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It's handegg season



  • Yes, Scott is right. You want to show that the rival who beat you only did so because of some fluke condition.
    Let me put it this way: when I am beaten in a tournament, I feel way better losing to the person who wins it than losing to someone else who is knocked out right away. Then again I play a sport where very little luck is involved, and almost pure skill.
  • Yes, Scott is right. You want to show that the rival who beat you only did so because of some fluke condition.
    Let me put it this way: when I am beaten in a tournament, I feel way better losing to the person who wins it than losing to someone else who is knocked out right away. Then again I play a sport where very little luck is involved, and almost pure skill.
    Imagine you aren't in the tournament. You have two neighbors who are playing. One is your best bud. The other is an asshole jerk who talks shit and pisses you off all the time. The asshole just beat your friend in the early round. Do you want this asshole to go on and win the whole thing so he will gloat even more? Fuck no. You want him to lose so you can berate him when he walks back home head hanging in shame.
  • I don't come into contact with assholes. I don't let hypothetical assholes influence my own irrational thought processes.
  • I don't come into contact with assholes. I don't let hypothetical assholes influence my own irrational thought processes.
    Well, half the sports teams are assholes, and they play against the good team you love at least twice every year.
  • I don't come into contact with assholes. I don't let hypothetical assholes influence my own irrational thought processes.
    I come into contact with exactly one, and I maintain it well.

  • I don't follow team sports (though I enjoy watching some of them) so assholes are very easy to avoid.

    That said, the Superbowl this year holds very interest for me due to not really knowing or caring anything about the teams involved. I might stay up and watch it if its on German TV.
  • For Ravens fans:

  • The Owl's tonight. Time to watch Twitter for geeks trying to pretend they know as little about football as possible!
  • Can wait for Super Handegg!
  • Time for some sportsball! May local sports team acquire many more goalpoints and make more baseyards. Your fieldkickers will throw and/or catch the ball to best conceivable position for the purposes they desire.
  • Did somebody win? I ate a bbq pork sandwich, beans, three cheddar-onion-cornbread muffins, and a raspberry cheesecake brownie then passed out with the TV off...
  • Ravens won. That's enough handegg for me for the year.
  • edited February 2013
    Fuck, man, fuck Baltimore. Team-thieving pricks.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • I cried tears of joy.
  • Did somebody win? I ate a bbq pork sandwich, beans, three cheddar-onion-cornbread muffins, and a raspberry cheesecake brownie then passed out with the TV off...
    Sounds to me like you were the real winner.
  • Also, I was rooting for the 49ers extra hard in the second half, just so I could make this:

    But, instead, it just makes me laugh a tiny bit and die a little inside...
  • edited February 2013

    My favourite part of the Super Bowl last night: CONFETTI ANGELS!
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • Notice that the confetti is Raven's colored? They bought enough confetti for the 49ers as well that they did not use. Maybe they at least saved money buy not buying two sets of the gold color.
  • Imagine dropping the red instead of the purple. Awkwaaaaaard.
  • Imagine dropping the red instead of the purple. Awkwaaaaaard.
    Could you even do a test run for something like that to make sure it works?
  • Imagine dropping the red instead of the purple. Awkwaaaaaard.
    Could you even do a test run for something like that to make sure it works?
    They probably do, but when the players aren't around.
  • Missed the best one

  • From the sidelines - image
  • There was some rugby last weekend you know. Was pretty good, people did very well except for Wales.
  • I really, really want to fuck Beyonce.
  • Pixar animator Austin Madison's Fantasy Football sketches

  • edited February 2013
    Fuck, football is so interesting. It's like chess openings in fast forward, like an RTS where ever unit is also a player. What an interesting, complex, and deep game.

    I cannot fucking stand watching it live. They need to get the guy who invented the pin-resetting system for bowling to build a system for the players before I will watch a game as it happens. I admit completely to a lack of patience in this regard, and the fault is all mine. Perhaps it's a result of growing up watching hockey, but watching football can be like pulling teeth.

    Fortunately, internet exists, and it can deliver the plays over and over directly into my eyeholes without ten hours of fucking around in between.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
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