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Art Attack (Concept Sketch Dump)



  • GeoGeo
    edited August 2009
    I won't tell you again. Stop quoting large images.
    These are possible designs/image material for the Geeknights crew. The first one is a possible poster design (typeface pending). the second is possible material with Rym and Scott posing as Christian Dior and Yves Saint Laurent respectively. The third is some possible designs from out of the blue. The top half is based off a 20's ad and the bottom half is a rough sketch based off some Glasgow Revival prints.

    Critiques and suggestions are appreciated!
    Niiiice! I really like the art style that you used for those sketches, sorta reminds of this New Yorker art style or something like that with all the waviness. Keep up the good work viddy.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • Aim for microphones that don't look too phallic.
  • Aim for microphones that don't look too phallic.
    Sadly enough, I only noticed it after I put the sketches up. It was one of those 'well, crap' moments. But noted, nonetheless.
  • edited August 2009
    Aim for microphones that don't look too phallic.
    Or for microphones that look MORE phallic.
    The third is some possible designs from out of the blue. The top half is based off a 20's ad and the bottom half is a rough sketch based off some Glasgow Revival prints.
    Those are my favorites. More iconic, with a much more specific style.
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • So it's just me the pictures aren't rendering for?
  • Yeah, that third one is pretty great. You know I don't drink beer, right?
  • So it's just me the pictures aren't rendering for?
  • Yeah, that third one is pretty great. You know I don't drink beer, right?
    There's actually a little tiny straw for root beer. You can't see it, but it's there. Waaaayyy in there.
  • Yeah, that third one is pretty great. You know I don't drink beer, right?
    There's actually a little tiny straw for root beer. You can't see it, but it's there. Waaaayyy in there.
    I don't drink that either. I only drink water, milk, juice, and things that are almost juice, like lemonade.
  • I really dig the art deco style. I would really like to see you develop those ideas more.
  • Yeah, that third one is pretty great. You know I don't drink beer, right?
    There's actually a little tiny straw for root beer. You can't see it, but it's there. Waaaayyy in there.
    I don't drink that either. I only drink water, milk, juice, and things that are almost juice, like lemonade.
    Nothing else? Not even alchoholic beverages with juice or juice flavors?
  • edited August 2009
    No. It's all "poison."

    Only good, healthy juice and water.

    edit: Scott with emo glasses and combed hair looks un-Scott-like. He's too fashionable.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • edited August 2009
    After recent events, I think we need a forum fanart. Unfortunately, I lack the appropriate skills, so this is just me putting the idea out.
    I was thinking the focus would be this quote:
    As the person who wrote the be nice to the newbies thread, you don't have to be nice to this guy anymore, he was handled well by the regulars and whatever his fate now he deserves it.
    The specifics are a bit harder, since this is along the lines of "let loose the hounds," but Nine is a cat. Mr Period would probably also feature in some way, despite his infrequent presence.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Viddyvane:
    I too like the alcohol one best. It's the most eye-catching and fun.

    I'm on a fanart kick. Doing K-on girls in their outfits from the ending theme.
    I'm having trouble with Ritsu-- the girl on our right. I don't know how to go about drawing her puffy pants while she's sitting like that. She just looks like she has a bubble-butt and huge thighs....
    There are precious few shots of her pants, such that most fan artists thought she was wearing a crazy-short dress rather than a shirt and pants. And therefore, I don't have much reference.
    Here are the best shots of her pants.
    Do you guys have any advice on that, or anything else?

  • on't know how to go about drawing her puffy pants while she's sitting like that. She just looks like she has a bubble-butt and huge thighs....
    Honestly, it looks fine to me. I don't see any bubble-butt or huge thighs. The only advice I can give is the standard advice when drawing clothing on figures -- draw the figure underneath first, then "hang" the clothing off the body, keeping in mind gravity, any wind or movement taking place, and the places the fabric is suspended from, as well as the places it's pinching or bunching.
  • Looks good Nillia. As for the pants, some (sfw) Danbooru links of other artists' renditions. Also, she's so totally wearing boots. Good luck.
  • Oh man, this one seriously looks like she crapped her pants bigtime. :)
  • Oh man, this one seriously looks like she crapped her pants big time. :)
    Yeah, crazy mickey mouse short is one extreme and hopefully a strong force to guide Nillia to the right path!
  • I like her drawing better then the drawings you posted. The drapery on the drawings in the links are kind of stiff. Nillia has some very elegant strokes going on. Also I think Ritsu looks fine too.
  • @Funfetus
    Really? Thanks. Well, that's good I guess. Maybe I was being overly critical.
    Yeah, I know the standard...but not everything applies to it, and that's when I'm in the dark. *sigh* I'm usually less sure of myself with puffy things that don't quite respond gravity as much. =/ I guess I'll just BS it like all the other fanartists, lol.
    And I like your input on that other fanart.

    Thanks. I went back and re-watched the video in high-def, and you were totally right about the boots. Thanks, cuz I missed that.
  • I'm gonna take this opportunity to say that drapery is a bastard. I've been actively working on my drapery, spending hours upon hours drawing from reference, reading everything on the subject I can get my hands on, and I still feel like my drapery sucks.
  • I'm gonna take this opportunity to say that drapery is a bastard. I've been actively working on my drapery, spending hours upon hours drawing from reference, reading everything on the subject I can get my hands on, and I still feel like my drapery sucks.
    QFT. I've been trying that as well lately.

    I've been making a reference pic collection. Do others do that?
  • @ I LOST COUNT. - This is totally off topic, but is that Daniel the cat on your icon?

    @ Natalie - I am also not seeing the bubble-butt thing. To me it just looks like she's wearing puffy capris or something. I didn't notice the boots either, but that's even more appealing to me. :) I think that soon you need to decide what to do with Mugi's extra hand!
  • Thanks, cuz I missed that.
    To be honest, I had no freaking idea she had boots until I had found that third image, and rewatched the ED carefully... ten minutes before posting that comment.
  • edited August 2009
    Wow, thanks. =D

    Frankly, I think you're full of crap. Your clothing looks fine to me. I figure that you're being too hard on yourself. Not to discourage your efforts to improve-- I can only say it's working.
    You are a little bit better at tight or constructed clothing, like t-shirts, bodysuits, pants and jackets. If you feel like your flowy drapery stuff is lacking, maybe just try a differing inking approach. Your thick, bold lines and shadows are great, but it might be a delicate touch you're craving.

    Drapery doesn't usually give me too much trouble unless it's pants. Especially man pants. It feels like there's such a delicate balance between giving the man a girl crotch and the beginnings of a boner.

    @ Bii
    Thanks sweetheart. And you're right. I was thinking of having it either just palm-up, fingers a little curled, or delicately doing something with a flower. I thought about putting them in the field they were in at the end of the ending, but that might be more work that I have patience for. By the time I'm done coloring all four of them I might be sick of the picture.

    Hahaha, really? Still, thanks for that.
    Post edited by Nillia on
  • I've been making a reference pic collection. Do others do that?
    I've been planning to do it, but I haven't gotten around to it. I did talk my girlfriend into posing in a variety of poses in a variety of types of clothing for reference pics a while back, but I almost never use them -- which is stupid, I really should. The problem for me is that it's often hard to find a pose that's close enough to what you need, and if you can't get that, it's almost useless -- the folds will be all wrong. I've just been taking pictures of myself as I need them for most of my reference lately.
  • edited August 2009
    I've just been taking pictures of myself as I need them for most of my reference lately.
    Hahahah, I do that too. That idea of building up a set is good though. I should do that.
    Sometimes, just guessing/BSing over your basic knowledge works. I mean...that's what happens most of the time for me, at least. This pic included. Sometimes when I think too much about theory and getting it right and stuff, it looks worse than if I had just BSed it. Do you BS often?
    Post edited by Nillia on

  • Frankly, I think you're full of crap. Your clothing looks fine to me. I figure that you're being too hard on yourself. Not to discourage your efforts to improve-- I can only say it's working.
    You are a little bit better at tight or constructed clothing, like t-shirts, bodysuits, pants and jackets. If you feel like your flowy drapery stuff is lacking, maybe just try a differing inking approach. Your thick, bold lines and shadows are great, but it might be a delicate touch you're craving.
    Thanks for the encouragement. When I say "my drapery sucks", I mean it in a relative sense. I know I'm at a certain skill level where nothing really SUCKS, but I do feel like drapery is one of my weaknesses. I often fake it well enough, but I always come to these points where I feel like I don't know what to do, and it really bothers me. I think you're right about flowing drapery -- I've been drawing a lot of capes lately on this project I'm working on, and I haven't been quite satisfied with the results. More study needed -- time to whip out a bedsheet. :) As for a delicate touch -- do you think you could give me some examples of what you're talking about? I have been experimenting a bit with inking techniques lately. Sometimes I feel like I use the bold lines and spot blacks as a crutch. Though I am coming from more of an American comics background than most of the artists around here, and heavy ink lines and spot blacks are kind of a hallmark of American comics.
    Sometimes when I think too much about theory and getting it right and stuff, it looks worse than if I had just BSed it.
    Yeah, I know what you mean. Like I said, I BS it too sometimes. But I just have this thing where I'm really big on construction, and it's important for my peace of mind to have a solid understanding of what's happening with the form.
  • edited August 2009
    @ Bii
    Thanks sweetheart. And you're right. I was thinking of having it either just palm-up, fingers a little curled, or delicately doing something with a flower. I thought about putting them in the field they were in at the end of the ending, but that might be more work that I have patience for. By the time I'm done coloring all four of them I might be sick of the picture.
    Yeah, I really think that you should go for a simple background with this one. I know that your tolerance for BGs isn't very high, so I think you should go easy on yourself with a piece that's meant to be just for fun. Plus, since they're in their ED music vid outfits, they could lend themselves very well to some sort of iconic BG instead of a complicated/substantial one.
    Post edited by loltsundere on
  • edited August 2009
    Try looking at 300, if you want to see that kind of finesse in a cape without sacrificing the American comic style.

    Oh, and even though it's anime, look at the Gurren Lagann eyecatch collection. Or just pictures of Lord Genome. Heavily shaded things, but very organic at the same time. You could apply some of that aesthetic to the clothes and things on your more American facial/body structure.

    I recommend applying more thin-ish lines and less block shading on your capes...more like how you ink other shirts and things. Capes too have areas with just a subtle wrinkle. And instead of having the lines just go out in a solid curve or strait line in whatever direction the cape is blowing, add a bit of crinkle. It takes a little letting loose, and moving a little further away from construction. Out of your comfort zone.
    I'm the opposite. Highly constructed things like machines and buildings drive me nuts.

    @ Bii
    Okay. In a way though, that's harder to think up.
    Post edited by Nillia on
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