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Casual forum Natural Selection



  • If I can stay awake till then. How long do you thin you will be playing?
  • Also, I guarantee that this will be fun, especially if you are a nub.

    Fun for YOU, as you shoot us up like Clive Owen in a similarly-titled movie I am looking forward to seeing.
  • Alright so I've added everyone I could to my friends list, I hope you guys play till late and hoppefull I will catch up.
  • I shall be there.
  • Sounds like a good time. Bring your mics if you've got them.
  • Sounds like a good time. Bring your mics if you've got them.
    Mics will certainly speed up the communicational process.
  • I'm sorry. I JUST added my Steam account name to the IDShare system. Please update your friends lists as soon as possible?
  • Sure. Sometime between 9PM and 10PM Eastern time be on steam with the friends window open and make sure everyone is on your list and you have the community beta installed.

    Isn't Steam Community just a website?  Is there a beta software thing that I'm totally missing out on?
  • Isn't Steam Community just a website? Is there a beta software thing that I'm totally missing out on?
    Open Steam. Settings>Account>Beta Participation. Accept it and install the Community Beta.
  • 30 more minutes guys. Are you ready?
  • I'm gonna be late because of dinner. About 15 minutes late, I'm guessing. And my mic doesn't work in NS for some reason. It works in CS and SniperDragon can attest to it's working in voice chat, but not in NS.
  • Oh man, that was... something. I think I suck. Anyway, we definitely need another one of these, preferably on a private server :)
  • I fucking hate all of you.
  • Haha, I was there with you WiP. I heard your cries of agony.

    They made me smile. :)
  • edited September 2007
    I think the "run here, now build this, then build that, then build that, then recycle that, move to the next checkpoint" mentality of the game makes it extremely boring. It just boils down to doing the right things in the right order. Bleh.

    If you like that, then fine -- but it becomes just a regimented, first-person RTS.
    Post edited by Jason on
  • I fucking hate all of you.
    We hate you too. That's why you weren't invited :)
  • We hate you too. That's why you weren't invited :)
    No, I was just late. It's not my fault, I had shit to do.
  • edited September 2007
    You guys finished before I got back? Who won? Aliens I hope ;)

    Anyway, it was fun. We should definitely do it again.

    Anyone up for some informal nub practice this weekend?
    Post edited by Sail on
  • I think the "run here, now build this, then build that, then build that, then recycle that, move to the next checkpoint" mentality of the game makes it extremely boring. It just boils down to doing the right things in the right order. Bleh.

    If you like that, then fine -- but it becomes just a regimented, first-person RTS.
    That's not how the game actually goes. The commander just had to set it up that way to keep you newbs in line. When everyone knows what's going on, it's much different.
  • edited September 2007
    I'm on NS, what server are you guys in?
    Edit: Ahhh, fuck, you're done =( I even left early tonight,
    Post edited by MitchyD on
  • Aww, sorry dude. How far off did you miss it?
  • I call for another match on Sunday, this way I can join, hehe. Man I hadn't play anything Half-Life related for so long, if it weren't for Geeknights, I don't think I would have even considered buying it again.
  • Sunday evening after supper would be cool.
  • You know what? If you guys ever get online on Steam, ALWAYS drop by the FRC Chatroom.

    It'll help bring the community even closer.
  • I'm resurrecting this thread because there seems to be some interest in doing another one of these. I'm totally in, I didn't get much out of it last time; it all kind of fell apart.
  • Yes, I just bought HL1 because you guys say this game is so great. I'd like to have a go at it with some people I know.

    Also, I'm not in the steam group yet... If you want to invite me, my nick is bronzdragon.

  • Also, I'm not in the steam group yet... If you want to invite me, my nick is bronzdragon.
    Your looking at the wrong group. You are probably looking at the FRC group which is for the uh.. Front Row Crew.

    Look for the Geeknights group. It should be open to everyone.

  • Also, I'm not in the steam group yet... If you want to invite me, my nick is bronzdragon.
    Your looking at the wrong group. You are probably looking at the FRC group which is for the uh.. Front Row Crew.

    Look for the Geeknights group. It should be open to everyone.
    Oh I see! Thanks...
  • edited August 2009
    Who is up for some NS in the near future (i.e. tonight or tomorrow)?
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • Who is up for some NS in the near future (i.e. tonight or tomorrow)?
    Do we have to... know how to play?
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