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Casual forum Natural Selection



  • edited August 2009
    Sure. I'll host an NS server over here in Australia, that'll be really useful for everyone on these forums. I was intending to give it a go by joining when one of you hosted, because it might be worth it, but that way I'd be the only one who'd have to put up with it.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • I think the best way to teach us noobs how to play is with something like this:

    I realize that NS probably requires a lot more team coordination than Battlefield, so you'd probably have to mix the explanations in with the team chat. I'm sure one of you guys could make it work though, if you really wanted to.
  • Sure. I'll host an NS server over here in Australia, that'll be really useful for everyone on these forums. I was intending to give it a go by joining when one of you hosted, because it might be worth it, but that way I'd be the only one who'd have to put up with it.
    Arg! Curse you and your valid excuses!
  • Ahhhhhh. I played many hours of NS today, and it only gets more enjoyable the more I play it. NS definitely has the best community of any game I've played.

  • I think I killed you a few times.
  • Yep, and everyone killed Scott a few times. He was not at the top of his game yesterday.
  • I was talking about killing someone in the game called Günter.
  • To clarify:
    Yep you did kill me a few times, and everyone killed Scott a few times in the very same round. He was not at the top of his game yesterday.
  • I missed the "and".
  • Anyone still down for some NS? I've been wanting to play, but I think it'd be easier to learn with one of you guys.
  • I'd like to learn to play NS myself.
  • We should do another event. Find an empty server and play a learning game for y'all.
  • I agree. It'd be fun.
  • I'd love to play a bunch, but I can't play on weekends. What about M/T/W/T night? Can anyone play then? (Really any time those days, but nights seem to be best for most.)
  • I'm free, and I haven't played NS for a while. It'll be fun to get back into it.
  • Right when I get a new video card, I'm going to get NS (and NS2), and start learning. Hopefully that will be soon.
  • Right when I get a new video card, I'm going to get NS (and NS2), and start learning. Hopefully that will be soon.
    New video card is not necessary. NS is a Half-Life 1 mod. NS2 has ludicrously low system requirements.
  • New video card is not necessary. NS is a Half-Life 1 mod. NS2 has ludicrously low system requirements.
    New video card is only a necessity because the old one fried. :3
  • I'm curious what servers you longtime players use. I've been playing for almost a year now, but almost exclusively on the Sandbox Marine Training Facility server and its Alien counterpart against just bots. Do you use particular servers, or do you just go where the action already is?

    New players might find this useful.

    As for the talk of making a series of video tutorials, if you can do better than this, you ought to be fine.
  • Do you use particular servers, or do you just go where the action already is?
    The BAD Clan servers are a pretty reliable source of said action.
  • Do you use particular servers, or do you just go where the action already is?
    The BAD Clan servers are a pretty reliable source of said action.
    Them or Guns4back2school
  • Do you use particular servers, or do you just go where the action already is?
    The BAD Clan servers are a pretty reliable source of said action.
    Do you use particular servers, or do you just go where the action already is?
    The BAD Clan servers are a pretty reliable source of said action.
    Them or Guns4back2school
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