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Things of your day



  • Nice dance moves! Ha ha ha ha.
    He's one crazy dude xD
  • BoHe-Man Rhapsody.

    Hurry. Hurry. Hurry. Watch it. I am giddy.
  • edited October 2008
    I don't have any idea what I just watched other than it's a Baccano! parody animation, but I found it thoroughly amusing. XD

    I found Lua's dancing so amusing that I made a little icon out of it. Too bad I can't use it on this forum. :( Oh well. That's what LJ is for.

    EDIT: Also, evidence to support Scrym's theory that Baccano! might as well be the anime version of Snatch.
    Post edited by Eryn on
  • Estimated Worth $15132.9 USD
    Net Worth : $15132.9
    Daily Pageview : 6244
    Daily Ads Revenue : $20.73

    Rollin' in the money.
  • Estimated Worth $15132.9 USD
    Net Worth : $15132.9
    Daily Pageview : 6244
    Daily Ads Revenue : $20.73

    Rollin' in the money.
    I don't know where this $20 a day is going, but I'd like to get a piece.
  • A cursory glance tells me that this hasn't been posted yet, so here's some love for the cartoon and anime block that I credit for making me the anime fan I am today:
  • A cursory glance tells me that this hasn't been posted yet, so here's some love for the cartoon and anime block that I credit for making me the anime fan I am today:
    That's... depressing. I know that Toonami has really gone downhill in the past years, but I'm really sad to see it go. I did love the Cowboy Bebop reference at the end, though.
  • Awesome laser magician. It starts off looking cheesy, but after he does his first 'trick', it gets cool!
  • I like how Steve Blum/David Lucas is still voice acting the Toonami, and the reference, but what was with those robots? Seriously. The TOM thing was bad enough. For you punk kids who don't know any better, this is Toonami.

  • Here's two more for you.

  • edited October 2008
    Since I've been playing a lot of Spore recently, I've found this site to be very helpful for ideas for crafts in the games. The art is awesome and high quality. Enjoy!
    edit: oops a link would probably help, Concept Ships
    Post edited by CHOIS CHOIS CHOIS on

  • My victory.
  • Piracy in Brazil
    I went to the imports fair today, it's a permanent fair here in Brasilia, so I took some pictures to show you how piracy here is ridiculous.
    PC games, 5 bucks each, already cracked and all.

    pirata 2
    Films are less then 2 bucks each.

    These are all PS3 games, but, when I got closer I realized these are legitimate, never the less still cool.
  • How much for the PS3 games?
  • How much for the PS3 games?
    Dude the originals are a fortune here, like around 200 Reais, about 100 dollars plus. They still haven't figured out a way to jailbreak the PS3, so the only ones available are the originals. For me it's a fortune, PS3 also is really expensive.
  • Creative mix of the Kirby music and Lucky Star.
    Is there something you sign when buying a .biz domain that says it must be used for suspect uses?
  • edited October 2008
    Street Fighter 4 anyone?

    Post edited by Coldguy on
  • edited October 2008
    Frontalot's new album.
    Awesome, I need some new Frontalot music. That cover art is freakin' awesome.

    EDIT: Woah, I probably should have read that before posted it...
    Post edited by Walker on
  • edited October 2008
    Wow. I knew that colour photography has been around for longer than most people think it has, but I never realized that the quality of the Lumieres' autochrome was so good. These photos are fascinating.
    Post edited by Eryn on
  • GeoGeo
    edited October 2008
    To anyone who loves The Colbert Report or anyone who doesn't have cable television yet likes The Colbert Report anyway (that means you Scrym).
    Post edited by Geo on
  • To anyonewho loves The Colbert Report or anyone who doesn't have cable television yet likes The Colbert Report anyway (that means you Scrym).
    Scrym don't like the Colbert Report and could easily watch it on Hulu.
  • To anyonewho loves The Colbert Report or anyone who doesn't have cable television yet likes The Colbert Report anyway (that means you Scrym).
    Scrym don't like the Colbert Report and could easily watch it on Hulu.
    I could've sworn that they once said they liked The Colbert Report. Also, whenever Rym mentions it he always says "You can't be a bear" which is from the Colbert Report. Either that or that phrase is from that comic.
  • I could've sworn that they once said they liked The Colbert Report. Also, whenever Rym mentions it he always says "You can't be a bear" which is from the Colbert Report. Either that or that phrase is fromthat comic.
    I don't believe Colbert has ever said "You can't be a bear." Rym posted a while back that he thought Colbert's act got old very quickly.
  • The Blind Watchmaker. Dismantling a creationist strawman:

    A bit long and yet the texts are a bit too short on screen, so keep the mouse hovering over the pause button. If you like it, check out the rest of this guy's videos and playlists.

    That one hit a bit close to home for me since in my Matura Project I also built an evolutionary algorithm, but mine was designed to adjust the joints of a robotic arm to grab an object in a room.
  • I found this article today.

    Yes, I know it's old but hey, it's about mold solving a maze!
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