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Things of your day



  • While there isn't really anything of value to be found in youtube comments, she also disallows video responses to her works. Thus she insulates herself from any kind of response. And while many of the responses to her video were likely to be garbage, there was the potential for a valuable discussion to be had.

    And yes, it is white noise. If the threat or insult is basically hot air with no real force behind it, then it is white noise.
  • Ah Jezebel, you beautiful beast, you never let me down. This article pretty much boils down the problem with feminism today, and why I really can't be bothered.
    Yes, that kind of double standard is bullshit, but that is a far cry from the definition of feminism. Sounds to me like what you dislike is the overextension of feminist encouragement and the simultaneous exclusion of men from that encouragement. That's totally fair.

    I recently saw someone post an article about how plucky female Disney Princesses are great, but what we need now is an introverted heroine to show girls that you can be an introvert and still be awesome. To which I pointed out that this is not a Disney Princess issue, but a protagonist issue in general. I have a hard time coming up with male heroes who are introverted, so why is the article focused only on the lack of female introvert heroines?

    If there is a true gender imbalance, then a gender-specific movement to achieve equality is cool. If the problem is gender neutral, then it should be addressed as such without excluding one gender or the other. I don't understand why women are the only ones encouraged to be body-positive, as this article points out. Men should be encouraged right along with women!

  • edited March 2013

    I recently saw someone post an article about how plucky female Disney Princesses are great, but what we need now is an introverted heroine to show girls that you can be an introvert and still be awesome. To which I pointed out that this is not a Disney Princess issue, but a protagonist issue in general. I have a hard time coming up with male heroes who are introverted, so why is the article focused only on the lack of female introvert heroines?
    I believe that mindset is an extension of feminist theory. The academic observation of female gender roles is a legitimate way to approach social science and literature. Some people take it too far and exclude other viewpoints as a result.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • I have no problem with not allowing comments or video replies. If someone wants to make a reply of any kind, he or she can post it on their own channel/blog/etc and send her a link. I see no reason why anyone's opinion on the matter be attached to her original video.

    Encouraging discourse does not have to mean presenting a study and then leaving it up to the underbelly of the Internet to respond.

    As for the extra money for the kickstarter going towards extended videos, I'm struggling to see why people kept donating more and more after it was originally funded. $6k to help fund a video series is fine, and once it is past you'll still get the video series. It's not as if you'll get a watch or something.
  • I recently saw someone post an article about how plucky female Disney Princesses are great, but what we need now is an introverted heroine to show girls that you can be an introvert and still be awesome. To which I pointed out that this is not a Disney Princess issue, but a protagonist issue in general. I have a hard time coming up with male heroes who are introverted, so why is the article focused only on the lack of female introvert heroines?
    Just one more reason Daria was awesome.
  • I posted this somewhere else a whole ago and I'm unsure if I posted it here. Daria reboot with Aubrey Plaza as Daria and Kristen Stewart as Jane Lane.

    Amazing in the making, amirite?
  • Nah, I don't think Kristen Stewart would make a terribly good Jane Lane. Aubrey Plaza would make a note-perfect Daria, though.
  • This is for all you Firefly fans out there. Get this shirt while you can (which is only for one day).
  • This is for all you Firefly fans out there. Get this shirt while you can (which is only for one day).
    It would have been cool if you had actually taken a screenshot so people who look at this post aren't confused about what the crap you're talking about.
  • image

    I just now saw this and the first thing I thought of was The Grudge. Holy shitballs, NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE.
  • Churba posted that before, but man, that is one pretty-looking glitch.
  • edited March 2013
    This is for all you Firefly fans out there. Get this shirt while you can (which is only for one day).
    It would have been cool if you had actually taken a screenshot so people who look at this post aren't confused about what the crap you're talking about.
    Hello, future people.


    Post edited by Churba on
  • image

  • That is the best thing ever. "Bloodmouth Carnist" is my new bandname.
  • New CHRIStFUCK album?
  • Yeah, I just growled out that first paragraph. It's salvagable.
  • edited March 2013
    Admittedly, not the best prank I've ever seen, but the sheer effort they put in with the costumes and everything else is impressive.

    How I would have done it to perfection - After they exited the room, they turn off the red light(roxaaaaane) and put it somewhere innocuous, turned out the other lights, and hid. He opens the door, and then just dark, perfectly normal house. Goes to check on the dude sleeping and look around, sleeping guy is there - while he's checking, other firefighter sneaks into the closet with some sort of freaky mask or something on under the helmet, and with a chainsaw(with the chain taken off, obviously). Dude comes back into his room, thoroughly confused, half-asleep, keyed-up and disoriented, and BAM, start the chainsaw and leap out. It'd require a bit of timing, but it could be done.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • The third volume of Terra ForMars has been scanlated. Time to get my monthly does of Klanman Rider. :3
  • edited March 2013

    Post edited by Gundampilotspaz on
  • Thanks to XKCD, I learned today that the Great Boston Molasses Flood was a thing that happened.
  • And here I was thinking that everyone knew about the Molasses Flood.
  • I was one of today's lucky 10,000?
  • The most delicious disaster in Boston history.
  • I was one of today's lucky 10,000?
    That, or I have warped expectations for what people know. Remember, this is the same guy who thought everyone knows Miss Pavlichenko, mostly because there's a Woody Guthrie song about her.
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