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Art Attack (Concept Sketch Dump)



  • Is that... A man wearing a kilt and and insect antennae pointing dramatically while a fake battleship fires of rockets?

    What the heck?
  • edited August 2008
    You'll get it eventually. It's just a doodle, why so serious?
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Is that... A man wearing a kilt and and insect antennae pointing dramatically while a fake battleship fires of rockets?
    It's Omnutia, the antennae are bunny ears with the tiger pattern. Background has Viga and the forum going down in a blaze.
  • All these sketches and drawings on this thread are horrid. Now this is an example of a good drawing:
  • image
    Rough sketch in honor of a recent event. Left some space at the top for someone to put some text.
    LOLZ! Awesome!

    Also, I see you skillls are growing. *thumbs up*
  • All these sketches and drawings on this thread are horrid. Now this is an example of a good drawing:
    That's a nice sketch indeed, though there are better ones in this thread if you ask me. But is this thread not supposed to be used for sketches you have drawn yourself?
  • All these sketches and drawings on this thread are horrid. Now this is an example of a good drawing:
    Whoa, the 90's just hit me in the face really hard!

    Omnutia: That doodle looks like it was more fun to make them my recent attempts at drawing * sigh*. Keep it up though, I love crazy drawings!
  • Here are three sketches I threw together. I was out with a friend at an art store and they had these tiny Bristol sketch cards that I couldn't help but buy and use. I am amused that they appear larger on my screen than actual size.
  • After cleaning my belly button, I've decided to join the school girl-craze.

  • I've been playing some fighting games lately, so I drew a fighting-game-inspired guy.
  • Here are a couple character designs I've been doing for a webcomic I'm planning (hopefully I'll be starting it sometime next month.)
  • I can't draw. At all! But my girlfriend and I are working on a webcomic (free entertainment, woot) which is basically my initial ideas with her pencil skillz and a combination of both our imaginations. Thing is, she left it up to me to design the characters, because she draws quicker when she knows what she is drawing. Problem! We have a ROBOT in the comic. A 10 foot tall one! He also isn't the same as most robots you know of because he has 'evolved' to an almost organic state of being whilst still being a robot, using some bastardized version of Survival of the Fittest.

    So borrowing some imagination from a few sources I sketched this out (some tracing involved to make it not look like a 5 years olds attempt):


    Yes, thats a piss poor mouse-drawn handprint =P Best I could do with a mouse. She will, of course, customize him (Zenn) further and make him more of her own and less of my copy-pasta art.
  • image
    There was a story behind this, but I forgot it. :P
  • edited August 2008
    Man, everyone's doing a webcomic. I think one of these days, when I have the time, I'd like to do a graphic novel, and serialize it on the web as I'm working on it. Not exactly a webcomic, but not exactly not, either.
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • Man, everyone's doing a webcomic. think one of these days, when I have the time, I'd like to do a graphic novel, and serialize it on the web as I'm working on it. Not exactly a webcomic, but not exactly not, either.
    That is what I am attempting to do with mine, I am going to try to release chapters at a time as they are completed. The only reason I haven't started posting anything is because I don't have a website and I need to get my scanner in my dorm room which unfortunately will not be able to happen until the end of September.
  • and I need to get my scanner in my dorm room which unfortunately will not be able to happen until the end of September.
    Alright -- you've got 31 days. Don't let us down.
  • Webcomics are le awesome. Our one is more plot based (Sci Fi, Adventure) rather than the usual penny-arcade like comics.

    If you want a good script for your website the ComicPress with WordPress is pretty great.
  • Our one is more plot based (Sci Fi, Adventure) rather than the usual penny-arcade like comics.
    Is it full-page or strip format?
  • Full page. We've got some pages and a website setup over here, but we haven't actually started doing the comic properly yet and the website also is far from finished.
  • Can't read text. Anyway your skills have grown. I better grow too!
  • We've got some pages and a website setup overhere, but we haven't actually started doing the comic properly yet and the website also is far from finished.
    Yeah, I think I remember seeing those pages back when I first joined the forum. Let us know when you get around to doing some more.
    Can't read text.
    Yep. Seriously, rule out some straight lines for your lettering, and probably avoid the cursive. It's really difficult to read. (Actually, if you're going to stick with lettering by hand, absolutely get one of these.
  • edited September 2008
    I wasn't really taking it all that seriously, if you'd like I can tart neaten it up a bit and letter it properly. It was just an off hand sketch though.

    Reading down and then from right to left:
    "The arms don't, you know.."
    "Really? ..oh"
    "What about now?"
    "All things considered, I couldn't bring myself to not like dislike his ways of thinking about the world."

    My drawing skills aren't up to what they used to be yet, if I draw more regularly I could probably get back to how it was. Drawing well consistently is the hard part though.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Ok. I finally have something to post. I've been working on this project since the beginning of the month. I've been wanting to actually do something productive. I wanted to create something but still incorporate my love for geeky things. So I've taken up cross-stitching. After doing some research, I found a program to where you can upload images and you can print out a counted cross-stitch design for it. It's a lot like Photoshop, but not as good, however I can make it work. So here is my current cross-stitch project that I'm working on:

    I've honestly spent most, it not all of my free time working on this. I didn't think that cross-stitching would be so time consuming. However, I find it relaxing. I would cross-stitch while watching DVDs or listening to stuff online. I enjoy it. After this project I plan on working on smaller images, more along the 8-bit sprite type models.
  • Wooo! Yotsuba!
  • I've got an idea that I will turn into a song this week. I just wish that I actually knew how to play piano.
  • image
    It's something that's coming.
  • Looks good, Viga -- you're getting better.
  • edited December 2008
    Just messing around with GIMP.
    The Japanese is "Chuuduri-ni" meaning "In Mid-air".
    I added the border using CSS
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Haven't used charcoals in a loooooong while.
    30min Aprox. with picture reference.
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