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Things of your day



  • ='( I feel I must move to Thailand and get life insurance for my yet to be child. ('Cept, that, yknow, I'm gay, so can't really have children =P)
  • That was so freaking sad!
    I am gonna shed some manly tears now, bye :O
  • Apologies if this is a double post, but this is too awesome not to share.
  • ('Cept, that, yknow, I'm gay, so can't really have children =P)
    ? Your country against that or something? Adoption, artificial insemination, not-so-artificial insemination (ewwww), and other options exist. Gay couples can certainly have children, and there is even the possibility of one parent being blood related to those children.

    I believe stem cell research might even find a way to create egg cells from a male's cells or sperm cells from a female's cells. Women pairings could only have female viable offspring (both partners lacking a Y chromosome) while 1/4 of all male-male offspring would be non-viable (YY). YAY SCIENCE!
  • That was so freaking sad!
    I am gonna shed some manly tears now, bye :O
  • edited August 2011
    Your country against that or something?
    Erhm... *wiki* No, no it's not. Not since 1972
    Yes, but then it's not really my child. I can treat and think of it as such, but saying I would be unable to have children is still accurate.
    not-so-artificial insemination (ewwww)
    artificial insemination (...) Gay couples can certainly have children, and there is even the possibility of one parent being blood related to those children.
    Well yeah, one of us, but then it wouldn't be our child, and I wouldn't want that.

    Besides, there's a mountain of reasons it wouldn't be fair to the child to be raised under those circumstances.
    Post edited by Aria on
  • edited August 2011
    =O Brian! You sending me to Wiki just now made me discover that I'm a criminal! I'm not allowed to give blood, due to being homosexual. That's bullsh-- Maybe I should email the hospital and tell them not to use my blood...?
    Post edited by Aria on
  • edited August 2011
    I believe stem cell research might even find a way to create egg cells from a male's cells or sperm cells from a female's cells. Women pairings could only have female viable offspring (both partners lacking a Y chromosome) while 1/4 of all male-male offspring would be non-viable (YY). YAY SCIENCE!
    I'm pretty sure that the latter is already possible. But don't quote me on that.
    I know, dude! My reaction was something like "YOU CAN HAVE ALL MY BLOOD what do you mean insurance?"
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Here
    Thank you, good work.
  • Pan fried duck with waffles...
  • Here
    Science fuck yeah!
  • Holy shit, I laughed so hard at that.
  • I am gonna shed some manly tears now, bye :O
    >Pinkie Pie avatar
    >manly tears
    That's bullshit
    How is not wanting to infect someone in need of blood with HIV bullshit? The number of homosexuals with HIV is significantly larger than heterosexuals, so much so, that it's easier to just deny blood from homosexuals instead of testing the small percentage of homosexuals that want to donate blood first for HIV. No bullshit, nothing personal, just practical convenience.
  • How is not wanting to infect someone in need of blood with HIV bullshit? The number of homosexuals with HIV is significantly larger than heterosexuals, so much so, that it's easier to just deny blood from homosexuals instead of testing the small percentage of homosexuals that want to donate blood first for HIV. No bullshit, nothing personal, just practical convenience.
    They already test all the blood they receive for HIV, among other things. Not in all countries, admittedly, but the countries that don't are mostly the developing world, and even of those small few, it's only that they test the majority of the blood received, not all of it.
    So, while I can see your point, your argument is way off - they already do more than what you claim would be more inconvenient than just banning homosexuals.
  • edited August 2011
    So, while I can see your point, your argument is way off
    Wouldn't surprise me. I took it from memory when tired so yeah. It was something with STDs and the point being: there's a non-bullshit reason as to why it is/was easier to just not accept blood from homosexuals.
    Post edited by Not nine on
  • Wouldn't surprise me. I took it from memory when tired so yeah. It was something with STDs and a non-bullshit reason as to why it is/was easier to just not accept blood from homosexuals.
    Yeah, that's cool. It would be a good reason, if they didn't already do more than what is contained within the argument. Anyone with a tattoo or who has traveled in the last five years can't donate here, either.
  • Wait for it...
  • Here
    Science fuck yeah!
    Fuck yeah, indeed, science. Fuck yeah, indeed.

    I must have read this at some point and forgot. I'm not some kind of magical science prediction machine.
  • That's bullshit
    Notice how I didn't say that? =P

    I can't remember if this has been posted before. If it has, oh well.
  • NeoNeo
    edited August 2011
    Ah, fart jokes, you old standby you. Nice to know people keep coming up with creative ways to use the comedic staples.

    "No, I don't want to die, no!" lolololol!
    Post edited by Neo on
  • [video]
    Ah, fart jokes, you old standby you. Nice to know people keep coming up with creative ways to use the comedic staples.

    "No, I don't want to die, no!" lolololol!
    It's Half-Life and toilet humor. Those are my two favorite things.
  • It's Half-Life and toilet humor. Those are my two favorite things.
  • Home Visits And Other 'Secrets Of The FBI'. This amused me when I listened to this on my commute. Just hearing of some of the things the tact ops people do in the FBI to cover themselves up is quite brilliant.
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