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Fail of Your Day



  • edited May 2016
    lol basically "theres a lot of space between atoms so we can just ignore mass entirely." Its just more "I heard some physics once so I'm just going to make up a bunch of stuff that kinda sounds like it could go with it."
    Post edited by ninjarabbi on
  • I like how her logic rests on a theory that she doesn't even know the right name for.
  • So my laptop auto updated to windows 10, now my touch pad won't work and god dam Cortana keeps on trying to talk to me.
  • Amp said:

    So my laptop auto updated to windows 10, now my touch pad won't work and god dam Cortana keeps on trying to talk to me.

    You don't have synaptic drivers that came with Win 10 installed or does the laptop use some other type of touchpad driver. Also most drivers can be changed just changing the INI file to include Win10.

    Cortana is completely optional, I had to actually jump through many hoops to enable the voice assistant.
  • Got sucked into a Twitter war with the corporate drone who runs the social media for Syndaver Labs. The University of Florida is masking it's switch from using terminal surgeries to synthetic models (a cost cutting exercise) as saving lives (which is an utter lie as all the shelter patients would be euthanised anyway).

    The additional problem it produces are students who don't know how to do surgeries in real life scenarios, they will end up being like UK graduates who are really bad at surgery for the first year out.

    It makes sense for the medical field to use surgical simulation models as there isn't a mass euthanasia scheme for hobos in the US (yet). Plus medical students don't ever do surgery solo for their entire career while most Veterinary Surgeons will be doing solo surgeries and anaesthesias in their first year.

    Their simulation also removes the whole concept of a patient that really doesn't want to get a premed, anaesthesia, fear around clippers and unusual smells - "so I'm going to bite you". situation. Also every patient has different sized veins, different thickness skin, scars from previous scars etc. It also seems to remove the concept of a patient having hair (which is pretty important with dogs and cats) and breed differences for intubating.

  • sK0pe said:

    You don't have synaptic drivers that came with Win 10 installed or does the laptop use some other type of touchpad driver. Also most drivers can be changed just changing the INI file to include Win10.

    Cortana is completely optional, I had to actually jump through many hoops to enable the voice assistant.
    It was the synaptic driver, an easy task for normal people but not for a Luddite. I do live alone at the moment so its nice to hear a voice.
  • edited June 2016
    Post edited by Daikun on
  • edited June 2016
    My company's ITS Telecommunications Department just called me up:
    Rep.: Please send me a diagram or description of the available ports on your three switches.
    Me: I'll send you a photo.
    Rep.: Oh, that's a really good idea! I should have asked the other offices to just send photos.
    Me: Yeah...
    Phone call I just had with my IT Department:
    Me: The file sharing software is malfunctioning for the entire office.
    Rep: The whole company has been having a problem for a week. We are working on it, but it will be a few days.
    Me: No alerts went out us, and our clients need to send us documents that we need today. What is the alternative? Can you give us temporary access to Dropbox or something?
    Rep: No. That is not a secure.
    Me: Okay, so how can they get us the documents today?
    Rep: Email?
    Me: No, it is over 2,000 pages.
    Rep: Save it to a flashdrive and overnight it?
    Me: That would get it here tomorrow. We need it today. What alternate file sharing program may we use?
    Rep: None.
    Me: May I speak to someone who can give me temporary access to another program?
    Rep: No one can.
    Me: Okay, I will just have the client send them to my personal email via Dropbox and then burn it to disk. I am transferring you to the Managing Attorney to explain why we weren't informed of this issue sooner and why his senior paralegal and office administrator has to go home for an hour to retrieve documents from a client instead of taking 15 minutes to get temporary access to another file sharing program.
    Rep: Umm..
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • IT shenanigans

  • I was just about to link this.
  • My girlfriend's sister just had her second miscarriage in two years; this one at 38 weeks.
  • I don't even know what to say about this really...

    A Trump Rally in Greensboro "Anger in here is palpable"
  • "Leave" is currently leading Brexit referendum results.
  • I wouldn't equate colonial Britain and the EU, but I will mock the British for the similarities anyway.
  • So everything's fucked, particularly the UK. Awesome.
  • What a disaster of a result. :(
  • David Cameron is out. SHIT!!!!!!!!
  • I really didn't think it would actually happen. While this doesn't really affect me directly, it kind of feels like this is the alternate timeline to the prime timeline where people say wouldn't it be weird if X happened except it actually happened.
  • Dazzle369 said:

    David Cameron is out. SHIT!!!!!!!!

    You know things are bad when you don't want that to happen. I mean chirst who would step in instead? Its Blair and Brown all over again.
  • I thought you people hated Cameron.
  • edited June 2016
    ... Oh already said ^_^*
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • I thought you people hated Cameron.

    We do. But if you see the alternatives....

    I have never voted Conservative, yet I still prefer Cameron over any UKip or over Conservative MP.

    I'd rather the government just be handed over to the Labour government. Maybe Labour and form a coalition with the Green party.

    These aren't the options we're presented with. We don't have the option to elect his replacement.
  • Well we saw Corbyn do a great job during the referendum. Very vocal...part of big he did vote. Labour is just as divided and screwed up as the Conservatives, the Greens are getting back on track a bit more but thats a while away. We do not have a good political landscape atm.
  • I'd actually give Corbyn a lot more support, but his party is relentlessly stabbing him in the back. That party needs to get it's act together. Fast.
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