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Rocket League



  • Good god.

    Beach Ball - A huge, slow, lightweight ball with a lot of bounce
    Cubic - Cube shaped ball and recharging boost
    Demolition - Demolish opponents on contact in a high gravity matchup
    Moonball - Low gravity action with a whole lot of boost
    Pinball - The ball is small, light, fast and bouncy… and a lot to handle
    Time Warp - Slow down the action as you get close to the ball

    Custom Options
    Match Length - 5, 10, 20 Minutes, and Unlimited
    Max Score - Unlimited, 1 Goal, 3 Goals, 5 Goals
    Game Speed - Default, Slo-Mo, Time Warp
    Ball Max Speed - Default, Slow, Fast, Super Fast
    Ball Type - Default, Cube
    Ball Weight - Default, Light, Heavy, Super Light
    Ball Size- Default, Small, Large, Gigantic
    Ball Bounciness- Default, Low, High, Super High
    Boost Amount - Default, Unlimited, Recharge (Slow), Recharge (Fast), No Boost
    Boost Strength - 1x, 1.5x, 2x, 10x
    Gravity - Default, Low, High, Super High
    Demolish - Default, Disabled, Friendly Fire, On Contact, On Contact (FF)
    Respawn Time - 3 Seconds, 2 Seconds, 1 Second
  • Fox only, no items, final destination.
  • My specialty.

    Cube is difficult and weird. It's like trying to dribble a football. I didn't like it too much after two consecutive games of it.

    Beach ball is slow and weirdly nerve-wracking.
  • Well, one video to keep in mind for Rocket League now:
  • I'm actually not into the crazy variants. I played a few last night, and they really just weren't fun. When we got the time warp one, half the players left the game immediately. I wondered why, then I played for a few seconds and also left.

    The worst part is that even less people are playing in the ranked modes because they are in the silly mode.
  • Apreche said:

    The worst part is that even less people are playing in the ranked modes because they are in the silly mode.

    CS1.6 had that problem when kid started playing the "Warcraft" mod that made the game stupid. It constituted a huge percentage of the public servers for a while, and drove a lot of people away from the game entirely.

    Tribes 2 - same deal. Shitty "mods" and alternate game modes crept into the public space, crowding out the real modes while simultaneously being pretty bad.

  • I'm not sure RL will go the same way - I think it's more likely people will mess with it for a while, but drift back to the usual ranked modes once they've had their fill, and people who prefer unranked will play with mutuators for fun. It's only new yet, give it a little bit.
  • I really enjoy the warp one for casual games. You can see all your mistakes, and just how lucky you are.
  • Andrew said:

    Fox only, no items, final destination.

    I beat Fox with Little Mac regularly.
  • Churba said:

    I'm not sure RL will go the same way - I think it's more likely people will mess with it for a while, but drift back to the usual ranked modes once they've had their fill, and people who prefer unranked will play with mutuators for fun. It's only new yet, give it a little bit.

    Or go back to not playing it.
  • Andrew said:

    Fox only, no items, final destination.

    I beat Fox with Little Mac regularly.
    Ultimate For Glory strategy: play Little Mac and throttle your internet. Fists everywhere and no way to react.
  • The awful matchmaking is really starting to make this game not fun anymore. Every single game there is someone on one of the teams who is just better than everyone else. Sometimes it's me! Sometimes it's someone on the other team. Sometimes it's someone else on my team. No matter who it is, it results in a very not-fun game.

    That one person ends up scoring a ton of goals. Everyone else may as well not be there. It's even worse when people don't forfeit and you have to wait for the match to end to play another, hopefully (but not likely) good game.

    The matchmaking system says "it will take up to X minutes to consider players of all skill levels." This implies that if it has a hard time pairing you up for a match it's going to eventually create a match with whoever is available, regardless of skill.

    That is a huge fucking problem. I would rather not play than play with anyone significantly more or less skilled than I am. I'll wait 5, 10, 15 minutes for 6 players to be available. I don't give a fuck. Better to play one fun match than 20 painful ones.

    A week or two ago I was having a lot of good close games. This weekend over 90% of the games I've played have been extremely lopsided contests.

    I think for the foreseeable future, my video game time is going to be spent either not playing video games, or on single player games. Despite there being more video games now than have ever existed, there isn't even one online multiplayer video game in the entire world for me to play.
  • I played some today and gave the mutators a shot. They're kinda neat but some of them are a bit too much.
  • Mutators were cute for 5 minutes. Then I was done.
  • Rocket League cannot sustain the middle tier. It's going to be like every other esport: there will be one professional tier, one contender tier, and no one else.
  • Apreche said:

    I think for the foreseeable future, my video game time is going to be spent either not playing video games, or on single player games. Despite there being more video games now than have ever existed, there isn't even one online multiplayer video game in the entire world for me to play.

    Welcome to my neck of the woods. Been here for years and it's great.
  • There's always the wide world of online board games.

    I put about 2 hours into Rocket League and will likely only put a few more in at most.
  • Matt said:

    There's always the wide world of online board games.

    I put about 2 hours into Rocket League and will likely only put a few more in at most.

    Which ones have a decent user interface and have serious opponents who take their goddamn turn?
  • iOS Carcassonne matches. Get that ELO up.
  • Matt said:

    iOS Carcassonne matches. Get that ELO up.

  • There is Overwatch coming soon.
  • edited November 2015
    Matt said:

    There is Overwatch coming soon.

    Barf. I can play TF2 anytime I want.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • The game looks potentially different enough from TF2. I haven't played it personally since I didn't get into the beta. But I'm somewhat interested. However I heavily disliked TF2 so who knows.
  • Maybe just give up
  • MATATAT said:

    The game looks potentially different enough from TF2. I haven't played it personally since I didn't get into the beta. But I'm somewhat interested. However I heavily disliked TF2 so who knows.

    You're definitely going to hate Overwatch then.
  • Apparently the server tick rate is set to 20 as a "stylistic choice".
  • Well Pkerr2 & I got it on steam & ps4, and are still mega noob, but feel free to party up sometime.
  • edited December 2015
    Hockey mode is out.

    It's... strange.
    Post edited by Starfox on
  • Hockey is perfect for people who don't aerial well. I like it, and so do my buds who are landlubbers. But those who are all about getting awesome aerials are lamenting the loss of mutators and going back to regular mode.
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