
    1 - Minor stubble. A slightly rugged look. Still attractive.
    2 - Rugged stubble. Handsome and gruff
    3 - Scruffy. Not great looking.
    4 - Close to rugged again, but still not looking so good.
    5 - Rugged beard
    6 - Powerful beard
    7 - Neck beard...
    What? I get to rugged stubble THE SAME DAY I SHAVE.
  • edited September 2011
    What? I get to rugged stubble THE SAME DAY I SHAVE.
    Edit - Unless I use my straight razor, in which case, it's the next day.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I'm minor stubble by evening of the first day, and I consider myself to have a slow-growing beard. Rym must have some significant facial hair difficulties.
  • edited September 2011
    WuB, Magneto's still around and being all Magento-y (but less evil) and so is Xavier (I think).

    As for beards, I've got stubble same day unless I shave against the grain (safety razor) but am rather unable to grow a proper beard. I am, however, cursed with extremely thick, dark facial hair and look unshaven immediately following a shave.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • WuB, Magneto's still around and being all Magento-y (but less evil) and so is Xavier (I think).
    I haven't caught up on anything since House of M. Apparently you're correct.
  • I can't grow a decent beard because I'm only half a man, a man-child if you will, but to Wyatt I say this:

  • edited September 2011
    Hours after shave.

    0 - Awesome! No stubble! Baby's butt!
    1 - Minor stubble. A slightly rugged look. Still attractive.
    2 - Rugged stubble. Handsome and gruff
    3 - Scruffy. Not great looking.
    4 - Close to rugged again, but still not looking so good.
    5 - Rugged beard
    6 - Powerful beard
    7 - Neck beard...
    Maybe 5 through 7 are a little off but the others are pretty close to true. I would have to shave twice a day to not look scruffy.
    Post edited by canine224 on
  • edited September 2011
    I'm super blond, so for me it's like;

    0 - Awesome! No stubble! Baby's butt!
    1 - Awesome! No stubble! Baby's butt!
    2 - Awesome! No stubble! Baby's butt!
    3 - Scruffy. Not great looking.
    4 - Scruffy. Not great looking.
    5 - Scruffy. Not great looking.
    6 - Scruffy. Not great looking.
    7 - Neck beard...
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • I'm almost the same way, but I've just about gotten to the point where my face is covered.
  • I don't even bother in favour of mustacheness and chin hairzs. I do, however, have the most powerful sideburns; they may, in fact, be Most Dangerous sideburns. I have shaved my sideburns but once, the very first time I shaved ever, and that was merely to provoke them.
  • Anybody else having problems recognizing your own posts shortly after changing your avatar?
  • I haven't changed my avatar in over a year and I still have trouble recognizing it.
  • Is it weird that Caffeine relaxes me and make me feel normal? I wonder if I'm bipolar or something.
  • edited September 2011
    Is it weird that Caffeine relaxes me and make me feel normal? I wonder if I'm bipolar or something.
    More likely that you have AD(H)D or a related disorder. Bipolar disorders and cyclothymia are usually treated with lithium salts or anticonvulsants; sometimes, klonopin is used for bipolar spectrum disorders, and it is the polar opposite of caffeine in terms of effect.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • More likely that you have AD(H)D or a related disorder.
    I wouldn't doubt it. I do often feel like I have a hard time concentrating, and caffeine sort of clears my head of all fogginess. And I'm not a caffeine addict or anything, I can not take it for weeks at a time if I choose, its just the way it affects me.
  • What is the deal with putting two spaces after a period when typing? I thought it was correct and do it by instinct but now I'm hearing that it is wrong.
  • What is the deal with putting two spaces after a period when typing? I thought it was correct and do it by instinct but now I'm hearing that it is wrong.
    According to the Associated Press Style Guide for 2011, you put only one space after punctuation.
  • edited September 2011
    According to the Associated Press Style Guide for 2011, you put only one space after punctuation.
    Yep, nowdays, single-spacing is pretty much the done thing. Double spacing is a leftover from the days of typewriters, because on many typewriters, a single space didn't leave enough visible space to reliably differentiate between where one sentance finished, and the next began. However, in the age of computers, this isn't as big of a concern, thanks to things like proportional fonts and automatic kerning.

    In reality, neither are strictly correct or incorrect, it's more something that's up to use - for example, if you're submitting something that's required to follow the AP stylebook, then you go with single spacing. If your professor wants your papers double-spaced, then you go with double spacing. If you're not submitting to a specific guideline, then go with whichever of the pair you prefer.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • What is the UNIX command that will output what directory I'm currently in?

    -bash-3.00$ commandidon'tknow
  • edited September 2011
    proportional fonts and automatic kerning
    I think I just got hard. Keep talking dirty, Churbs.
    Post edited by Jason on
  • edited September 2011
    proportional fonts and automatic kerning
    I think I just got hard. Keep talking dirty, Churbs.
    If you call right now, you can listen to me using TeX to adjust spacing after terminal punctuation for you, baby. Ooooh, what a big...headline, I'll need to prepare a new typeface just for you, sugar.
    Calls charged at $2.50 per minute block. Operator may or may not be a professional typesetter, no guarantee expressed or implied.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • proportional fonts and automatic kerning
    I think I just got hard. Keep talking dirty, Churbs.
    If you call right now, you can listen to me using TeX to adjust spacing after terminal punctuation for you, baby. Ooooh, what a big...headline, I'll need to prepare a new typeface just for you, sugar.
    Calls charged at $2.50 per minute block. Operator may or may not be a professional typesetter, no guarantee expressed or implied.
    If I want something really kinky can I listen to use wing-dings? Or is that a different line?
  • If I want something really kinky can I listen to use wing-dings? Or is that a different line?
    Filthy fucking wingdingsexuals. It's unnatural!
  • Where can I get raws for anime shows *cough Madoka Magica cough*?
  • The internet.
  • The same place you get the subs (you just turn them off).
  • No dice, though my subs suck (I don't usually download anime, I watch online without downloading.) Trying a new set of subs, which I needed anyway.
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