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Pokemon Farming



  • Anybody want some Cyndaquils?
  • I will be waiting for either a Torchic, a Mudkip, or a Treecko.
  • I'd like one, but I don't have a National Dex yet. I'll have to pass for now.
  • You do not need the National Dex.
  • Really? I thought they weren't part of the Sinnoh Dex. If I can get them without the National, sure, I'd love one. What would you like in trade?
  • I'll take anything you want to give. I would prefer a chingling though. Look here for trading information.

    Today I am on a Torchic breeding frenzy, anyone want one of them?
  • I want one torchic :D but I wonder if my wireless will work in my university library :P
  • If anyone wants a Totodile holding a rare berry meet me in wi-fi right now!
  • edited June 2007
    Hi guys...  Long time no see u all :)   Do you have a ditto for trading?  I'm not done with the game, but if you ask me for a Pokemon, I'll try to get one for you.   Thanks. :)
    Post edited by Rym on
  • As of tonight, I gots my DS and I'm faintin' those Pogeys. This is epic. It's the first time I've purchased a Nintendo product since the mid-90s.
  • As of tonight, I gots my DS and I'm faintin' those Pogeys. This is epic. It's the first time I've purchased a Nintendo product since the mid-90s.
    Welcome to the family.
  • If anyone wants a Mudkip I'll be on the Wi-Fi at 7:00PM EDT.
  • edited June 2007
    If anyone wants a Mudkip I'll be on the Wi-Fi at 7:00PM EDT.
    I'd take you up on that, if only I didn't have the option of importing the 3rd evolution one and breeding it. But I still gotta beat the damn game...
    Post edited by Sail on
  • You don't need to beat the game to trade!
  • You don't need to beat the game to trade!
    I know. But I have the evolved Mudkip in my Sapphire game and can just breed one! And I have to beat the game to do that!
  • But, do you have a female form?
  • Arg, got me there. Both of mine are males.
  • edited June 2007
    Does anyone have drifloon? I need it in order toget the national dex :P
    I can give you an egg containing the first evolution of lucario :P
    Post edited by Erwin on
  • Here I thought I was doing something special by training a MagicKarp into a Gyarados. I'm a Pokemon noob.
  • Does anyone have drifloon? I need it in order toget the national dex :P

    You can get one on Fridays in front of the windmill place.
  • edited June 2007
    Thank you so much I guess I can wait until next week to get my national dex :P
    In the mean time I still have mestrip uxie to cath :D
    Once I get the national dex I will be breeding a bunch of evee if anyone wants one.
    Post edited by Erwin on
  • Sounds great.  I like Eevee. 
    I'm still working my way through the game.  7 badges and 129 seen Pogeys.
    I've not been breeding, but a few days ago I caught a whole bunch of Bonsley and I've been just tossing them up on the GTS.  So far I've gotten a Turtwig, a Brozor and a female Combee. 
    I even got a bonus as the Turtwig was holding a Dome Fossil. Yay, Kabuto!
  • I've got a million jillion extras of a bunch of pokemon people might want. In particular, Heracross, Mightyena, Poochyena, Piplup, Aipom, Chimchar, Skitty, Mantyke, Porygon and Eevee. Mostly swarming, trophy garden and rarer breedables there. I've got a spare Cranidos, Lileep and Anorith, too, I think. And some more fossils sitting around.

    I've just been throwing up starters onto GTS for people. I've been looking through the common pokemon offers as well (starly, buizel, geodude, zubat, bidoof) for people after piplup and chimchar (Only just got a female turtwig so I haven't got a stock of turtwig :<). I got a buizel holding a masterball doing that! Score!
  • I'm with you Mamath. I've got a huge supply of Starly from doing the GTS for starters thing.
  • I just did my first GTS trade. This is great fun. Now I've got to work on getting some Pogeys worth trading; I only have six badges so far. Weeee!
  • I'm with you Mamath. I've got a huge supply of Starly from doing the GTS for starters thing.
    Yeah, I'm not sure what to do with them. I can see it a becoming a problem eventually if I don't start releasing them but that seems like a waste of ID numbers. D: I'm considering only giving stuff to people who attach items to their trash pokemon. Even if it's a common item, that's totally the polite thing to do.
  • Ok, I am online until late and I have many eeve eggs ,anyone want to trade?
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