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Things of your day



  • Area man makes WoW continent Kalimdor in Minecraft
    FYI he wrote a program to pull all of the terrain data from WoW and generate it inside of minecraft. Still awesome though.
  • Iboth teams just chillin', slinging disks, congrats were given all around for making him ragequit, too.
    Can not unsee "slinging dicks".
  • edited February 2012
    Iboth teams just chillin', slinging disks, congrats were given all around for making him ragequit, too.
    Can not unsee "slinging dicks".
    Fuck's sake, now I can't either.

    That aside, to celebrate the release of the creation kit, not only did skyrim go on sale, but Valve and Bethesda set the ball rolling by making a mod of their own - Go and check it out for yourself.

    WARNING - May feature Nolan North.

    There is also the Posh Crabs mod, which quote "Replaces the models of all mudcrabs in the game with a mudcrab with a top hat and monocle."

    Fuck, I love PC gaming.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Daft Punk might be playing Chicago in late June. In other news, I might go home a week early.
  • I saw a baby today in Chik-Fil-A with a tumor. It was like, the size of a cherry tomato. I'm just...@_@.
  • I was playing Tribes Ascend before, and some dude started carrying on, and carrying on, because his team was losing hard. Then, he makes the mistake of calling someone a fag.

    So, Naturally, I simply went full troll mode. "Yeah, I am, you got a problem with that?" and then proceeded(with the help of nine and grey) to not only utterly and comprehensively curbstomp him, but then our team won that game, and then in the next match with nine and grey again defending, taking all but one of the flag caps in the match, and kill him a few extra times for good luck. So, he ragequit, spewing obscenities, and the rest of the match was great, both teams just chillin', slinging disks, congrats were given all around for making him ragequit, too.
    This. This is absolutely incredible. Were you on voice chat or typing?
  • edited February 2012
    Daft Punk might be playing Chicago in late June. In other news, I might go home a week early.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • edited February 2012
    How the hell did I not know that this existed?
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • How the hell did I not know that this existed?
    I'm loving the encouragement from Commander Adama throughout the narrative. Gives me hope.

    I trust you know that this 1957 Disneyland footage exists? It's a beautiful thing (and for all I know is posted earlier in this thread, I can never keep up). I want to go back in time and ride the DL pack mules.

  • edited February 2012
    FTFYTa mate, I must have forgot the HTTP.
    This. This is absolutely incredible. Were you on voice chat or typing?
    Just typing. When you're setting up a flag run or you're right for one but nobody else is around the enemy base(Because they're all at your base, trying to unsuccessfully take the flag, thanks to Nine and Grey) you can take a second to type, or when you're dead, or other such things. Plus, he gets the big "YOU WERE KILLED BY" killcam, so when I'm popping him in the face with a spinfusor or Melee-ing him as I ski past at ludicrous speed, nothing much needs to be said.

    Also, wierd bug appeared - somehow, Nineless took the "Gone to Plaid" medal one match, because somehow, he was skiing at 3048 Kp/h. That's right, somehow nine managed to ski at Mach 2.4.

    Oh, And the angriest man in the world, Steve Albini, member of Big Black, Rapeman and Shellac, Has a cooking blog.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • This is how Ron Paul's brain actually works:

  • Also, wierd bug appeared - somehow, Nineless took the "Gone to Plaid" medal one match, because somehow, he was skiing at 3048 Kp/h. That's right, somehow nine managed to ski at Mach 2.4.
    The distances that Tribes:Ascend claims are pretty messed up; I once got the "What is this I don't even" achievement for a spinfusor kill at a distance the game claimed was over five kilometers.

    Incidentally, what's your username? There's no good search function for locating friends yet.
  • edited February 2012
    The distances that Tribes:Ascend claims are pretty messed up; I once got the "What is this I don't even" achievement for a spinfusor kill at a distance the game claimed was over five kilometers.

    Incidentally, what's your username? There's no good search function for locating friends yet.
    It's a little weird, yeah. Considering I'll make a flag cap on one map in about 27 seconds, moving at 250 odd klicks an hour the vast majority of that(I'll slow down a tad to cap, since splatting myself if one of our heavies is standing on the flag is kinda embarrassing), we can assume the bases on that map(Drydock) are about two kilometers apart, if you take a slightly curved route, so call it a little under as the crow flies. Yet, you're seeing "Distance skiied" sort of measurements of 15 thousand klicks(Which even moving at nine's bugged out Mach 2.4, would give you just a hair under five hours of travel time), and spinfusor kills which - by that rough calculation - you'd be firing from outside the map, and getting a kill outside the other end of the map - not even the broken-as-shit plasma rifle will do that for you.

    Ah well, it's a beta. Better than owt.

    And of course, the Usernames for the breakfast club are Churba, Nineless, Asnabel and McJoe. What's yours? We'll have to add you in return, since the friends system is not yet unilateral or at least, doesn't tell you when people add you.

    I should note, my best skill is movement. I'll go at ludicrous speed a lot of the time, and flag caps are my specialty - but my shooting, well, not so great. Also, I wish they'd bring back the targeting laser from Tribes 2 - maybe encourage more team play, rather than turning it into COD:Ascend.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I uninstalled the beta... maybe I should get back to it. I just couldn't stand only having the base two classes.
  • edited February 2012
    I uninstalled the beta... maybe I should get back to it. I just couldn't stand only having the base two classes.
    They've reduced it down to nine classes, and you get three of them, and at least two of them only take a day or two of play to unlock - I unlocked the sniper class first day. You get a class from each weight - One light(pathfinder, my preferred class), Soldier and Juggernaut. Also, the prices in XP on the tribes wiki are all wrong by a few thousand too much - the prices in XP are far more reasonable now, at least. Which is really the best thing I can say about it.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • I'm linkigi, as per usual.
    The progression is still horseshit, but at least you have to play in order to get the upgrades, money will just buy you new (not necessarily better) weapons faster.
  • You got over analysis of Kubrick movies in my gold standard conspiracy theory. You got gold standard conspiracy theory in my over analysis of Kubrick movies.

    For entertainment purposes only.

  • edited February 2012
    I'm linkigi, as per usual.
    The progression is still horseshit, but at least you have to play in order to get the upgrades, money will just buy you new (not necessarily better) weapons faster.
    Well, in most cases. The Plasma rifle is just mental, and the full size thumper is nearly as bad. But on the upside, at least you know most people who have it are out ten bucks, and the ones that have it are usually not very good at tribes, so you can gank them pretty easy if you get close - which isn't hard, since you'll usually find them up high, in or near their base, trying to snipe into the enemy base.

    EDIT - Ducked in and added you. I got shit to do today, but I'll be playing later on.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • The Japanese eat very little fat and suffer fewer heart attacks than the British or the Americans. On the other hand, the French eat a lot of fat and also suffer fewer heart attacks than the British or the Americans. The Japanese drink very little red wine and suffer fewer heart attacks than the British or the Americans. The Italians drink excessive amounts of red wine and also suffer fewer heart attacks than the British or the Americans. Conclusion: Eat and drink what you like. It’s speaking English that kills you.
  • New trailer for the Iron Sky

    Also as a personal thing of the day I just bought tickets to Iron Sky preview event witch involves not only the movie, but also Q&A event, t-shirt and a poster all included in the price.
  • House, M.D. is no more. The makers are shutting it down after this season. :-(

  • edited February 2012
    Iron Sky trailer
    Why is this not called "Sarah Palin vs. The Moon Nazis"?
    House, M.D. is no more. The makers are shutting it down after this season. :-(
    I'm ambivalent towards this. I don't want it to end but that's probably the best time to end something.

    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • Exactly how I feel about LIMBO, in much better words than I could put to it.

  • Oh hey, as if Steve Albini wasn't already a musical god, it turns out he's an incredible cook too, and regularly blogs about cooking and what he makes his wife for dinner. I'm glad to see that I see to have most of his theory down as far as cooking goes, right down to coca-cola brining; most of the stuff he exceeds me in are tricks from La Technique that I'd pick up over time (the tips on easy potatoes were new and I'll probably try them Friday). That's good. If I'm as good at one of Steve Albini's passions as Steve Albini, I'm satisfied.
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