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PAX Prime 2012: Bobcats To The Front Of The Line



  • 10) If time allows, take the Lord of the Rings Tour in New Zealand
    11) Bungie Jump off of a REALLY high building
    12) Attempt to make par in the longest golf course
    13) Say hi to the people of New game plus and make fun of the people who live in Sydney with them
    14) Visit Yahzee's bar (either one of them)
  • AmpAmp
    edited September 2012
    9) "Put shrimp on the barby".
    I think that's covered by #2
    There is a whole religion to it that transcends the normal BBQ.

    Edit; Also go see some of the out back.
    Post edited by Amp on
  • It's funny to remember that some people think that Australia and New Zealand are somehow close to each other.
  • edited September 2012
    List of things to do in Australia

    1) PAX
    2) Real BBQ
    3) Coral Reef

    Please add to this list.
    That's actually kinda hard to say, considering the size of the place - For example, if AusPAX is in Melbourne, Traveling to the Closest city to the southernmost part of the Great Barrier Reef (Mackay, pronounced Mack-eye) is actually about 100 miles greater of a trip than going from New York to Florida. If you wanted to head up to Townsville(a better idea) tack on another 200 miles - And that's as the crow flies. Driving, Well, I hope you took a fucking LOT of time off from work.

    We've got 23-and-change million population, spread out over an area the size of the continental United states. Everything is far apart.

    If they have it in Melbourne, for example, and for some mad reason I decided to drive to melbourne from Brisbane, that's a 1700 kilometer drive, 20 hours if I don't stop along the way, and assuming the van doesn't explode and die somewhere in the middle of fucking nowhere, since that's only the most direct route, which crosses a lot of nothing.

    BUT - You can fly, take trains, drive, whatever else, depending. We can cover that when we have a location about how to get to at least some of what you want to do. I advise sticking to major cities, though, because it can get well exxy flying to non-major cities - Brisbane to melbourne? Under a hundred bucks. Brisbane to Townsville? About Three hundred.

    We've got three possible Cities - Melbourne, Brisbane and Sydney - all of which are pretty large in area, and come with different attractions. So keep in mind, until we have a location announcement, all things to do will be general.
    9) "Put shrimp on the barby".
    Don't say this. It'll not endear you to people. Don't attempt the accent unless you're really good at it, either.

    But that said, I do a fucking fine barbecued tiger prawn.
    14) Visit Yahzee's bar (either one of them)
    Melbourne or Brisbane, but Yahtzee is mostly at the Brisbane Mana Bar.
    It's funny to remember that some people think that Australia and New Zealand are somehow close to each other.
    Three to five hour flight, depending on the conditions. Sure as hell isn't a ferry. We're Next-door neighbors, but more in the Rural sense, than the apartment building sense.

    Edit - correction, mixed up my routes.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited September 2012
    Even some people who know geography.

    EDIT @Luke
    Post edited by Greg on
  • 9) "Put shrimp on the barby".
    Don't say this. It'll not endear you to people. Don't attempt the accent unless you're really good at it, either.

    But that said, I do a fucking fine barbecued tiger prawn.

    Oh I fully understand my parents lived in Australia for a couple of years. Thanks to a ton of realvis I'd say I've got the accent down. I am expecting baby arm sized prawns my friend.
  • 9) "Put shrimp on the barby".
    Don't say this. It'll not endear you to people. Don't attempt the accent unless you're really good at it, either.

    But that said, I do a fucking fine barbecued tiger prawn.

    Oh I fully understand my parents lived in Australia for a couple of years. Thanks to a ton of realvis I'd say I've got the accent down. I am expecting baby arm sized prawns my friend.
    We shall see what we can do for you, mate. Also a distinct possibility - Moreton Bay Bugs.
  • 9) "Put shrimp on the barby".
    Don't say this. It'll not endear you to people. Don't attempt the accent unless you're really good at it, either.

    But that said, I do a fucking fine barbecued tiger prawn.

    Oh I fully understand my parents lived in Australia for a couple of years. Thanks to a ton of realvis I'd say I've got the accent down. I am expecting baby arm sized prawns my friend.
    We shall see what we can do for you, mate. Also a distinct possibility - Moreton Bay Bugs.
    I will hold you to that one. I'll bring some stuff over from the UK as a trade.
  • For me the list of things to do in Aus is

    1) Go to a State of Origin game
    2) Realise that England are almost never going to beat the Aussies in a meaningful game of Rugby League
    3) Cling onto the hope that one day maybe, just maybe we will, all the while knowing that it is the hope that kills you
    4) Everything else is way down the list

    As for PAX, I'm tempted to start saving again and try and get to one in 2014. Unless they decide upon PAX London, although I think I would rather go to one of the State ones.
  • Things to do in the land of Koalas:
    1) Not die
  • edited September 2012
    Things to do in the land of Koalas:
    1) Not die
    Yeap, that would be my number one goal.

    Here is the one problem for me going to AU for PAX, if I go to AU, why am I going to go to PAX, I might as well go wandering around AU then spend like 1,200 dollars or something for airfare to do something I can do infinitely cheaper in the states, So I can't really see why one would want to go to a AU PAX from the states, though I would enjoy a group vacation to wander around AU though and fully endorse planning something like that.

    I'll most likely leave PAX AU for that hemisphere/side of the world to take advantage of.
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • We'll have to see what we can see in the way of airfares. Booking ahead of time will make it cheaper, but it really depends on the time of year that they throw the thing - if you're lucky, It'll be the off-peak season, and thus, cheaper.
  • edited September 2012
    What's off peak season in AU? I assume June through September.
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • edited September 2012
    Trying to crack the timing nut is a tricky one. It wouldn't surprise me if it was in Nov/Dec. Yeah that's the holidays, but also don't forget that Australians don't give a rat's ass about Thanksgiving. If Penny Arcade is really trying to give PAX to a new set of people, they likely wouldn't care either.

    Late in the year gives them the most time to plan such a complex event. It also puts it out of the way of major game industry events such as GDC, DICE, E3 all taking place in the first half of the year.
    Post edited by Matt on
  • What's off peak season in AU? I assume June through September.
    Basically during the Winter and spring, yeah. Also, booking tickets about six months or so ahead of time can save you some cash.
    Trying to crack the timing nut is a tricky one. It wouldn't surprise me if it was in Nov/Dec. Yeah that's the holidays, but also don't forget that Australians don't give a rat's ass about Thanksgiving. If Penny Arcade is really trying to give PAX to a new set of people, they likely wouldn't care either.

    Late in the year gives them the most time to plan such a complex event. It also puts it out of the way of major game industry events such as GDC, DICE, E3 all taking place in the first half of the year.
    True, true. If they do, it's gonna be hotter than hell.

  • Seriously guys, the NASA/JPL presentation blew my expectations. At the time it happened I couldn't recall honest, sustained, and incredibly sincere applause like the PAX audience gave to the NASA/JPL guys. However, at the end of the Omegathon a few hours later I experienced & participated in something quite similar. Wow!

    Stepto summed it up quite nicely with this tweet and the associated video:

    Stephen Toulouse
    This? this right here? This is the best few minutes PAX has ever experienced. I'm proud to be a voice cheering here. Watch live video from pax on
  • Still recovering from PAX. Had a blast.
  • What was the omegathon event?
  • It was Trials Evolution. It was intense and the best Omegathon finals I've ever seen.
  • It's the only omegathon that I've been to in my few years of pax but it was one of the craziest competition finales I've ever seen.
  • Still paxin to some of degree... I genuinely enjoyed hanging out with ro, Jeremy, Frank, Rita, rym, Emily, Scott, Conrad, hidef and everybody else again. You guys are great to hang out with. :-P
  • Now that I don't have school and actual monies I'm considering going to east even if just for an excuse to check out some of the east coast
  • Got one more big game out of Seattle but now I am so tired.
  • edited September 2012
    My Castle Crasher's gashapon arrow guy doesn't have an arrow :(
    Got one more big game out of Seattle but now I am so tired.
    I know your feels man. I'm so exhausted.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • Now that I don't have school and actual monies I'm considering going to east even if just for an excuse to check out some of the east coast
  • edited September 2012
    Now that I don't have school and actual monies I'm considering going to east even if just for an excuse to check out some of the east coast
    Yeah, think about this. MAGfest is like PAX lite. It's smaller and cheaper, but still a lot of fun.

    On another note, after looking at airfare I've determined there's pretty much no way I'll ever go to PAX AUS (at least for several years). Holy shit are international flights way more than I thought.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • Yup.

    Does anyone have extra LoL swag from this weekend?
  • I won like five raffles, but no LoL swag.
  • MAGFest seems sweet. I don't really know that much about it. I also can fly for free so I only really need to worry about lodging and whatever else I want to invest in.
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