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Things of your day



  • Would have been better if it was a gerbil trying to find the corn.
  • edited June 2012
    I just remembered this:
    I think I'll probably get away without spending hours on it like I did the first time I ran into it.

    Note: this is why I happened to remember it.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • The Protomen Present a Night of Queen is the best cover album I have ever heard. The Protomen have successfully recreated the sound of Queen as perfectly as anyone probably can and Panther is a damn good Freddie Mercury. Seriously, his voice has gotten so much better in the relatively small period between Act II: the Father of Death and now. Go listen to this album.
  • Hopy shit yes. I picked a good day to wear my Protomen shirt.
  • Hoppy shit is now in the same cannon as bayshore insane.
  • Yeah... seriously considering going to the "release show" in Nashville for the Protomen disk. It's a seven hour drive...
  • Is that one of those things from metroid?
  • Is that one of those things from metroid?
    They're called "metroids."

  • Both statements are not inaccurate.
  • Is that one of those things from metroid?
    They're called "metroids."

    Hey Pete. What's the name of that cartoon show? It's in the future. I think it's about cops...

  • Hey! It's the T-rex from Meet the Robinsons!
  • There are some Moogles flying around if you zoom into the area right above the cherry.
  • Also featured - M. Bison, players from at least three seperate sports(baseball, basketball, gridiron), and some Starcraft Marines.
  • Chun Li and Zangief off to the side. My girlfriend and I were trying to figure out if the little brown things with Link-style hats were anything recognizable. Also, right under the cherry stem, looks like Tiger Woods.
  • I'd have thought there would be a lot more characters involved and fewer generic Golfer, American Footballer types.
  • Naw, I don't think that's Tiger woods - He's wearing a baseball uniform, look how the pants cut off just under the knee, just like the other baseball players.
  • edited June 2012
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • Best sky-writer ever.
    I don't know what I like more. The idea, or the fact that you made that reference.
  • edited June 2012

    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • I don't know what I like more. The idea, or the fact that you made that reference.
    To be honest, I stole it from where I got the link for it, but it is like tailor made for that joke.

  • eh, all wine tastes like butt to me, except for fake-ass wine like Boonesfarm.
  • eh, all wine tastes like butt to me, except for fake-ass wine like Boonesfarm.
    Have you tried a Moscato? I have seen a lot of people who are not fond of wine in general like that.
  • Inb4 long, drawn-out Scott "I told you so" circlejerk...
    No need, he's already talked about studies that prove that previously.

  • Inb4 long, drawn-out Scott "I told you so" circlejerk...
    No need, he's already talked about studies that prove that previously.
    I have agreed with Scott on that since I heard him say it. Out of the last 30 or so wines I tried I only really liked four of them. Three of them were under $20 and the other would have been the majority of a paycheck if I had paid for its full price, luckily the Italian restaurant I was eating at screwed up and gave me something other than what I ordered.
  • edited June 2012
    I don't know what the hell is going on, but fuck if I wouldn't be happy for a trip to the convenience store to be that exciting. Poor guy, though.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
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