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  • Geekchat anyone? It's 1 AM here, I'm awake and drawing, so if anyone else who is one wants to get a Geekchat a-rolling, I'm game.

    Idea stolen from GreyHuge.
  • Geekchat anyone? It's 1 AM here, I'm awake and drawing, so if anyone else who is one wants to get a Geekchat a-rolling, I'm game.

    Idea stolen from GreyHuge.
    Dude, why didn't you pick up?
  • Geekchat anyone? It's 1 AM here, I'm awake and drawing, so if anyone else who is one wants to get a Geekchat a-rolling, I'm game.

    Idea stolen from GreyHuge.
    Dude, why didn't you pick up?
    Huh, on my end it didn't even say you called. Let's try once more?
  • Is there a vent or teamspeak server for Geeknights? If not if you all are down to try this out. There is this voip software called Mumble. It's just like ventrilo and teamspeak. Except it supposedly has better sound quality. It's also open source and has clients for all OS's. I could get us all 10 to maybe 25 person server that would cost me almost nothing. Members then could just jump in an chat whenever or just hang out and idle there. What do you all think?

    Mumble Voice
  • I like the idea of a place where we can just wander in and chat it up with anyone who's there. It takes me back to my IRC days on #desync.
  • I like the idea of a place where we can just wander in and chat it up with anyone who's there. It takes me back to my IRC days on #desync.
    With skype, you can just add a large amount of people to a group and chat it all up in there. Eventually, people leave as the large amount of messages become annoying as fuck with constant notifications and it becomes more tightnit.
  • Well the week of 25-31 is mid term break, so I am for late night (for the UK) geekchatting then and Minecrafting if anyone else is game.
  • GeoGeo
    edited November 2010
    Hey everybody, it's been about a month since the last Geekchat. So...does anybody want to do one either tonight, tomorrow, or tomorrow. Also because of the new influx of users, I think it's prudent to reintroduce this.

    Who: I assume you (or you people) reading this post

    What: Geekchat - Welcome to the Unsocial - Welcome All Members (Old and New), Come In and Participate

    When: 11/19/10, 11/20/10, or 11/21/10 - Around 6 PM or later (EST)

    Where: Through the magic of the Internet and VoIP

    Why: Because it is fun, you get to actually talk to fellow forumites, and (for the most part) a good time can be had by all.

    How: Download Skype by going to Skype's webpage, make an account, and find everyone's Skype Address by using IDShare. If you are interested, use the chart below, type your forum name, and use the numbers (on a scale of 1 to 5) to indicate how likely it is you can participate on that specific day. When a lot of people have used the graph, I (or whomever else is hosting the chat) will add each days' numbers up and pick the day which gets the highest amount. It is preferable for you to get your own headset mic (or built in one) to join in, but if you lack one you can use the chat feature to participate as well. Hope to see you there!

    Fri Sat Sun
    Geo: 4 3 4
    Post edited by Geo on
  • I've been summoned to the Anime Club tonight for unknown reasons. I mean LITERALLY summoned. The president tracked me down at work and told me I had to show up this week. Fuck if I know what that's all about. Anyway, I'll try to show up tonight, but I'll have to see what happens at anime club.

    SonicDH: 3 4 5
  • Fri Sat Sun
    4 3 4 Geo
    3 4 5 Sonic
    3 4 4 Luke
  • Fri Sat Sun
    4 3 4 Geo
    3 4 5 Sonic
    3 4 4 Luke
    4 4 2 Apsup
  • Fri Sat Sun
    4 3 4 Geo
    3 4 5 Sonic
    3 4 4 Luke
    4 4 2 Apsup
    4 3 2 ElJoe0
  • Fri Sat Sun
    4 3 4 Geo
    3 4 5 Sonic
    3 4 4 Luke
    4 4 2 Apsup
    4 3 2 ElJoe0
    4 3 4 (JukeBox)Josh
  • GeoGeo
    edited November 2010
    Based on the amount of people who posted, I would say tonight seems to be a good night, Saturday might work, but Sunday definitely won't happen. By the way, if you wish to contact me about joining, just search for the handle "Geo" on Skype.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • GeoGeo
    edited November 2010
    Geekchat is happening now!
    If you wish to contact me about joining, just search for the handle "Geo" on Skype.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • We're talking about tea and pets! If that doesn't make you want to join the GeekChat, think of the children!
  • I'm at anime club. I'll be on MUCH later.
  • We are playing Action Castle!
  • edited November 2010
    We are playing Action Castle!
    Post edited by JukeBoxJosh on
  • *grope guard*
  • Marry Princess.
    "There is no princess here, are you blind?"
  • Just walked in the door from work, chat done already?
  • edited November 2010
    Nope. Still here.
    Post edited by Apsup on
  • Okay now here's the deal. I'm not going to be able to get to tonight's geekchat until maybe 9:30 (seeing Deathly Hallows Part I tonight). If somebody else would like to host in my stead, be my guest and do so.
  • Well I would, but I am doing exactly the same thing until about 8:30 EST (Notice how I changed my time zone for you all :P)
  • Well, I know it's a bit after 6 EST, but if anyone's interested in a GeekChat tonight, I can host. I have my Skype info in my profile, or just search 'JukeBoxJosh.' You should be able to find me.
  • edited November 2010
    Okay, well, I guess I'll start it up then. If you want to join add me on skype as SonicDH and I'll add you into the conversation.

    EDIT: didn't refresh the thread.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • There is something on right now.
  • edited November 2010

    And it's pretty much over. If people want to talk later (Lookin' at you Geo and ElJoe) I'll be there.
    Post edited by JukeBoxJosh on
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