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Fail of Your Day



  • Apparently adults had a problem with these problems?

  • Spatial reasoning isn't everyone's strong suit and that's okay.
  • edited June 2016
    Yeah, Mind Your Decisions is my go to source for math problems with stories that make me feel smarter than I probably am. I think it's some sort of clickbait.
    Post edited by GreyHuge on
  • edited June 2016
    Rym said:

    Apparently adults had a problem with these problems?

    I admit I was confused for a second as well. Then I realized that I was looking for the perimeter and not the area. I am sure a lot of these parents made the same mistake as solving for area would indeed be impossible the way the shapes were labeled, but were too stupid consider the problem might be with their understanding of the question than with the question itself.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • edited June 2016
    While we all have moments of childishness and immaturity, I am losing patience with whiny, ineffectual, self-centered, lazy, rude, unrestrained, argumentative, and irresponsible adults. I just want to scream "Grow up!" and "It's not cute or endearing anymore. It's just pathetic and obnoxious!" at these overgrown toddlers. However, I restrain myself and just work around them.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • PBS Game/Show has ended.

    Man, what a bummer. I really liked that show.
  • Got rejected from a job, I though I crushed the interview too so it kind of stings.
  • Jordan O. said:

    Got rejected from a job, I though I crushed the interview too so it kind of stings.

    Same bro.
  • "AMERICAN" themed bars in Ireland are as fake as "Irish" bars in America. Also Ireland need to up their beer game. WFT!?!?
  • edited July 2016
    I don't think I could make an authentic American Bar in America.
    Post edited by SWATrous on
  • Wyatt said:

    "AMERICAN" themed bars in Ireland are as fake as "Irish" bars in America. Also Ireland need to up their beer game. WFT!?!?

    Did you expect something different?
  • My cat has been vomitting the last two days. Vet may think it's either pancreatitis or she ate something not food like a bag/string. Tests are being done. I'm hoping everything will be ok.
  • Apparently Queensland just elected Pauline Hanson to the Australian Senate.
  • Apparently Queensland just elected Pauline Hanson to the Australian Senate.

    I thought someone was pranking me on social media.
    I saw one banner in the entirety of WA, I thought it was a joke as no one even showed up from the One Nation Party to my polling place (the people here are mostly hostile to the halfwits).
  • Broke a plate last night and a fair old crack of it went into my leg. Its one of those small but deep cuts and won't stop bleeding. Its bloody annoying.
  • Cat has pancreatitis. Have to admit her for 24 hour observation. :(
  • Rochelle said:

    Cat has pancreatitis. Have to admit her for 24 hour observation. :(

    That is quite unfortunate and quite unusual from my experience. I never treated or diagnosed feline pancreatitis (more than I can remember with canine patients) and one of my former colleagues had a ferret with it.

    I can only imagine it relating to another systemic disease such as diabetes or a follow up to poisoning.
  • Wyatt said:

    "AMERICAN" themed bars in Ireland are as fake as "Irish" bars in America. Also Ireland need to up their beer game. WFT!?!?

    The truth of beer is that America makes literally the best beer on the planet. There is actually no reason to drink any beer from any other country.

  • Yeah, it's been really stressful this weekend. We had to cancel our party on Sunday. She seems better, but not 100%. Still on pain and nausea medication, but she hasn't vomited since Sunday, so that's good. Her appetite seems to be back, but she's very picky now. We have her on special/bland canned food, but when I tried to give her her favorite hard treats, she puts it in her mouth then spits it out. It's like she doesn't want dry food anymore. I had to force feed her most of Sunday.

    We'll see how it goes. I did read that it could be diabetes related, but tests came back all normal. I wonder if she ate something bad when I let her out on the balcony. Birds tend to leave their poop on it and other assorted things.

  • We had to take a little time off work/leave early to give Theo his medicine last week and get him pooping again. But he seems to be pretty well on the way to recovery now.
  • This is pretty much the closest to real parenting I ever want to get to. I was so happy when she started eating on her own. I teared up a bit.
  • wow, that police shooting in LA is..... really bad. That video is crazy.
  • Better than guns? >.>
  • Rochelle said:

    Yeah, it's been really stressful this weekend. We had to cancel our party on Sunday. She seems better, but not 100%. Still on pain and nausea medication, but she hasn't vomited since Sunday, so that's good. Her appetite seems to be back, but she's very picky now. We have her on special/bland canned food, but when I tried to give her her favorite hard treats, she puts it in her mouth then spits it out. It's like she doesn't want dry food anymore. I had to force feed her most of Sunday.

    We'll see how it goes. I did read that it could be diabetes related, but tests came back all normal. I wonder if she ate something bad when I let her out on the balcony. Birds tend to leave their poop on it and other assorted things.

    The only other thing I can think of is blunt force trauma to that region (some strangers may kick a cat or dog in the abdomen) and this presents as an emergency. Not sure if your cat goes outside much.
    Most all cats I've encountered don't eat poop of any kind, I would put it in the unlikely category.

    Anyway yeah, not eating is a direct symptom of the nausea and generalised abdominal pain. It's going to take time, petting, antibiotics and bland food, hopefully not too much long term dysfunction to the pancreas.
  • edited July 2016

    11 officers and one civilian shot at a BLM protest in Dallas, five confirmed dead. Several suspected marksmen are now in custody.
    Post edited by Jack Draigo on
  • If the police had guns, they would be able to protect themselves from snipers?
  • edited July 2016

    If the police had guns, they would be able to protect themselves from snipers?


    That was a "hah" of laughter, not derision.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • If the police had guns, they would be able to protect themselves from snipers?

    Rifle beats pistol.
  • Rifle beats pistol.
    Exactly. Obviously the solution is to outfit every single officer with a sniper rifle. Or go one step further and outfit each of them with their own personal sniper. I'm sure we can find the budget for it; we'll just take it from Medicare and Food Stamp programs.

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