I am currently lying in bed with the cat on my legs and the laptop on my lap (On top of an A3 portfolio on top of the douvet.). It is 6AM. This is what the future was meant to be like.
That video is fantastic. In a voice acting course I took in college there were several compilations of "what not to do" in given situations. To be fair to the actors, though, most of that dialogue is crap and who knows what direction they were given.
Prejean is a flaming idiot. Carrie "I'm Against Opposite Marriage" Prejean's meltdown on Larry King Live was nothing short of hilarious.
Wow, she has a sex tape out? I mean, everyone knows that it's the "in" way to get attention these days, but you could at least try to be subtle about it. I feel like talent scouts these days are set to line people up with on-camera meltdowns, sex tapes, and careers in pop.
Prejean is a flaming idiot. Carrie "I'm Against Opposite Marriage" Prejean's meltdown on Larry King Live was nothing short of hilarious.
Wow, she has a sex tape out? I mean, everyone knows that it's the "in" way to get attention these days, but you could at leasttryto be subtle about it. I feel like talent scouts these days are set to line people up with on-camera meltdowns, sex tapes, and careers in pop.
I've become very entertained by her slo-motion-giant-ball-of-flaming-fail, mostly because some of the right-wing nutty types tried to make a symbol and then a martyr of her, saying the media was being all unfair. She IS what so many conservatives like in a woman after all; visible, blond, attractive, and dumber than slime-mold. Watching people like Palin embarrassed again is very gratifying.
Although I'm interested of this I will wait for final product. I'm not sure if I would have time for this, my self is full of unplayed rpgs that cry for attention.
In any case, I voted.
This video is amazing.
To be fair to the actors, though, most of that dialogue is crap and who knows what direction they were given.
Carrie "I'm Against Opposite Marriage" Prejean's meltdown on Larry King Live was nothing short of hilarious.
Seems it was made by a single student.
I'm not shedding any tears.
Took me a few seconds too.