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Things of your day



  • Celebrities wearing the uniform of Russian generals.
    It says something that Morgan Freeman is the most highly decorated.
  • I see this:

  • edited September 2011
    Listen to dubstep
    This is probably the first dubstep song I haven't just liked ironically.
    I never understood the whole idea of liking something ironically; either you like something or you don't. To quote some dude on the internet "Liking something ironically is essentially hipsterfag for 'I could never admit to liking this even though I do'."
    Post edited by Victor Frost on

  • image
    I think I look acceptably:
  • edited September 2011
    I never understood the whole idea of liking something ironically; either you like something or you don't. To quote some dude on the internet "Liking something ironically is essentially hipsterfag for 'I could never admit to liking this even though I do'."
    For me its more like its stuck on a video and it is ridiculous and I'm all "oh lol" and then I send it to my co-workers via MSN and they're all "oh lol". This is probably the worst sentence I've ever written.

    That "so bad it's good" thing.
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • edited September 2011
    I think I look acceptably:
    Post edited by Sail on
  • image
    Cannot unsee.
  • edited September 2011
    Hello there, sweetie. Were you talking about hats?
    Post edited by La Petit Mort on
  • Men wearing hats, just covering up the fact you all want to dress like women.
  • edited September 2011
    Let me shave and get some makeup, I'd make a fucking beautiful woman. If you're drunk almost to the point of alcohol poisoning.
    Post edited by La Petit Mort on
  • Let me shave and get some makeup, I'd make a fucking beautiful woman. If you're drunk almost to the point of alcohol poisoning.
    When I actually crossdress, I'm so handsome I'd fuck me.
  • Let me shave and get some makeup, I'd make a fucking beautiful woman. If you're drunk almost to the point of alcohol poisoning.
    When I actually crossdress, I'm so handsome I'd fuck me.
    Pictures or it didn't happen.
  • Let me shave and get some makeup, I'd make a fucking beautiful woman. If you're drunk almost to the point of alcohol poisoning.
    When I actually crossdress, I'm so handsome I'd fuck me.
    Pictures or it didn't happen.

  • Watch a bit at the beginning then skip from 1 to 2 to 3 min and so on. Watch the magic!
  • Oh, we're doing black and white now? Okay.
  • edited September 2011
    Fuck this black and white nonsense, let's have some poor-ass HDR.
    Also, yes, that bottle of homebrew is 14 inches or so tall, and I have big feet. And with the last check of the hydrometer, it clocked in at about 11% ABV, which means that unless we completely failed to arrest the fermentation(not unlikely, as we're idiots), that bottle is about 16 and a half standard drinks, using the formula of Milliliters times ABV divided by a thousand. A regular flip-top Grolsh bottle, at about 500 ML, is very roughly 5 standard drinks, per bottle.
    Post edited by Andrew on
    The worst part? Those are almost all trilbys, not fedoras.
  • A few months ago, after I started wearing hats all the time, my mom showed me this picture of her father, who died before my birth.
    I'm sad that his hat wasn't saved. That would totally have been one of my prized possessions.
  • Please, everyone. Throw out your fedoras.
  • Dude, I rock the fedoras. Ask anyone.
  • Okay internet, new rule. Nobody under the age of 35 is allowed to wear a hat unless it's for a practical purpose or part of a uniform.
  • Okay internet, new rule. Nobody under the age of 35 is allowed to wear a hat unless it's for a practical purpose or part of a uniform.
    Ah, see, my shaved noggin gets cold in winter, and needs shade in summer. Also...I look awesome.
  • Age has nothing to do with the ability to rock the fedora. It is all about your face shape and how you carry yourself.
  • Dude, I rock the fedoras. Ask anyone.
    Negative ghostrider.
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