I realised I hadn't actually uploaded the photos of me juggling for the kids! So much for automatically generating html. I should still check the output.
I assumed you listened to that one SGU episode.. The worst part about bed-bugs is that if a male cock-stabs another male, there is a chance that the sperm will be passed along if the recipient then cock-stabs a female.
YO NERDS, LET"S TALK ABOUT STUFF ON THE INTERNET. I DECLARE THIS IMPROMPTU GEEKCHAT OPEN. EDIT: I just realized I got the 1337 comment in this thread. Go me!
Looking at myself across the equator.
The village and the kids. I didn't actually take good photos of the kids, it was mainly an excuse to give them dollar bills.
All who bore witness were thoroughly unimpressed.
Make it a million and one.
I realised I hadn't actually uploaded the photos of me juggling for the kids! So much for automatically generating html. I should still check the output.
The worst part about bed-bugs is that if a male cock-stabs another male, there is a chance that the sperm will be passed along if the recipient then cock-stabs a female.
EDIT: I just realized I got the 1337 comment in this thread. Go me!