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Things of your day



  • There is little I find funnier than the appropriate application of FLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR
    (Turn down your volume!)

    Bonus content(keep your volume turned down!):
  • So I've just gotten around to watching TNG, since I'm a whippersnapper, and I'd been told that Best of Both Worlds was one of the best stories in Star Trek. The people who said that weren't kidding.
    Little brother!

    Season 4 is pretty good. I'm currently on Night Terrors. Fuck that morgue scene.
    After I watched Best of Both Worlds I went right to, "I, Borg". I skip around and watch random episodes, I should try for a marathon and watch them all. Well not all, I will probably skip season 1, or most of it.
  • edited July 2011

    This ... is .... just ... wow ...
    Post edited by zehaeva on
  • edited July 2011
    That... does... does that air on television?

    EDIT: Oh, okay, so it's a website that makes parodies of Skittle commercials.
    Post edited by P_TOG on
  • That... does... does that air on television?
    If it did, there would be a worldwide Skittles shortage as every man with a chance of getting laid bought some to try that trick...
  • edited July 2011
    Wow, I'd buy one of those if I wanted to try animation.

    Because I can't draw for shit.

    At all.

    Edit: Also, someone made a miku miku dance model of Izaya.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • edited July 2011
    The Texas Board of Education actually did a good thing and unanimously approves of a scientifically acurate high school biology textbook and appropriate supplements, and completely rejhected the supplements created by International Databases, a very pro-creationist group.

    I'm not often heard saying this, but good job Texas!
    Post edited by Banta on
  • So This place is all Linux-y, right? I figured you guys might find these vids pretty funny, called Installation Anxiety.

    And the original was apparently so great a remake was done 3 years later.

    I must install Linux on you.
  • A nearly-to-scale model of Middle Earth in Minecraft.

    It reaches the world border. IT REACHES THE WORLD BORDER. AND IT WAS ALL HAND-MADE.
  • GentleMentleMen. My thing of the day is not teaching myself how to play Agricola. But rather, this.

  • I see your bet and raise you by one.

    Your video may still be more awesome but I am always happy to show this off.
  • edited July 2011
    That "Evolution of video games" video has some glaring omissions. Specifically, Pokemon and Gamecube games.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • And no Portal of either variety.
  • edited July 2011
    Maybe I'm too jaded. Maybe I'm just too accustomed to reading science articles about weird and awkward things. Because when the author says:
    And why—just look at you now—is it is such a giggle-inducing, fetishistic topic?
    I simply could not relate. It's just vaginas. What's so funny?

    Anyway, really interesting article on yet another way humans escape scientific understanding (for now).
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Interesting article.
    Indeed. I've personally conducted extensive research - primarily through the viewing of documentaries on the subject - and have yet to reach a solid conclusion.

    It does sort of make sense that female ejaculate would be substantially similar to male ejaculate - after all, the male equipment is derived from the female equipment.
  • edited July 2011
    It does sort of make sense that female ejaculate would be substantially similar to male ejaculate - after all, the male equipment is derived from the female equipment.
    The first part of your comment was my initial reaction. However, I'm not sure what you meant by the second part of your comment.

    From here, which contains what I learned in my bio classes:
    The sex of an early embryo cannot be determined because the reproductive structures do not differentiate until the seventh week. Prior to this, the tissue is considered bipotential because it cannot be identified as male or female. The internal genitalia consist of two accessory ducts: Wolffian (male) and Mullerian (female). As development proceeds, one of the pairs of ducts develops while the other regresses.
    It isn't the case that the Mullerian system morphs into the Wolffian system, but rather that one persists while the other does not. When this process is disturbed, you get hermaphrodites who have both, in various configurations.

    It is often said that "nature prefers women" with respect to at least mammals. In this case, if certain hormones are not present (or generally if all the stars don't align properly), the Mullerian system persists and the Wolffian system fades, leaving a female. Since this means the "default" is female, it is easy to think becoming a male is due to some physiological morphing process of female bits to male bits.

    The Wolffian and Mullerian systems do have a lot of functions and locations that seem to be analogues of each other. I wonder if both systems have ejaculatory responses simply because of the redundancy/duplication/analogue nature between the systems, which is probably what you were saying anyway...
    Post edited by Byron on
  • edited July 2011
    The Australian Census 2011 twitter account is surprisingly interesting and amusing.

    Some examples -

    "Urgent clarification. Muggles will be counted in the 2011 Census."

    "Census data reveals there are 1324 actors, but no Hobbits, congratulations Barry Humphries."

    "Politicians aren’t the only ones who talk gibberish. According to Census data 105 people speak an invented language."

    "#AusCensus Fun Fact: 12 people were employed in the squid jigging industry in the 2001 #Census. #beyondthecount"
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Wow, this is actually awesome.
    I'm as surprised as you are. Of all the twitter accounts you'd think would be funny and fascinating, the Australian Census doesn't exactly top out the list.
  • edited July 2011
    Less than an hour into the day and I've already found my Thing of it.

    (P.S.: Before this debate even starts, this is completely harmless to the cat. That's where a mother cat picks up her kittens with her mouth. I call it the "Mommy's Got You" Zone.)
    Post edited by Yuyuke on
  • edited July 2011
    Before this debate even starts, this is completely harmless to the cat.
    Actually, as I understand it, not for an adult cat. Neck tissues are super delicate after the cat gets to adult size. A soft grip with your hand isn't going to hurt the cat, but will still knock it out; not sure about that binder clip (I'm slightly reassured by the fact that a vet is doing it). However, you definitely shouldn't pick up an adult cat by its scruff.

    When my cat tries to wrestle out of being held, I just hold her by her scruff with my free hand. It's like she's in kitty heaven.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • A quick look at the top google results for "picking up a kitten by its neck scruff" suggests that its ok to do a kitten and even a cat, but if you cat is a fatty its bad. Also it is how a mother cat disciplines her young.

  • Zelda in the 80s
  • it is easy to think becoming a male is due to some physiological morphing process of female bits to male bits.
    That's how I usually refer to it for the sake of explanation, but you are mostly technically correct; this article is a better explanation. The tissue that would form the labial folds, for example, form the scrotum instead after a certain hormone intervenes.

    Since it's the same basic structures that differentiate, it makes sense that they'd have shared functionality. That's what I meant.
  • edited July 2011
    Coworker who was at SDCC showed this to me. It looks fairly entertaining but I'm afraid it's meant to fail since Summer Glau is in it. =/
    Post edited by Dromaro on
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