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Things of your day



  • Diablo's sitting next to Ralph, and obviously Zangief and Q*Bert. I feel like the yellow robot in the foreground at the Bad-Anon meeting is one of the Robotron 2064 guys, but I could be insane.
  • It's incredible how Bowser, Qbert, Eggman, M. Bison, and Clyde are all legit in this movie. Not parodies, clearly the real thing used with permission.
    It could be done under parody, but I actually feel like Disney went out and got the rights for each of the characters.

  • Also Kano?? next to the zombie.
  • It's incredible how Bowser, Qbert, Dr. Robotnik, M. Bison, and Clyde are all legit in this movie. Not parodies, clearly the real thing used with permission.
    And that's amazing to me.
  • I wasn't going to pick nits, but now that you mention it...
    It's incredible how King Koopa, Qbert, Dr. Robotnik, M. Bison, and Clyde are all legit in this movie. Not parodies, clearly the real thing used with permission.
    And that's amazing to me.
  • edited June 2012
    That is clearly not Robotnik's design, Sonic. I expected better from you.

    Also, clearly modern-day Bowser.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Alex, I am ok with this.
  • Well they're not such important characters any more with maybe the exception of Bowser and Clyde. Odd that they used the modern Robotnik design, not sure how many people will recognise it.
  • My body is ready for this movie.
  • It makes me so happy that everyone is loving this trailer so much. I've been following this movie since it was announce and have had very high hopes for the possibilites of it. It also makes me happy that something good came out of the unfortunate failure of John Carter at the box office: Disney seems to be able to cut a trailer again.
  • edited June 2012
    That is clearly not Robotnik's design, Sonic. I expected better from you.
    According to a promotional comic put put by Sega in 1991, He was originally a good scientist named Dr. Ovi Kintobor until an experiment went awry and turned him evil; which also made him change his name to Ivo Robotnik.
    Robotnik was named Eggman by Sonic in Sonic Adventure 1 as an insult.
    In Sonic Adventure 2, he refers to Dr. Gerald Robotnik as his grand father.
    In all of the Pre-Sonic X cartoons, he's Dr. Ivo Robotnik. In the manuals of Sonic 2, Sonic 3, and Sonic CD (which I still own and just now referenced), he's called Dr. Robotnik.
    In the Sega authorized Archie Comics, He's referred to as Dr. Robotnik.

    Like all of the characters in the franchise, when the first truly 3d games were released, he received a redesign, but he's still Robotnik. Elivs may have gotten fat and Michael Jackson may have turned white but that doesn't mean they weren't the same people.

    In other words, "STFU Noob. This was my LIFE until I got a driver's license."
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • My body is ready for this movie.
    Surprisingly good casting too.
  • edited June 2012
    blah blah blah
    No shit, that's why it's not wrong for me to call him Eggman. They're the same person, but he's been pretty much exclusively referred to as Dr. Eggman in the games post-SA2 and the design they used isn't the Robotnik-era one. The distinction of "Eggman" being the name of the one from the present and "Robotnik" being name of the one from the past is even explicitly made in Sonic Generations.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • His name is still Robotnik.
  • Sonic. Most of your little brother's generation are going to think Sonic 2 is a game for the Wii.
  • Nope. I started him off on the Genesis.
  • His name is still Robotnik.
  • edited June 2012
    His name is still Robotnik.
    *stubborn old man mode* Screw all you punk kids! I- I-... *reverts* can't argue with SEGA.
    Well, he'll always be Robotnik to me. And my brother.

    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • For what it's worth Sonic, I side with you. Eggman is stupid. At least Robotnik sounds like a name.
  • Yeah, and they do say that is his name, even though "noone calls [him] that anymore".
  • I just realised, the video game adaptation of Wreck-it-Ralph is going to be some hella crazy shit.
  • Muse released a trailer for their new album, called The 2nd Law. They said it was going to be something totally new for them, musically, but this has got me way more excited than I thought I would be. If any band was going to rock out with live dubstep, I'm going to trust these guys.

  • You can now play Fix-It Felix on the website for Wreck-It Ralph.
  • edited June 2012
    It's actually a pretty decent game; my high score is 124200.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • edited June 2012


    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • I have such an intellectual man-crush on Juan Enriquez. I have for years. You should, as well.
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