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Things of your day



  • edited November 2012
    A random goth/scene/rave guy with nail polish doesn't weird me out at all, but those pictures on that site all do. Especially the guy punching the other guy. And the marketing is pretty funny in and of itself.

    The names are pretty funny to. "Alpha Nail", "Smoke", "Concrete", "Cocaine", "Benjamin".

    I'm not critical of a guy that wants to wear nail polish. I am pretty critical of a guy who wants to wear "badass" nail polish.
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • I'd gladly wear nail polish if it were socially and professionally acceptable. More concerned with the latter.
    Fuck Da Social Police!
  • I've painted my nails out of boredom and curiosity, but amusement with the results aren't worth the time spent for me.
  • I just like how it covers up my yellowing cuticles.
  • I painted my nails when I was a little kid. Haven't understood the appeal since. Anyway, here's the thing of my day:
  • What the fuck just happened there?
  • Either that's a shitty chatbot or the stranger uses Omegle like I do.
  • "Look mom, I a reindeer!"
  • edited November 2012
    China is going to build the world's largest skyscraper in three months and Japan is gonna build a new maglev that can go over 300 MPH.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • China is going to build the world's largest skyscraper in three months and Japan is gonna build a new maglev that can go over 300 MPH.
    Oh and I don't mean they're gonna break ground three months from now, they intend to have it Finished in three months. They plan to build five stories a day to accomplish this.
  • China is going to build the world's largest skyscraper in three months and Japan is gonna build a new maglev that can go over 300 MPH.
    Oh and I don't mean they're gonna break ground three months from now, they intend to have it Finished in three months. They plan to build five stories a day to accomplish this.
    What. Five stories a day? Have the chinese unlocked magical powers? Earth bending? Alchemy?!
  • They did 30 stories in 15 days (after laying foundations):

  • Still uses more fuel...
  • edited November 2012
    Nobody spoils a bad joke quite like a pedant.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • but he's technically correct; the best kind of correct(!)
  • One of my favorite cartoon openers + favorite singers = world is a better place.

  • image
    In the most literal sense.
  • So... This is a thing...

    Even if it turns out to be practical, it probably won't happen in our lifetimes.

    This is one of the few times I envy the young and the future they will live in.
  • Who knows? Maybe we'll have found a way to extend our natural lifespans enough that we might get to see it.
  • You have no idea how excited the possibility of FTL travel makes me.
  • And people will look back at this in the same way we go "Ha! flying cars indeed..".
  • Overly-Attatched Girlfriend on the red carpet at the American Music Awards.

  • I want to meet her just to see what she's really like outside of the context of being an internet person.
  • My new favorite analogy as someone rebutted the retarded assertion by a fundamentalist that evolution violates the second law of thermodynamics:
    "The evolution theory violates the second law of Thermodynamics, which states "Things are getting older, loosing their potential over time". But in evolution, species mutate to better species, which VIOLATES, IT, while in the Bible we read that Earth will be destroyed, which confirms it."

    Whoever said that things aren't getting older and losing potential over time? And whoever said that evolution is incompatible with this law? It's like saying that no parties will ever happen if you put frat boys, pizza, beer and prostitutes in a sealed room because in the morning everything is always going to be a mess. You're completely ignoring what goes on in the interim- in this case, evolution. Perhaps a better explanation would be that the Second Law only accounts for the TOTAL energy, and has no bearing on things that defer greater disorder to create pockets of order.
  • Not only is that video awesome, but it also actually taught me how quicksort works.
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