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Things of your day



  • Oma time is the best time!
  • My work place has blocked the website for a local diving school ( It is categorized under "phishing".
  • Boop! Got your nose! (°∀°)
  • My favorite of that meme:
  • edited December 2011
    My cat does that to my dog's nose. My cat is a normal-sized mackerel tabby and my dog is a huge German Shepard, and when the dog gets wound up and tries to nip her or stands in front of her and whines (five goddamned years and this dog still doesn't know how to manage a cat), the cat just bats the dog across the nose with the pad of her front paw, or rests her paw on the dog's nose and pushes. She doesn't even flick her claws out, and the dog still flips the fuck out and runs in circles. Sometimes she'll even manage to get her own tail in her mouth, and then she'll calm down.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited December 2011
    So, I'm having trouble setting up Ruby on Rails on my work machine, because any .gem file online is being blocked by the firewall. (and I need certain gems to build other gems from source, so I can't just go that route)

    Here's what I posted on Twitter:
    Dear corporate firewall: I need to be able to install ruby gems to do my job.
    My friend replied with the best thing I've read all day:
    Lowering a wall of fire to mess with gems sounds more high fantasy than high tech.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • I'm finally starting up a dedicated Terraria server that shall be on without my computer having to be on. This is awesome.
  • edited December 2011
    I've meet the game designers and they were cool, so download this and show some love (iOS, PC or Android).

    Post edited by Coldguy on
  • I'm sorry, guys... I flunked the defense rehearsal. But hope is not lost yet. Next chance is this Friday, and I'll make the most of it now that I've had a little coaching.
  • Some archaic Massachusetts laws. I want my grandparents in Newton to demand a hog from the mayor.
  • I realize we only just finished a religious argument over in Fail of Your Day thread, but this is too awesome not to post.
  • edited December 2011
    I'm sorry, guys... I flunked the defense rehearsal. But hope is not lost yet. Next chance is this Friday, and I'll make the most of it now that I've had a little coaching.
    I think this is where I step in, if you don't mind, ma'am, so I say this -

    Don't apologize to us, lady! I can't speak for anyone else, but I know that I hold a measure of pride in you for getting so far and doing so well. So you failed a rehearsal, Pah, forget about it, it's a rehearsal, that's what they're for, so you don't fuck up the real thing. You get all the serious messing up outta your system early, and find out where you're messing up so you can get it right for the real thing! Hook in, lass! You've still got it right there in the palm of your hand, all you gotta do is close your fingers.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Thank you, Churba. Those words mean a lot, given that I've mostly been chided upon it. I'm a bit of perfectionist, so I've been rather dejected lately.

    A hug to you and all those who read my post and crossed their fingers. I promise I'll ace it!
  • Thank you, Churba. Those words mean a lot, given that I've mostly been chided upon it. I'm a bit of perfectionist, so I've been rather dejected lately.

    A hug to you and all those who read my post and crossed their fingers. I promise I'll ace it!
    Don't worry about it, it's the least I could do, not worth thanking me for yet.

    Sure, people are chiding you about it, but that doesn't matter - Let 'em say what they like. If you pass, you pass, if you fail, you fail. Just do everything you can do, and one of the two will happen. And even if you fail, So what? It doesn't matter. You can just dust off and do it till you get it right - you'll just have an advantage on next time, because you'll know where you went wrong, so you can avoid making those mistakes twice. There is only one thing that is really the end, ma'am, and I'd say you have a good few decades left in you yet before you get there.
  • And now for something completely silly.

  • image

    /mind blown
  • Bow ties are cool.
  • edited December 2011

    Post edited by Victor Frost on

  • I think combining children's shows and gangsta rap is my new favourite thing.


    I wouldn't call it a parody either; more of an homage. It doesn't make the video less enjoyable, though!
  • I have Unchained Melody in my head now.
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