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WoW: The shit-talk stops here.



  • No game should make you invest so much time in them that players feel prohibited from stopping due to the amount of time already invested.It's the game's fault that people don't stop playing it?The game was designed so that people wouldn't stop playing it.
    Everyone who hasn't already should check out Pure Pwnage.  They've been poking fun at WoW for a while now.
  • I don' t have time for something that forces me to "get through" a bunch of crap, even if there's something good beyond said crap, and especially if I can do something with a better good-stuff-to-crap-ratio. I won't watch 20 bad episodes of a show just to get the "five good ones" at the end. If a steak is half-good and half-bad, I'll just eat the good part. If I were forced to eat the bad part just to get at the good part, I'd pay for a better overall steak instead.
    Of course, this kind of thinking falls apart at the seams when you realize that it is more often the case that one "part" greatly overshadows the other. This is where the helpful advice of your peers comes into play, so you can gauge whether the payoff is worth it or not.

    Speaking from experience, when it is worth it, the lead-in to the "good part" is so trifling a criticism as to be barely worth mentioning.
  • edited December 2007
    Hehe, I love how Reimu seems to be intentionally seeking every opinion from Scrym and mercilessly demolishes it.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • Hehe, i love how Reimu seems to be intentionally seeking every opinion from Scrym and mercilessly demolishes it.
    Only if demolishing means that he's peeing all over the chess board. That post doesn't make any sense.
  • edited December 2007
    Speaking from experience, when it is worth it, the lead-in to the "good part" is so trifling a criticism as to be barely worth mentioning.
    Are you vaguely making a sexual reference here? Because if you are I gotta say in my opinion it's the whole experience that is great, the very end is sorta anti-climatic for me though^_^
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • Hehe, i love how Reimu seems to be intentionally seeking every opinion from Scrym and mercilessly demolishes it.
    Only if demolishing means that he's peeing all over the chess board. That post doesn't make any sense.
    I don't know. In this case, I understand where Reimu is coming from. If the good part of the game is so great that it completely overshadows the bad part, then why not go through with it?

    Of course, I am not condoning the act of playing WoW. At all.
  • My point's been brought up in the Hentai show thread again, so it's redundant here now.

    Anyway, I played Wow before, even went back to it after the first time, but it ultimately didn't keep me. Having a good guild with buddies around your level is a key to getting the most of the game. I was having a great time until I started to suffer from burn out after grinding day-in and day-out, then I fell behind and it fell apart from there.
  • If the good part of the game is so great that it completely overshadows the bad part, then why not go through with it?
    For me, that only works with anime or manga. Because then, I can just skip to the part where it gets good. But if it's required that I have to sit through hours of a horrible game, then it's just not worth it. Not that WoW's gameplay is horrible, but it does get tedious and boring.
  • Anyway, I played Wow before, even went back to it after the first time, but it ultimately didn't keep me. Having a good guild with buddies around your level is a key to getting the most of the game. I was having a great time until I started to suffer from burn out after grinding day-in and day-out, then I fell behind and it fell apart from there.
    Co-op makes everything better. (including Cleaning)
  • This disscussion is rather interesting, but it's aloso interesting that no-one even bothers to mention the games where grinds aren't required. You all bitch about how bad wow is or is not, as to your opinion. I see only 2 solutions, build a better one or find a better one. I pesonaly don't like wow or anything about it, from it's cartonish graphics to the endless grind to get anything. I prefer to play games where I dont have to buy it more than once. I play Guild Wars; it is better all around. For one it has no subscription fee, grinding is completly optional and you can pick it up when ever you feel like it. This game like all games similar to it has it's problems but they're ignorable. I tend to only play it once or twice a week.
  • I think the only solution to making an MMO worth playing is to move away from the monthly subscription model. All it does is encourage development of games where grinding is required in order to be competitive within the game. That said, other options are not much better. Ad supported games are annoying and detract from the experience. "Free" games like Guild Wars and Anarchy Online end up costing a reasonable amount of money due to the endless expansion packs. And while micro-transactions and the use of real money to buy in-game items may lead to fraud and theft, this model may be the most viable one from a commercial and artistic perspective. Although, trading a time sink for a money sink is not all that appealing for me, if it doesn't exceed the cost of a WoW subscription per month, and only playing a few hours a week is acceptable, I think a compelling game along those lines may one day gain me as a customer.
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