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Weird things about you.



  • edited January 2010
    One more here for the "pre-enacts conversations that will probably never happen" camp. Actually, I often run over concepts in my head (usually about drawing, but also about martial arts and stuff like that) as if I'm teaching it to someone. They say teaching is one of the best ways to learn, so maybe I'm doing something right.
    And another - you don't even what to know how my mind works along the "Things that propably won't happen" path.

    Also, I remember song lyrics really well - I'll normally remember a song after listening to it two or three times, and then I'll pretty much remember it till I drop dead.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I do the above, but I meticulously imagine conversation lines that haven't occurred and my face involuntarily makes the expressions I'd make. I often do this while walking on the quad in the cold; I'm glad no one seems to have noticed.
    Add me to that list. I often imagine entire complex branching conversations with specific people on a variety of topics. It gets really eerie when I'm having a conversation with someone and it feels like I've rehearsed it.
  • It gets really eerie when I'm having a conversation with someone and it feels like I've rehearsedit.
  • edited January 2010
    I do the above, but I meticulously imagine conversation lines that haven't occurred and my face involuntarily makes the expressions I'd make. I often do this while walking on the quad in the cold; I'm glad no one seems to have noticed.
    Add me to that list. I often imagine entire complex branching conversations with specific people on a variety of topics. It gets really eerie when I'm having a conversation with someone and it feels like I'verehearsedit.
    Branching can be fun, although I've gotten to both the "rehearsed conversation" deja vu, as well as being entirely consumed by imagining all those lines of thought, and that's when it gets entirely too strange. Yet, I persist.

    It always reminds me of the Shapers in Schismatrix.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I sometime daydream the sequential events after decision if I were to take the other option. They start to look like the video for Luv Deluxe by Cinnamon Chasers (my thing of the day BTW, great video.)
  • Actually, I often run over concepts in my head as if I'm teaching it to someone.
    I do this a lot too. Often while thinking in the shower.
    Also, I remember song lyrics really well - I'll normally remember a song after listening to it two or three times, and then I'll pretty much remember it till I drop dead.
    This is me, again. I do equally as well with any list-type data. Give me ten minutes and I can pretty much memorize anything.
  • The rehearsed conversation is very useful when you're figuring out what you will need to say to stand up for yourself in an emotionally-charged conversation. If you don't rehearse it, you are likely to contradict yourself or cave in. If you rehearse it, you can more easily stick to the points you have already developed. People in an argument will often get turned around and say things without having them connect logically. This is avoided by the pre-enacted conversation in your head; you figure out what the inconsistencies are and fix them before you get to the conversation. It's definitely beneficial, particularly to figuring out how you feel/what you want, and I have never met anyone that said they didn't do it. I'd say it would be weird not to think about it beforehand.
  • edited January 2010
    When I am stressed, upset, angry, etc. I am likely to vomit. Under these circumstances, I actually like to vomit, because I usually feel some better having the physical release afterward.

    Regarding the point abov: I also rehearse conversations and situations in my head frequently. I think most people do this not only for planning and preparing, but also for entertainment.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • When I am stressed, upset, angry, etc. I am likely to vomit. Under these circumstances, I actually like to vomit, because I usually feel some better having the physical release afterward.
    On a vaguely related side note, I'm a very casual vomiter. Not that I do it as a hobby, just that it usually goes something along the lines of "blah blah conversation conversation excuse me for a minute *move away from other people if possible, bargle, come back* pardon me, anyway, yadda yadda yadda"
  • Like many others, I spend a good amount of time planning conversations/events, imagining conversations/events, and such. I also hate it when I do this in lieu of actually starting said conversations/events, but I have gotten better at that.

    Related to that though, something I do a lot that I'm sure most people don't do, is have lengthy discussions with myself as if I'm talking to someone else. I don't think it's uncommon for most people to say something to themselves in quick, short bursts, like during moments of frustration or excitement. But I take that so much further, and will often just talk to open air for a good hour or more. I use this as an organization tool of sorts, since my brain is structured to be highly organized, yet my memory tends to be pretty bad, so talking about what I plan to do helps me remember things. Just as an example, last night I spent a couple hours going over what my plans and resolutions are for the coming year, just to make sure I know what it is that I want to do.
  • I believe that I have the ability to read people's thoughts by touching their foot, because I dreamed that I could.
  • edited July 2010
    Am I the only one who finds TheIdolm@ster to be already some way into the uncanny valley?
    Mixing animated faces with motion capture bodies, as opposed to animated ones, feels really jarring.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Seems like you guys keep mentioning the 'planned out conversation' and thats actually normal. I refrain from it personally as much as possible because it creates a pattern of forcing a conversation to go a certain way without really listening to what the other person has said, only what you have imagined them saying over and over. It's like when someone on the phone said 'have a good workout' to me as I had mentioned that I would be working out that evening, and I kind of automatically said 'you too'. So it can work against you if the other person says something other than what you would expect.

    Anyways, I am freakishly resistant to death, coming into close brushes with it 9 or so times where realistically nothing but luck and will saved me. Instead of just fantasizing about things, I just go out and do them, and I rarely joke about things that would be bad sarcasm from most other people. Other than that people get kind of freaked out by how much I know about violence, and how calmly and professionally discuss such things.
  • It's like when someone on the phone said 'have a good workout' to me as I had mentioned that I would be working out that evening, and I kind of automatically said 'you too'.
    I do this all the time.

    Cashier at the dining hall: Have a good meal!
    Me: You too!
    Me [thinking to self, several seconds later]: She's not eating, she's sitting there swiping cards. What the hell is wrong with me?
  • I never thought that was strange. The "You too." is meant to be applied to whatever they're doing, like "Have a good one.".
  • Bright light makes me sneeze.
  • Wikipedia: Autosomal Dominant Compelling Helio-Ophthalmic Outburst (ACHOO Syndrome)
    Scientists.. ಠ_ಠ
  • edited July 2010
    I've gone back over the thread, and to crunch everything I've posted so far down and add more things that I've realised are strange, here we are.

    Churba's wierd list

    - I have trouble talking on the phone to my friends, since I find it a bit hard to get context and cues devoid of body language, but don't have so much problem with text.

    -My friends an I have developed our own comprehensive sign language, initially for communicating at loud parties, or across quiet rooms without making a fuss, and it's both easier and harder than sign language, since it relies on a common slang understanding quite often - for example of a very simple, universal one, an index finger grabbed in a fist and then pulled out transitioning to a thumb pointing horizontally is "Fuck (something)", and the direction the thumb is pointing means different things, for example, to the right side is "Let's fuck off", backwards is indicating that the recipient should fuck off as in make an urgent exit, thumb towards yourself at chest level is "Fuck me", either as an exclamation of surprise or exasperation or a suggestion, thumbtip to head is "Fuckhead", thumb curled to the first knuckle and pressed to the head is "Fucked in the head"(because it's implying the thumbtip is inside the head), and thumb pointed towards the recipient is the jovial "Fuck you" whereas index finger rotated clockwise to the gripping fist, retracted and then extended to point at the recipient is a serious form of "fuck you"
    We can also do this really, really fast - faster than regular ASL speakers would normally converse.

    -Possibly average here, but I can type while not looking at the screen or keyboard without a signifigant rise in errors or drop in speed, while doing other things, such as holding a conversation, or watching tv.

    - I don't get jetlag hardly at all, no matter how much I travel or time-zones I cross, but a long summer day - such as english days, for example, lasting from 3 am till 11 PM - will give me Jetlag symptoms.

    -I can hear those mosquito ringtones and ultrasonic youth deterrent systems really, really well - to the point where some of them will cause me severe pain.

    -I've got a very, very good memory for lyrics.

    Right, now onto the stuff I've not mentioned before.

    - Most of the time, I find nearly dying or things that happen to me that are seriously bad news to be funny, or an adventure, just a part of life, but more minor setbacks will upset me, or if they're consistent or for a long time (such as job hunting) it will send me into a serious depression. Got stabbed in a fight? Yeah man, that was cool, wanna see the scar? Got fired from a crappy job? Weeks of depression and self-inflicted isolation.

    - I'm hilariously bad with women, despite if all the people saying that they have a hard time believing these things are to believed, it's despite all appearances.

    - I tend to describe things in oddly surreal-yet-graphic ways, absolutely casually - For example, the time I said something to Fred along the lines of "It's been so long since I got laid, the next time I do it's going to be like a yoghurt truck hitting a fuckin' brick wall." which, apparently, broke his brain.

    - I prefer very large drinks - Even my teacups are rarely below 20 ounces. My current teacups are a soup cup, a 1 imperial pint mug, and a .8 litre thermos.

    - I generally try very hard not to smoke within 40 minutes of waking up, even if I really, really want to - most often, I'll wait at least an hour.

    - I hate having a wedge of lime or lemon in my beer, and I prefer either pints, or longneck bottles almost exclusively.

    - I feel rather naked without some sort of tool on me - Leatherman, usually - or at the very least, a decent blade.

    - I rarely let my phone be more than a few feet from me, and when I do, it's for a good reason.

    - Whenever I enter a building, I check for exits, sight lines, and so on, and HATE sitting in resturants or other such things with my back facing the door, or the large majority of the restaurant. I almost exclusively sit with my back towards a wall or a corner.

    - I'm a very good tour guide for my city, and I do practice bits for it. I know far more about my city than most people, too. I have become that way almost entirely for two people.

    - I'm very much a polymath, and an extremely autodidactic learner.

    - I have an extremely strong taste reaction to PTC - Phenyltheocarbonide, if I remember right - to me, it tastes like the most bitter thing you've ever tasted, times ten.

    - I time things by the length of songs, often singing or humming them to myself, or occasionally with a little dance. If I have to wait for my tea to brew from teabags, I prefer it strong, so Seven minutes - The Doors original, Riders on the storm, or Cell block Tango from the Musical Chicago. Eight minutes? Sir Psycho Sexy, Red hot chilli peppers, or break and enter, by the Prodigy. Ten Minutes? You shook me by Led Zepplin, or the entirety of Evie by Stevie Wright. I've always done this, and I don't know why. Did come in handy from time to time, though.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • - I time things by the length of songs, often singing or humming them to myself, or occasionally with a little dance. If I have to wait for my tea to brew from teabags, I prefer it strong, so Seven minutes - The Doors original, Riders on the storm, or Cell block Tango from the Musical Chicago. Eight minutes? Sir Psycho Sexy, Red hot chilli peppers, or break and enter, by the Prodigy. Ten Minutes? You shook me by Led Zepplin, or the entirety of Evie by Stevie Wright. I've always done this, and I don't know why. Did come in handy from time to time, though.
    Have you ever seen Hudson Hawk?
  • Have you ever seen Hudson Hawk?
    No, but I assume it's somewhat relevant, considering your method of asking?
  • Have you ever seen Hudson Hawk?
    No, but I assume it's somewhat relevant, considering your method of asking?
    Yes it is.
  • I suspect my love of raw rice will be my undoing.
  • Yes it is.
    Yo, Group opinion, Hudson hawk, worth watching, or will someone just tell me what's up?
  • I liked when I watched it, but that was probably a decade or more ago.
  • Yes it is.
    Yo, Group opinion, Hudson hawk, worth watching, or will someone just tell me what's up?
    Watch it.
  • edited July 2010
    Watch it.
    Then he'll wonder what the color blue will taste like. :P

    I grew up watching this movie over and over. It's pure silliness and shouldn't ever be taken seriously.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Was Hudson Hawk the one where the main characters only ever exited buildings by jumping out of windows?
  • Watch it.
    It's on netflix streaming, I'm game.
  • It's on netflix streaming, I'm game.
    I can't get netflix anything, but I do have a mate who works at blockbuster...
  • Jesus, Hudson Hawk is one of the worst movies I've ever half-paid-attention-to-about-2/3-of.
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