More than feeling better, if rank 60 is top 6%, then a huge % of players are between 40-60, and even 1 point variances in rank can mean huge differences in skill. With this, they flatten the bell curve, so that there is more fine-tuning in matchmaking, and you're less likely to get stuck in matches with large skill discrepancies.
I'd say that their assumption is that skill's more bell-curvy, and most people do actually have pretty similar skill levels. That value is consistent with a standard deviation of 5 points on the bell curve. Given that the best ratings people have been able to get so far is in the high 80s, they could probably have just relaxed their SD a little bit.
However, I doubt that 1-point variances in the 40-60 range are actually significant, even if some people think they are.
They actually said somewhere that the skills were actually quite bell-curvy. Additionally, if 60 is 94th percentile (and 40 is 6th) then 88% of players are between 40-60. That's huge.
Noticed the last couple of days my aim has gone to crap, I think that's because I keep playing characters like Winston, Symetra and Rein. Might have to spend some time solo sniping.
Set up a custom game with hard Ana's on opposite, headshots only, skirmish mode. Then pick widowmaker, or whomever you want to practice with. Zarya, pharrah, etc won't work.
My post about the PTR changes was swallowed. Lots of rebalances. Genji was nerfed, Mei was buffed, and the healers were re-evaluated with Mercy becoming better at the expense of Zenyatta and Lucio.
Genji getting nerfed is kinda lame. Sure he's very strong, but he's also really hard to use effectively. And if you're not good with him you might as well be playing your average Hanzo.
People figured out how to maximize his damage through animation cancelling. At the pro levels it was too much. I do think it should they should have approached it differently though.
Other than gremlin D.Va, my favorite new e-mote is Reaper squatting like a stereotypical bosozoku. Now I need a skin of him with the biggest of pompadours.
Symmetra's new emotes are also very nice. I really like to what lengths they go to distinguish each character and highlight their personalities in animation.
People figured out how to maximize his damage through animation cancelling. At the pro levels it was too much. I do think it should they should have approached it differently though.
I'd never heard of that, but looking at videos I might need to give that a try.
I actually feel like bastion could do with some tweaking. In my experience every bastion nowadays is basically a non issue for most characters to deal with immediately.
I actually feel like bastion could do with some tweaking. In my experience every bastion nowadays is basically a non issue for most characters to deal with immediately.
Play against me when I'm Bastion. I will fuck you up so hard.
If you're good at long range Junkrat is a really good counter too, one direct grenade hit can decimate Bastion. And Tracer is fairly solid against bastion.
However, I doubt that 1-point variances in the 40-60 range are actually significant, even if some people think they are.
Sniped that ulting Pharah out of the sky with my Torb, so it's coming back
Good times.
McCree's ultimate got nerfed pretty significantly for high-level play, since it now drains instantly like other ults.
Symmetra's new emotes are also very nice. I really like to what lengths they go to distinguish each character and highlight their personalities in animation.
Still better than the Tracer that wasn't able to deal with Widowmaker on extremely close range.
Unless you're a good Genji before the next patch.
Honorable mention to Ana's dart.