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Things of your day



  • "High Fashion" would seem to me to be inherently conspicuous.
  • I got this email this morning:
    Adopt a bunny! The black rabbit was supposedly "male", but somebody got that wrong. The baby bunnies (did I mention they are adorable?) will be weaned by the end of February.
    (adorable pictures)

    Anyone in NYC want a baby bunny?
    Ahh, too late! Our apartment is all bunniful right now. YOU should adopt one. I will help you with them and occasionally pet-sit if you are in the Brooklyn, Manhattan, or Queens! Bunnies are great pets!
  • A file-sharing organisation has gained official recognition in Sweden as a religion, an unusual move that could have repercussions on the debate about the illegal downloading of files.

    The Church of Kopimism considers “kopyacting”, or file-sharing, to be a religious service, despite most people seeing it as little more than a digital act.

    Kopimism gained recognition as a religion just before Christmas after applying three times to the Swedish government agency Kammarkollegiet. Not only is file-sharing considered its central sacrament, the CTRL+C and CTRL+V shortcuts for copying and pasting are viewed as sacred symbols.

    Read more:
  • edited January 2012
    While interesting, it's not difficult to construct classifiers to ignore such techniques.
    Not to mention it really doesn't do shit if there's a human looking at it.

    Which there really should be considering the technology is still in its infancy.
    Post edited by Jack Draigo on
  • edited January 2012
    Post edited by Banta on
  • edited January 2012
    My friend is awesome. Got this in an email today.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Edward Elric? Like. The Pokémon? Not really.
  • edited January 2012
    Edward Elric? Like. The Pokémon? Not really.
    Boo. Dragonite is the shit.

    The follow is an amusing breakdown (even if also a drastic oversimplification) of the US's current budget problems:

    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Edward Elric? Like. The Pokémon? Not really.
    Boo. Dragonite is the shit.

    I am one of a rare breed called a "Pokémon disliker." I have a very strong reason for that: The guy I had a crush on for ten years preferred to play that game 24/7 instead of even being polite to his visitor (yours truly) when I was at his house, therefore, my comment still perches.

  • image
    And from the same group:
  • Edward Elric? Like. The Pokémon? Not really.
    Boo. Dragonite is the shit.

    I am one of a rare breed called a "Pokémon disliker." I have a very strong reason for that: The guy I had a crush on for ten years preferred to play that game 24/7 instead of even being polite to his visitor (yours truly) when I was at his house, therefore, my comment still perches.

    That's no reason to hate the Pogeymans! Hitler was a painter, but I still love Van Gogh!

  • edited January 2012
    Edward Elric? Like. The Pokémon? Not really.
    Boo. Dragonite is the shit.

    I am one of a rare breed called a "Pokémon disliker." I have a very strong reason for that: The guy I had a crush on for ten years preferred to play that game 24/7 instead of even being polite to his visitor (yours truly) when I was at his house, therefore, my comment still perches.

    That's no reason to hate the Pogeymans! Hitler was a painter, but I still love Van Gogh!
    Much in the same way, ma'am, I must point out that Mussolini played the fiddle, and we don't hold that against you or Fiddle-like instruments.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Likewise, Nero.
  • Yeah, but we didn't have to be subjected to Mussolini playing it every day, or else we might hate violin music.

    It's a perfectly valid reason to hate the pokemons. But it's not gonna stop other people from liking or posting about 'em.
  • Yeah, but we didn't have to be subjected to Mussolini playing it every day, or else we might hate violin music.

    It's a perfectly valid reason to hate the pokemons. But it's not gonna stop other people from liking or posting about 'em.
    Thank you for understanding me, Nuri. I don't expect anyone to dislike Pokémon or want to force anyone. I was just stating my opinion.
  • This guy's channel is just a wellspring of hilarity. Here's a sample.

  • It was pretty much coin toss if this would be my thing of the day or WTF of the day.
  • It took me a long time to realise that he has a wellie on his head.
  • I know who I'd vote for.
  • Though I am worried about his dental ideas. I for one am quite happy with gingervitus!
  • He reminds me of the guy who ran for student body president at my college as "The Pirate Captain" and had a "plank" instead of a platform.

    Guess who got elected in a record turnout? At least he got people interested in student government.
  • That is the coolest thing I have ever seen so far.
  • edited January 2012
    This guy's channel is just a wellspring of hilarity. Here's a sample.

    I love this guy!

    Post edited by Jakd on
  • edited January 2012
    Post edited by gomidog on
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