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Things of your day



  • Things I learned this weekend:
    -When Rym says "we're not gonna walk far" what he means is we're gonna walk a long way (in this case about 4 miles.) Best wear comfortable shoes.
    -If Rym ever says, "it's a long walk, but we can do it", don't go. :P
  • Fuck it, I'd do it anyway. I've got long legs and a that wierd energy-saving lope that you see from people who tend to spend a lot of time on their feet. Four mile? Piece of piss, I'll do 40 with a pack.
  • edited June 2012

    (in this case about 4 miles.)
    Haha, that's cute. I walk five just to get to work. Then I work retail floor stuff for a few hours, then walk another five home. My legs are muscley to the point where, when I go off to school and don't have to walk 20-50 miles a week, I'm worried what will happen.
    Post edited by Neito on
  • I'm not athletic or anything, but there are two things my body can do without fail:
    1. Run really fucking fast for 10 minutes and
    2. Endurance walking.
    If I have reason to go somewhere and people to go there with, I don't care how far away it is.
  • I am not exactly the most active person, but I don't understand when people bitch about walking. It is exactly what our bodies are designed to do. We're endurance hunters; we walk after our prey at a brisk pace until they fall over from exhaustion. I hate it when people look at me weird because I don't consider a three-hour walk to be a big deal.
  • I had new shoes, it didn't go well. >_<
  • I too am a fan of endurance walking, the really fast things in short bursts is when I tend to fail.
  • I think it was that George got blisters. That was the unpleasant bit, I bet.
  • Yes, the distance was fine. It was wearing new shoes that got me. Which I wouldn't have worn if I had known how Rym's sense of distance worked. :P
  • That's pretty great.

  • Part of me loves this and part of me thinks this is kind of a waste of perfectly good pokemon cards.
  • Did I ever show you guys the pagoda my friend made out of Pokemon cards?
  • Most of me just has a hardon.
  • Oh man, it looks they're all the original 150. That girl has captured my heart...
    with an ultraball.
  • Gurl, I gots like 80 charmanders in play; lemme put them fire energies on the field and we can heat this place up nawmean?
  • edited June 2012
    Terrible Pokemon lines:
    Girl, if you jiggle your voltorbs I might just self destruct.
    One look at you and my ekans hardens like a metapod.
    Are you a pikachu? Because you are shockingly beautiful.
    Do you wanna battle? 'Cuz my balls are at the ready!
    I think I need a Paralyze Heal, because you're stunning.
    My Gyarados is big enough for you to ride it ALL day and night.
    My Kadabra just used Future Sight, and it looks like we've got a future together.
    Are you a Hitmonlee cause your body is kickin'.
    You put the "BONE" in Cubone.
    I wish you were the ground and I was a Diglett so I could be inside of you.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • edited June 2012

    Why isn't this something that people just tell you about all the time?

    Post edited by P_TOG on
  • JCPenny is best penny.
  • image
    "I believed in you, George."
  • edited June 2012
    Post edited by Coldguy on

  • I...Can't believe this is real.
    It looks amazing.
  • I really like that John C. Reily isn't being super wild and crazy, his performance actually seems to be very subdued.
  • edited June 2012
    It's incredible how Bowser, Qbert, Eggman, M. Bison, and Clyde are all legit in this movie. Not parodies, clearly the real thing used with permission.
    Post edited by Sail on
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