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So, what does everyone here look like???



  • We're getting off topic, everyone immediately go back to saying how good looking I am.
  • If I wore a suit on the job, people would run when I try to interview them. I've found that people trust a reporter most in jeans, corduroys, or khakis, tennis shoes, and a button-up shirt. Of course there are days when I have to do more corporate/political things, so I often switch it up with slacks and even a tie once in a while.
  • I know from personal experience that wearing dress clothes to work, which involves sitting at a computer all day, is not comfortable. Jeans and a decent shirt are my coding jam.
  • We're getting off topic, everyone immediately go back to saying how good looking I am.
    Shoe on head.
  • So your new job requires a trench coat and suit?
    Oh man, I have that whole outfit and my head is shaved too...
  • We're getting off topic, everyone immediately go back to saying how good looking I am.
    You look fantastic. Ravishing. Radiant. DAH-ling!
  • edited August 2011
    We're getting off topic, everyone immediately go back to saying how good looking I am.
    tits or gtfo

    Well, you asked for it.

    EDIT: Just saw WuB's post. Clearly, the best solution is shoe on tits.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • We're getting off topic, everyone immediately go back to saying how good looking I am.
    tits or gtfo

    Well, you asked for it.

    EDIT: Just saw WuB's post. Clearly, the best solution is shoe on tits.
  • Was shoe on head a thing before Andrew W.K. did it?
  • We're getting off topic, everyone immediately go back to saying how good looking I am.
    You look fantastic. Ravishing. Radiant. DAH-ling!
  • So your new job requires a trench coat and suit?
    Oh man, I have that whole outfit and my head is shaved too...
    Well, now I know who you will be cosplaying as at your next anime convention.
  • So your new job requires a trench coat and suit?
    Oh man, I have that whole outfit and my head is shaved too...
    Well, now I know who you will be cosplaying as at your next anime convention.
    Fuck that, I'm gonna put that on right now!
  • Pics please.
  • Pics please.
    Yeah Sonic, trench or GTFO!
  • Was shoe on head a thing before Andrew W.K. did it?
  • edited August 2011
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Could you possibly put an explosion behind you? Maybe a little dramatic wind?
  • Much obliged.
  • edited August 2011

    I am pretty sure this picture was taken in June, but it could have been in July. Anyway it is in Cafe Zaiya near Bryant Park. I had and awesome day with a friend who came up from Florida to visit. That day we visited the MoCCA, the Times Square Toys Are Us and obviously Cafe Zaiya. After I left my friend I hung out in Bryant Park and then spent a hour or 2 in Kinyokunya (note if you are a young white man with a backpack in this store they WILL follow around). Anyway my Mom says I look very handsome in this picture.
    Post edited by KapitänTim on
  • Baller.
    Congratulations, you've successfully created a Michael Bay film.
  • Was shoe on head a thing before Andrew W.K. did it?
    You got your summer in my fag.
  • edited September 2011
    Was shoe on head a thing before Andrew W.K. did it?
    You got your PARTY in my PARTY.

    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Madden 03 killed any tiny speck of love I may have harbored for A to the dub to the kay. I played the hell out of that game and it had like 5 songs and this was one of them.
  • edited September 2011
    I did wear a suit for the first time a few weeks ago, at my cousin's wedding. I felt manly, but the suit was kind of itchy, plus the white buttoned undershirt wasn't in my size. (We had to choose between going under and over, and I chose a bigger size...curse you Macy's)

    Post edited by Nukerjsr on
  • Do you seriously have a neckbeard or is this a joke.
  • I have pride in my neckbeard. :D
  • Do you seriously have a neckbeard or is this a joke.
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