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Art Attack (Concept Sketch Dump)



  • I was actually going with skeletal and demonic for the Nightmares (the horses), if they look disturbing or bizarre that is what I was going for.
    I get what you're going for, but I have to say that it doesn't come off that way -- it comes off as not being able to draw horses. To me, if there's any hard and fast rule about art, it's that if it looks wrong, it's wrong -- even if it's right. Remember that you're not going to be there to explain it to your audience when they read it.

    As for the panel layout, I'm interested to see how it works when you've finished the backgrounds. The way it looks right now, I think you need some stronger compositional elements to separate the panels. Honestly, I'd recommend staying away from fancy stuff like this until you've got the basics down a lot better.
  • I am going to remove some of the unnecessary bends in the horses legs and create a larger break between the view of both Nightmares and the view of the coach when I add the backgrounds. Hopefully that will make everything better.
  • I can't wait to see it.
  • edited March 2009
    Can I just add, that carriage doesn't look very convincing. They usually have a lot of ground clearance with big wheels and the steps are usually some way off the ground. Google or Flickr some images.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Can I just add, that carriage doesn't look very convincing. They usually have a lot of ground clearance with big wheels and the steps are usually some way off the ground. Google or Flickr some images.
  • Fat punk rock guy warmup sketch before starting today's page:
  • edited March 2009
    I never tire of your entries.

    As for myself, my current progress on my Mario through the ages (Pre N64):

    I'm still working on your project. I just need more motivation to cut and sew things together. -_-
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • @Sail
    I'm still working on your project. I just need more motivation to cut and sew things together. -_-
    I've told you a thousand times, don't worry about it any take as much time as you need. That Mario stitch is incredibly cool.
  • I've told you a thousand times, don't worry about it any take as much time as you need. That Mario stitch is incredibly cool.
    I know but I feel bad. I feel like a shit talker.
  • As for myself, my current progress on my Mario through the ages (Pre N64):
    That's awesome, Ro. My girlfriend was looking over my shoulder, and she loved it, too.

  • As for myself, my current progress on my Mario through the ages (Pre N64)
    After that's finished you just need to make an origami Mario for the N64 days.
  • I know but I feel bad. I feel like a shit talker.
    You're not.
  • A picture Nineless wanted me to post.

  • ......
    edited April 2009
    A picture Nineless wanted me to post.

    Properly ftfy.
    Post edited by ... on
  • Haha. I just wanted to mess with you some more.

    In the chat today I tricked him with yaoi as well. :P

  • In the chat today I tricked him with yaoi as well. :P
    lol. I love that when it happens.

  • In the chat today I tricked him with yaoi as well. :P
    lol. I love that when it happens.
    Haha, Nice. (I think that's becoming one of my catch phrases...O_o)
  • So, there's something I'm not getting. Why is the picture different in Viga's initial post, and in Nine's quote of it? In any case, good work, Viga -- you're improving a lot.
  • edited April 2009
    Viga was playing with Nine by not posting the picture Nine kept asking her to post.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • ......
    edited April 2009
    So, there's something I'm not getting. Why is the picture different in Viga's initial post, and in Nine's quote of it? In any case, good work, Viga -- you're improving a lot.
    Because Viga lied and posted a picture I didn't ask her to post. I fixed it for her. (ftfy means fixed that for you)

    EDIT: DARN YOU CHEESECAKE! Beating me with seconds.
    Post edited by ... on
  • Thank you.
  • Something nice that came out of a page of random sketching.
  • edited April 2009
    Great line thickness, man. I haven't drawn on paper in a while now. I have these little game backgrounds I'm doing. Maybe I can show those or the concept sketches of them.
    Post edited by Mankoon on
  • I have these little game backgrounds I'm doing. Maybe I can show those or the concept sketches of them.
    Oh man, I totally want to see. Can you talk about what they're for?
  • I have these little game backgrounds I'm doing. Maybe I can show those or the concept sketches of them.
    Oh man, I totally want to see. Can you talk about what they're for?
    Haha, It's just a personal project. It's not for a company with an NDA. My partner and I decide what we should or shouldn't show to the world. Sometimes I get paranoid, like I shouldn't show anything. Then other times I think, that's not the indie way! I get confused between those two trains of thought and I end up just tabling the issue. So far we haven't really shown anything. We will get into testing it though. Maybe sometime today I'll post some art from it.
  • Is this Valdis Story?
  • Is this Valdis Story?
    Hehe, no that's Kyron's solo project. There are videos for that on the web already. It's on pause for now as we work on a game together. We are trying to finish this game in the next 2 months. Hopefully. Man, I have to reassess today to see how we are doing.
  • edited April 2009
    It's not much but this is what I started out with when I was putting a scene together. The Background takes up a small portion of the screen. The Backgrounds are meant to be layered and parallax scroll. The first image is a just a backdrop and has no transparent pixels. The second is a series of 3 images that pass over each other as the main character walks by. Every time I do one of these I try to put some rhythm in to it. The paper is really wrinkled because it was drawn on tracing paper. That way I can sort of imagine what the layers will be like.
    I hope this some what inspiring. I'm dieing for inspiration today. X|
    Post edited by Mankoon on
  • Oh man, parallax scrolling! That's gotta present some interesting challenges, compositionally. These look cool -- I can't wait to see what they look like in game.
  • @funfetus - thanks. The composition works well so far. I hope!
    I started on an acrylic painting for fun. It's something to keep me away from the PC. So far it's working!
    He was an old sketch in my sketchbook.
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