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Things of your day



  • edited July 2011
    I am obviously watching the wrong kinds of shows.
    I'm mainly thinking of Castle & True Blood. I'm pretty sure there are others.


    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • edited July 2011
    There have been a lot of redheads in many of the shows I've been watching.
    I am obviously watching the wrong kinds of shows.


    I used to do this with shapes like the pentagram, but I never got into curves. I think the reason the equation looks so intense is that it is cartesian. That shit be way easier in polar notation! Whaaaaat?
    Post edited by Byron on
  • Concept: Great.
    Art style: Meh.
  • [video]
    That went exactly how I wanted it to go.
  • [video]
    That went exactly how I wanted it to go.
    That looks awesome. Wash!
  • edited July 2011
    That went exactly how I wanted it to go.
    Tyler Labine is awesome. He's like a Canadian Jack Black, only I'm not sick of him yet.
    Post edited by Byron on
  • [video]
    That went exactly how I wanted it to go.
    Tyler Labine is awesome. He's like a Canadian Jack Black, only I'm not sick of him yet.
  • edited July 2011

    Post edited by Wyatt on
  • >August 26 On Demand EVERYWHERE
    Come August 26 it's time to proof them wrong.
  • A ten minute feature on how they did the Rotating corridor and zero g effects for Inception. Quite interesting, really.
  • edited July 2011
    I wish there was Suzy in the pic too.
    Post edited by KapitänTim on
  • A ten minute feature on how they did the Rotating corridor and zero g effects for Inception. Quite interesting, really.
    *slow clap* That's brilliant.
  • I will be at bit gen gamer today if you follow Cold Guy on social cam you will see video of the various concerts that will be taking place. Also if you are in Baltimore area and want to escape the linecon come over and say hi.
  • Ordinarily, I wouldn't care much about FIGHT MAN GAMES and, by extention, EVO, but BIONIC AAARM
  • I wish those commentators covered golf. Maybe I would watch it then.
  • edited July 2011

    I am really impressed with these guys. They really thought out how to properly make an rc drift car, even for such a low price. Putting a locking differential for the front wheels to properly emulate braking? Brilliant. And the fact that they had the balls to make something that small with AWD, pretty awesome.
    I might get one of these.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • So, there was a store in new york, not doing so well. Hercules Fancy Grocery was on the verge of dying, so what did a bunch of local people do? Take a look.
  • So, there was a store in new york, not doing so well. Hercules Fancy Grocery was on the verge of dying, so what did a bunch of local people do? Take a look.
    That made me smile a whole lot... until...
  • That made me smile a whole lot... until...
    Well, fuck, that sucks. Hey, New Yorkers, Go and grab some beer and such from Mr Demitrios, would ya?
  • edited July 2011
    So, there was a store in new york, not doing so well. Hercules Fancy Grocery was on the verge of dying, so what did a bunch of local people do? Take a look.
    That made me smile a whole lot... until...
    I'm sorry, I really feel for that store owner, but... Oh, the best laid plans of mice and men. They really didn't think, "Hey, I wonder what this guy will do if customers come in? Gee, I guess they wont be able to buy anything and thus unable to give him their money. And, wow, I wonder how long it'll take him to restock? Will he even be able to? How much money will he lose in the process?"
    The real question they should have asked themselves was "Why are we doing this? Is it just for the artsy-ness of it or are we doing it to save this guy's store? Maybe we should just buy the stuff, then just leave it there for him to sell. You know, so he'll have some fucking stock to sell!"

    This actually brings a particular dinosaur's words to mind...

    In other words:

    All the same, feel bad for the store owner. Hopefully, those moron artists will think twice before doing that again.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • All the same, feel bad for the store owner. Hopefully, those moron artists will think twice before doing that again.
    I think the worst part is that they're going "We're re-selling the stuff we got on e-bay, and all the profits go to him getting his dream store!"

    What they don't mention is that they're selling shit like 120 bucks for an upside down can of coke, 50 dollar bic lighters with bullshit museum descriptions, and 405 bucks for a packet of smokes - they're going to sell fuck all, and they either know it, or they're so stupid it's a wonder they haven't forgotten how to breathe yet.
  • edited July 2011
    I know! JUST GIVE THE DUDE HIS STOCK BACK! Whatever hasn't gone bad, anyway.
    Now, I can't say the blame falls entirely on these guys. The store owner could have seen this coming had he not been too busy with the dump of chemicals in his brain from seeing that pile of cash.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • edited July 2011
    Now, I can't say the blame falls entirely on these guys. The store owner could have seen this coming had he not been too busy with the dump of chemicals in his brain from seeing that pile of cash.
    I gotta give the dude some credit - his creditors were apparently on his ass, and not terribly happy with him, he made a mistake when faced with fairly large chunk of change. He's still thankful it happened - money is still money, after all - but the unforseen problems are unfortunate, and the fucking art-school wanksacks are too busy masturbating their "artistry" to pause and use their shitfumbling brains for two seconds and just sell the stuff like normal people, or even give it back to him so he can sell it again and make some fucking cash to save his store.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse. "Your source for comprehensive, independent, and nonpartisan information about federal enforcement, staffing, and spending." I don't know what this is, but it's awesome.
  • Every Policy sold comes with a free Broken heart!
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