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Fail of Your Day



  • Daikun said:

    PayPal holds a gender equality panel. An all-male one.

  • Lost my passport.
  • edited May 2016
    Had an inlaw use my daughters picture used in a way I did not approve of (a picture of her holding a Democratic ballot with the words "This is how you screw up your child") and the Moron couldn't figure out why I was super pissed he put it publicly on his facebook and reacted stupidly to my efforts to get him to take it down. Now he's being disowned by his parents and such... *sigh*
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • I suspect that was, sadly, a long time coming.
  • Kinda fucked that he would use a picture of your child when it's trivial to find a stock photo somewhere. But like Rym said, probably a long time coming.
  • I would burn that bridge so fast.
  • Cremlian said:

    Now he's being disowned by his parents and such... *sigh*

    That seems like an overreaction. He shouldn't have done it and you should do everything in your power to take it down, but disowning over an image on Facebook? Seems petty.
  • well if that was the first straw you'd be correct, but it turns out this was a proxy fight that I was just friendly fire in on my wife's family side. So it was more of the straw that broke a camels back than a first offense.
  • Greg said:

    Cremlian said:

    Now he's being disowned by his parents and such... *sigh*

    That seems like an overreaction. He shouldn't have done it and you should do everything in your power to take it down, but disowning over an image on Facebook? Seems petty.
    Well, the image on the Facebook isn't really the thing - it's the attitude that lies behind it and the refusal to respect Scott's wishes.

    You are indeed free to use your speech how you will. People are free to react to it how they will. And when in the course of using said speech you reveal yourself to be an incredibly disrespectful turd, people are going to remove you from their lives.

  • If someone posted a picture of my hypothetical kid publicly and without my permission, regardless of context, I would probably come down on them like the wrath of an angry god.
  • edited May 2016
    Yea, he kept making excuses like I had the picture publicly shared (I didn't) and that I should have private messaged him my take down notice instead of the comment I made which just said "Please take this picture down, this is not an appropriate use of my picture (of my daughter)". He then attacked his cousin that also asked him and wrote online "Some people don't know how the internet works in 2016" and 5 hours later I decided he wasn't going to take it down and unleashed the sworn of my friends list upon his public post... (guy doesn't think I understand how the internet works but he leaves his conspiracy bullshit for potential employers to see?)

    Then he shifted his excuse to say that he was at dinner but he clearly was responding to the comments. (again guess he doesn't know how to use the internet) Then he said that the black box over the head was sufficient while he left several other identifying pieces in the picture such as the town it was taken in. He also couldn't comprehend why I'd be insulted on a personal and family level.

    Finally he started getting to his real problem which was he thought his "Family" had abandoned him. Can't imagine why.

    A big old internet train wreck.
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • Still seems petty to me but then I'm only friends with four members of my extended family on FB so maybe I just don't know what you're talking about.
  • I'm not facebook friends with any immediate or extended family and honestly it's pretty great.
  • Luckily no one on my Dad's side is stupid and my Mom's side is all in Australia and don't really use Facebook much anyway.
  • Cremlian said:

    Yea, he kept making excuses like I had the picture publicly shared (I didn't) and that I should have private messaged him my take down notice instead of the comment I made which just said "Please take this picture down, this is not an appropriate use of my picture (of my daughter)". He then attacked his cousin that also asked him and wrote online "Some people don't know how the internet works in 2016" and 5 hours later I decided he wasn't going to take it down and unleashed the sworn of my friends list upon his public post... (guy doesn't think I understand how the internet works but he leaves his conspiracy bullshit for potential employers to see?)

    Then he shifted his excuse to say that he was at dinner but he clearly was responding to the comments. (again guess he doesn't know how to use the internet) Then he said that the black box over the head was sufficient while he left several other identifying pieces in the picture such as the town it was taken in. He also couldn't comprehend why I'd be insulted on a personal and family level.

    Finally he started getting to his real problem which was he thought his "Family" had abandoned him. Can't imagine why.

    A big old internet train wreck.

    The only, tiny silver lining to all of that was the unleashed fury of the friends buried him. Sad it didn't change him, but you know you have loyal people there for your family.
  • edited May 2016
    Didn't Putin do the same in Russia? What a copycat.
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • Today someone explained to me that because they did a 'creative writing' degree they can understand a tolerate the prequels as good films. I don't know what to say. They literally were arguing that because they did that they could understand the deeper nuances of shit. They though the story to star wars battle front was good.
  • Amp said:

    Today someone explained to me that because they did a 'creative writing' degree they can understand a tolerate the prequels as good films. I don't know what to say. They literally were arguing that because they did that they could understand the deeper nuances of shit. They though the story to star wars battle front was good.

    Can't teach taste.
  • I'm reminded of an old adage to never trust actors' opinions on theatre - despite performing in it professionally, they often have terrible taste.
  • Amp said:

    Today someone explained to me that because they did a 'creative writing' degree they can understand a tolerate the prequels as good films. I don't know what to say. They literally were arguing that because they did that they could understand the deeper nuances of shit. They though the story to star wars battle front was good.

    Speaking as someone with a degree in the Cinema and Television Arts, those movies were crap that only got the accolades they did when they came out because they blew everyone away with the new high bar of technological achievement in VFX set by Industrial Light and Magic at the time which, as time passed and the bar was set ever higher and higher by other films, had less of a "wow" effect to the point where we can now look past the spectacle and see the prequels for what they are: a mess of bad writing by an only decent director.

    And you can tell your friend I said that.
  • Amp said:

    Today someone explained to me that because they did a 'creative writing' degree they can understand a tolerate the prequels as good films. I don't know what to say. They literally were arguing that because they did that they could understand the deeper nuances of shit. They though the story to star wars battle front was good.

    Having a degree does not make an opinion any more valid. If he can't back up his claims with evidence from the film, his argument is null regardless of accolades.
  • The purpose of a degree is to get a more prestigious job, not validate someone's opinion.
  • edited May 2016
    Vonnegut said:

    I learned the joke at the core of American self-improvement: knowledge was so much junk to be processed one way or another at great universities. The real treasure the great universities offered was a lifelong membership in a respected artificial extended family.

    Post edited by okeefe on
  • edited May 2016
    Daikun said:

    The purpose of a degree is to get a more prestigious job, not validate someone's opinion.

    The degree also let's people know that, by virtue of you earning it, you may be speaking from a higher level of insight, knowledge, and experience. It's a convenient shorthand that can work in the place of explaining to people everything you know about a subject or set of subjects. For example, I can tell you about the history of sound in cinema, the history of radio, the principles of mechanical television, how ratings work, how tv or film scripts are formatted, what members of a production are above or below the line... or I can tell you that I got my bachelors in the Cinema and Television Arts.

    In this way, the credential can validate an opinion. Though, if you have doubts, testing it should always be an option.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • That is my rub, I have yet to encounter a person with a creative writing degree that is not inept and writing and has a shocking limited library. Its a shame I love the idea but I don't think it works in practice, you can not teach creativity.

    This is also the same person that wore cat headphones to a training day where we met out boss. Bright blue ones. I mean out side of this stuff shes ok but every now and again she goes full '07 internet.
  • edited May 2016
    The following is a slight dramatization of actual events.


    Peter: "Uh, why did you send us an isolate lacking a critical gene marker for our PT?"

    FDA Person: "Wait, what? We did what?"

    P: " sent us a bug that doesn't hit on our tests."

    F: "We did?"

    P: "...Don't you keep track of what you send us?"

    F: "I mean, I don't know what the hell I've got in this freezer. I just inherited these isolates from the previous PI. Grabbed an old vial we hadn't used in a while. Figured it'd be OK. I mean, it was labeled Salmonella"


    F: "Hello?"

    P: "Oh, sorry, I just fucking literally died of proxy embarrassment for a second."

    Other FDA Person: "Well, sometimes, you just have a hunch about a sample, y'know? Like it just feels like you should do something with it, y'know? So you should have known."

    P: "Oh, OK, I guess I'll just go write 'run the tests or follow your heart' in my fucking SOP's, and then maybe we'll make that ISO-certified divination pendulum."


    Now if you'll excuse me, I need to erase this conversation from my brain. With gin.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • My failure today was thinking I could outrun a car going crossways at an intersection (and they had the light) on the work bike. Last second I remembered my rule (don't challenge anything with three orders of magnitude of mass on you) and put on both brakes. Damn was my heart pounding thinking I was gonna eat pavement.
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