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Fail of Your Day



  • Ruffas said:

    So, this shit is literally my job.

    Do you know if, in addition to the oft mentioned bad effects of raw milk, it also make farts smell worse? I knew a guy that got real into "natural" things, and there were definite spikes in his odor after that.
    In general, raw foods are harder to digest than cooked or otherwise processed versions of that food. When a food is hard to digest, the result is frequently much worse gas.

  • My father has a quote that seems relevant here:

    "You can't logic someone out of a position they didn't logic themselves into "
  • All you can do is wait for him to get salmonella.
  • All you can do is wait for him to get salmonella.

    Or take him to Chipotle.
  • When I see salmonella written out it kinda looks like name of a Pokemon.
  • The problem with working security is you'll get these industry periodicals with all kinds of wiz military toys available to law enforcement and I CAN'T HAVE ANY OF IT!
  • Well there should be a lot of civilian equivalents at least. If you're not just talking about guns, I'm sure you could find a lot of it if you looked around, but whether or not you could carry it for your job is another thing. Like 37mm/40mm riot rounds and stuff could be had if you DD'd a launcher. I know a lot of places won't sell to civilians even if its legal but I would think there would be some security personnel exceptions.
  • I'm so bad at taking code interviews, I make myself look like a first year student.
    Had a automated code interview at home for a small software developer. I only got 1/5 of the questions where at least 2 / 5 of the questions were required in the period given.

    I failed so bad because as soon as the timer went off I looked at the first question again and realised I could have written an alternative solution that ran in linear time in under 4 minutes (I simulated when I should have used an algorithm).

    If I used the latter approach and drew it on a piece of paper, plus read the other questions (like I normally do in coding competitions), I think I could have got 4 questions in the same time.

    I think part of my stupidity is brought on by the irrational "if I optimally solve this problem in a short period, I get a job" pressure rather than just solving the problem.

    I think I'll just sit all the others with the perspective that it's just a coding competition and I don't care if I win or not but I get to solve some problems. This was usually my attitude when I sat interviews as a Vet because I had done so many of them and I was confident in my knowledge of medicine and surgery. I also knew what to expect and what was being looked for at each practice or hospital. Plus I literally didn't give a shit if I got the job or not because I was choosing where I wanted to work. The closest parallel I could make to a code interview was working for a day at the clinic, where all I had to do was make a good impression with the staff while doing some easy surgery and procedures.

    I guess I get more practice at code interviews now lol.
  • Tried to unblock the drain, no luck so I got covered in literal shit for nothing. The only upside is that the drain is not fully blocked but there is an obstruction. So now to call a plumber yay.
  • Look at this bullshit image
  • I think that's the first time I've seen Badoo referred to in any context outside of super sketchy ads for "Sign up and FUCK TONIGHT" sites, which proclaim themselves "Better than Badoo!"
  • The venue I was going to play at on June 2nd has cancelled the show (all eight artists, not just me).
  • Roxxy TvH, 4/??/2001-4/10/2016

  • =(

    A life well lived.
  • Adios, Rox, master of naps. A good dog till the end.
  • It's a sad day when a boy loses his dog.
  • edited April 2016
    Post edited by ThatGent on
  • :-( Sorry, Greg.
  • edited April 2016

    I am the Website & Social Media Director of a local Paralegal Association. I spent weeks researching and developing a new feature at the request of another Board Member. I then explained how it would work to her personally. At the last Board Meeting, which she attended, I explained it to everyone - including how it would be rolled out to members and that members would have to self-subscribe to it. The new feature went live yesterday, and I sent an email to all members explaining how to access it, how to subscribe for email updates concerning it, and how to control the frequency with which they receive said email updates.

    The Board Member who requested this feature then proceeds to send me multiple emails stating that she didn't like how it was set up, that she thought everyone should have been automatically subscribed, that she had given out incorrect information about this process to others involved, etc. I also found out that she complained to other Board Members about this process. Thankfully, they all responded that it was exactly as it was described in the Board Meeting.

    Anyway, F that B.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • My friend was looking for someone to help fix his laptop, and he sent me this website of a local guy who does that sort of stuff.

    I died. His website literally killed me.
  • UncleUlty said:

    My friend was looking for someone to help fix his laptop, and he sent me this website of a local guy who does that sort of stuff.

    I died. His website literally killed me.

    Mmmm that's the good shit.
  • edited April 2016
    UncleUlty said:
    "Copyright 2004." More like 1998.

    Also, a random weather app at the bottom. lolwut

    EDIT: Oh god, the ad...
    Post edited by Daikun on
  • Maybe it's a Ling's Cars type scenario?
  • Oh god the video
  • edited April 2016
    I think the worst part is that he's offering to make websites for other people.

    Edit: Actually this is the worst part image

    And he sells playboys on ebay image
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • Oh hit counters, how I love thee.
  • PayPal holds a gender equality panel. An all-male one.
  • Daikun said:

    PayPal holds a gender equality panel. An all-male one.

    Well, all of them were equally male.
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