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So, what does everyone here look like???



  • There's an adjustment period here? If I didn't notice it, does that mean I've blended in well, or that everyone hates and ignores me?

    Oh god, how will I sleep until I know what this forum thinks of me?
  • There's an adjustment period here? If I didn't notice it, does that mean I've blended in well, or that everyone hates and ignores me?
    Definitely the latter. You bastard.
  • To be fair, it's not like we don't have trolls already here - Andrew
    I'm not no troll :(
  • Damn, it feels like yesterday that I was a new guy...But now I'm like, a regular. Damn...
  • I was the new guy before it was cool.
  • I was the new guy before YOU was cool. :P
  • I thought I was the new guy. I'm not the new guy anymore? HOORAY!
  • I was the new guy before YOU was cool. :P

    Wait that came out wrong...
  • My mum said I was cool...
  • I'm not no troll :(
    The way I figure it, we're as bad as each other on that score, and people call me a troll from time to time. I would not put you into such a class if I wouldn't put myself there first.
  • I was the new guy before YOU was cool. :P
    And I was the new guy before you were the new gal.
  • I was the new guy before YOU was cool. :P
    My user ID is 17, so my epeen is bigger than yours.
  • I was the new guy before YOU was cool. :P
    My user ID is 17, so my epeen is bigger than yours.
    DAMN, 17? I'm freaking 948. Asshole.
  • 1300. Biggest number is best number.

    Also, it's got two zeros.
  • I don't think I was ever the new guy. I've always just kinda been there.
  • I can't shake the feeling that I've seen Gold Experience at school before. I'm about 62% sure.
  • edited August 2011
    I was the new guy before YOU was cool. :P
    My user ID is 17, so my epeen is bigger than yours.
    Bah. 172.

    Edit: It's kinda crazy, but I've been posting/lurking here for 5 years as of today!
    Post edited by Vhdblood on
  • I am not a number I am a free man!
  • edited August 2011
    Quite down Number 1266.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Who is number 1? Tell me Number 2.
  • Who is number 1? Tell me Number 2.
    Scott Rubin is number 1. And I'm number 2.

    Now pipe down whippersnappers!
  • AmpAmp
    edited August 2011
    Now pipe down whippersnappers!
    No one is the boss number 2.

    Really has no one seen The Prisoner?
    Post edited by Amp on
  • My mum said I was cool...
    Your mum said I was cool.

    Also, User ID is 240.
  • Really has no one seen The Prisoner?
    I have. Numerously. I just dated myself to the youngins on this forum.
  • The what now?
  • What are Users ID good for? :O
  • What are Users ID good for? :O
    Absolutely nothing, UNNH, Good God Y'all.
  • edited August 2011
    First suit!
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • Your first suit and you're how old?
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