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Rocket League



  • Hockey is pretty weird. Simplifies the game a bit too much. There aren't a whole lot of dynamics to the puck since it wants to try and stick to the ground. Thus wall driving becomes a bit more imperative and flying still helps a lot but rarely gets used.
  • The physics of the puck is a little world. The thing loves sticking to the walls which is a problem if you try to clear it past the goal since it will instantly fall into the goal.

    also i seem to be spending alot of time smacking it around on the walls instead of flat ground. =)
  • Yeah it's got some pretty strong surface tension or something. Sliding along the wall -> Crosses the goal -> Insta-score.
  • Banta said:
    Sounds promising! But all I care about is that I get matched up in exciting games where nobody on either team is significantly better or worse than anyone else in the match.
  • Not having immediate demotions would be nice. There were a lot of times when I end up riding on the edge of a rank because I keep getting crap teams in the new rank.
  • More than anything I want a cool down for quitting a match, say 10 minutes. We all have had to quit a match because someone was at the door, but I am tired of people match surfing because they only want a win, and sticking everyone else with losses they did not earn.
  • Belliger said:

    More than anything I want a cool down for quitting a match, say 10 minutes. We all have had to quit a match because someone was at the door, but I am tired of people match surfing because they only want a win, and sticking everyone else with losses they did not earn.

    I'm pretty sure that already exists, and the timer is 15 minutes.
  • If you don't want people to quit games early, there is only one way. Take into account more than winning and losing into ranking adjustments.

    If winning and losing is all that matters, and I have already lost a game, why should I continue playing? If I have already won a game, I consider it a hindrance for the opposing team to force me to continue playing. If you can not win, conceding is the polite thing to do for your teammates as well as your opponents.

    If the game you are playing no longer matters. The best thing to do is end it to start a new, meaningful, game as soon as possible.

    e.g: Hearthstone letting people officially concede. Doing it right.
    e.g: Tennis. Ending the game immediately as soon as it is over, so you are never playing in garbage time.
    bad e.g: Football. Forcing people to dick around, kill the clock, take a knee, etc. Sometimes even requiring people to play entire quarters or halves of games, risking serious injury, when the outcome is already determined.
  • I've been in quite a few games where my team was down by three with less than 30 seconds to go to my team winning in overtime. If I'm not mistaken, you would say that we had "lost" by the 30 second mark (at the latest) and should have quit.

    I've also been in games where my team was up by 4 points in the first minute, but we ended up losing by 2 points.

    I agree that absolute pastings should be ended early, but how would you determine when that point is reached? How would an early ending impact a player's MMR; would it lower the number of points won or lost?
  • Banta said:

    I've been in quite a few games where my team was down by three with less than 30 seconds to go to my team winning in overtime. If I'm not mistaken, you would say that we had "lost" by the 30 second mark (at the latest) and should have quit.

    I've also been in games where my team was up by 4 points in the first minute, but we ended up losing by 2 points.

    I agree that absolute pastings should be ended early, but how would you determine when that point is reached? How would an early ending impact a player's MMR; would it lower the number of points won or lost?

    You can tell. Sometimes you are better than the other team, and the ball just didn't bounce your way. Sometimes you are outmatched. Only having actually played a bit will let you know.

    Also, if your team doesn't have the will to win, a comeback is definitely not going to happen. If someone wants to quit, then it's over.

    Points won and lost should not relate to the result of the match, but to individual performance metrics. If this were the case, players would continue to play matches, even if they were losing by a ton. Their own scores would be unaffected, even by stupid teammates making own-goals.
  • edited January 2016
    I discovered I've been rocket hitting it wrong all this time.

    For max power, don't flip into it with your roof, like this:
    Apparently gfycats won't embed.

    Hit it with your bumper, like this (dodging as you hit it still gives you more power):
    Still can't embed.

    Sauce. There's other good info in there, as well.
    Post edited by Starfox on
  • Take it with a grain of salt, though - /r/RocketLeauge has a tendency to convince themselves of whatever the latest fad theory that will make them get-gud-quick, grab whatever evidence they can find to support their conclusion, and dissent is very strongly discouraged.
  • Sure. I did go back to watch some videos of rocket pros, and they do it, so that's good enough for me. Anecdotally, I seem to get way more zip on the ball on wall pinches with the pro style.
  • I am so bad at this game, and I think part of my problem is that I hit the dodge button wayyyyy too much. I am constantly zipping around the field and trying to dodge sideways into the ball.
  • Hitting the ball from the side is incredibly difficult to do in the first place, and generally doesn't give it much momentum. Can be fine to use when you're close to their goal but when it's near your goal it generally just sets the ball up for the other team to score.
  • Why don't our rocket cars have rocket horns? Could actually be useful.
  • Sizzle 2 is out. Matchmaking is changed. Also they added an experimental feature where you can try out the super crazy maps.
  • edited February 2016
    Wait a minute.

    Fixed Handbrake performance for Backfire, DeLorean Time Machine, Gizmo, Grog, Hotshot, Merc, Takumi, Venom, X-Devil

    @nik99g None of the cars have stats. The only differences are hit boxes.

    — Rocket League (@RocketLeague) July 15, 2015
    So which is it?
    Post edited by Starfox on
  • Some cars are noticeably better at turning and how far they hit a ball without boost (which is probably a hit box thing).
  • Played tonight for the first time in a long time. It's still the same fun game. It crashed once. Also had more lag and disconnects than the last time I played. I don't know if macthmaking is fixed. Had a few good games and a few bad ones. Still unbanked in season 2.

    I don't like the new map that's banked on the sides. Regular maps only.
  • Bring back puck.
  • edited February 2016
    I don't know what they did, or if it's massive server overload, but I literally cannot play RL right now because every one of my matches has a one or two second lag to it.
    Post edited by Banta on
  • Banta said:

    I don't know what they did, or if it's massive server overload, but I literally cannot play RL right now because every one of my matches has a one or two second lag to it.

    It wasn't that bad last night, but it was noticeably more significant than it was when I was playing weeks/months ago.
  • I'm hoping they get it fixed soon; until then, no more competitive RL.
  • Played again today. There were some bad games, some ok games, and one really awful game. Then I finally got a rank of Prospect 3. Then there were some OK games, then I got Prospect Elite, and then all good games.

    No crashing or whatnot, but lag is definitely an issue. Most games were fine, but some servers have issues.
  • Another excellent new feature (That reddit is curiously very angry about for some reason):

  • Lol wrecked.
  • Rocket league really needs some of that.
  • edited February 2016
    Apreche said:

    Rocket league really needs some of that.

    More detail - it sends the entire log of chat back, if you report text harassment, not just the few lines it shows there. Other information is sent back for other reports, but I don't know quite what.

    And of course, Reddit seems to see this as a sign of Rocket League falling prey to the SJWs, and oh no didn't you see south park last season now it's happening here, quick everybody whine for your lives.
    Post edited by Churba on
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