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Things of your day



  • image
    Pimpin' hearse.
  • Took awhile but the Internet has proven me right yet again, if someone thought of it, it exists.

  • That song was entirely too long and the lyrics were kinda shit. Still, I approve the concept.
  • That song was entirely too long and the lyrics were kinda shit. Still, I approve the concept.
    Except 2d is not dead, it was just sleeping for a console generation and has done comeback.

  • I think V-day has to be one of my favorite times of year, alongside the summer secret santa at Reddit, Christmas and my fiance's birthday. Why? Because I get to be stupid and give her gifts.

    For example. Yesterday started the week of giving, so I inflated around 200 balloons and filled our (small) bedroom with them. She had to wade through them, trying to find the one that had the "prize", which was a "coupon" for a nice dinner out (I'll wear a tie!) or I'd go horseback riding with her.

    Today? I put "hot, hotter, cold" signs all over the house leading her to the attic, where I have christmas lights snaking towards a nice bottle of wine I bought her.

    Tomorrow? I have absolutely no clue.
  • Don't know if this has been posted here in the past or not, but I only saw it today and thought it was pretty nifty.
  • edited February 2012

    Post edited by KapitänTim on
  • edited February 2012

    Started listening and watching an hour ago. I'm still listening and watching.
    Post edited by Jain7th on
  • video
    Given the incredible mixing of styles and media in that video, I have no choice but to assume that that girl is a Madoka-style witch.

    We're in her barrier now, and we're all going to die. Thanks.
  • Reminds me of this.
  • Now I might be wrong on this (reason I am posting this here) but I think this is the first EVER AMV.

    This was done in 1991.

  • Then came spring, the great time of spring break, and every one of my bros in the posse was getting ready to take one trip or another. I was busily at work on the fifth disc of P90X and when I finished tricking out my triceps, after a trip to Miami Beach with Derek, I got ready to beast it West for the very first time.
    I don't know if this is the best or worst thing.
  • I'm not sure if this is a WTF or thing of my day, so I posted it on both.
  • Oh my god they're making a movie of that?! I can see why you're conflicted.
  • Now I might be wrong on this (reason I am posting this here) but I think this is the first EVER AMV.

    This was done in 1991.
    Yeah, the first amv's were being done in the 80's by a fellow named Jim Kaposztas. Convenient AWO episode all about it.

  • I enjoy funny memes, but very rarely join in any make something based on a current existing meme myself. A few years ago, for the world cup in South Africa, I made a version of the official theme music video but with vuvuzelas playing over the top. This was rendered obsolete by YouTube building that functionality into the play about a week later.

    But I've enjoyed most of the "What People Think I do" images I've seen in the last week or so, and I wanted to do one for juggling. The cool thing about making one of these kind of things is that they take almost no time or effort, so the person with the idea first makes it, and then nobody else needs to bother.


    Anyone else seen/made one of these images worth sharing?
  • A lot of the programmer ones are something along these lines.
  • There should be a speech bubble that reads "FUCK" in "what I actually do".
  • There should be a speech bubble that reads "FUCK" in "what I actually do".
    I imagine a guy shaking his fist at the air saying, "INTERNET EXPLORERRRRR!"
  • You need roughly two to accurately describe an MCB student:


    I like the second image because most of my friends pre-supposed notions about my major are based on the "shaker table and giant PCR machine" image of MCB that's been really popular since the advent of the Human Genome Project. Just today I was using an AKTA machine with a chemistry major, and she said, "I don't know how biologists deal with all these machines." I love bio labs because of the machines!

    This is a relevant image for everyone I've ever known who's been in an Anime Club:

  • I wish my anime club was like Genshiken.
  • My anime club was kinda of like Genshiken. We would sit around and play German board games, and sometimes go out for ani-song karaoke, and it was a generally all around geek-ey laid back time. There was a girl who worked at a cosplay cafe, and one who really liked Gundam. I was the token American.
  • ...Wait, aren't all anime clubs mostly like Genshiken? I kinda assumed they were. I mean, it's not like they do anything special in Genshiken, cept sit around and make stupid nerd jokes at each other.
  • We tried to name our club in high school The Society for the Study of Japanese Modern Visual Culture as an homage to Genshiken, but the approval board said it was too long.
  • We tried to name our club in high school The Society for the Study of Japanese Modern Visual Culture as an homage to Genshiken, but the approval board said it was too long.
    That is equivalent to saying Van Gogh paintings are too brightly colored. Utter poppycock.
  • I named my school's one Genshiken, then never participated. It didn't survive for long.
  • My school's anime club used to be awesome. We used to run an Anime Convention at our school. It was pretty awesome. But then something happened (I don't know what) and it all fell apart. Our club really isn't that tightly knit. I feel like I could make it a better club if I became president, but I've got a lot on my plate as it is.

    *le sigh*
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