The link leads to the website that houses the screensaver of win. It's basically a screensaver of almost every single computer screen that the HAL 9000 has projected in 2001: A Space Odyssey. The website of win
Pola and I went wave spotting again today. We took some photos but thought a video would suit these big daddies better. We also decided not to see how close we could get before getting wet; we didn't want to die.
Was going through my morning web-comics are ran across this one. Pretty standard for QC, but then got to a refrence at the end that made me LOL and I'd thought you'd all enjoy. Questionable Content 02/02/2009
Not really a thing of the day, but Anime News Network is really, really awesome if you want to keep track of the anime you watch, how good it is, and the like. I don't know if any of you are also in on this, but if you want to do something like this, it's really easy and awesome.
This may be old, but it's the first I've seen of it, and it made me laugh.
Pola and I went wave spotting again today. We took some photos but thought a video would suit these big daddies better. We also decided not to see how close we could get before getting wet; we didn't want to die.
Questionable Content 02/02/2009
end geeking.
I also found some Jafa-cakes in the kitchen.
One of the better videos they did.