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Art Attack (Concept Sketch Dump)



  • What you are describing here sounds like you're moving yourself around the wacom tablet.
    No, what I am describing is you moving the tablet, AND yourself as to create a better drawing angle. As for the body twisting, you're imagining something crazy, for all you have to do is turn left or right in your seat, and unless you do not have an average desk chair, that shouldn't be a problem at all.
    I have NO idea how that's supposed to help anything. The whole point is to create a different angle between your body and the drawing surface, so that you can make strokes at a more natural angle. Same as when you're drawing on paper, and you rotate the paper to varying degrees to get the right angle.
  • I have NO idea how that's supposed to help anything. The whole point is to create a different angle between your body and the drawing surface, so that you can make strokes at a more natural angle. Same as when you're drawing on paper, and you rotate the paper to varying degrees to get the right angle.
    That's what happens, the problem here is that you guys do not understand it and I cannot explain it better. I've even drawn a few lines on paper doing this, and the lines were more horizontal (relative to the screen and when moving the 'tablet' left) when I was sitting slightly sideways compared to when I had 'tablet' and monitor aligned.
  • edited May 2008
    I've even drawn a few lines on paper doing this, and the lines were more horizontal (relative to the screen and when moving the 'tablet' left) when I was sitting slightly sideways compared to when I had 'tablet' and monitor aligned.
    Please, for god sake try this out on the wacom tablet. Trying it out on paper does not always translate so well over to the wacom. If it works on the wacom, great, show it to us in pictures.
    Post edited by Ametto on
  • This character was made for a video tutorial I'm making on the basics of using Flash as a drawing/simple color tool. His style and colors are based off of some kids at the dance studio behind my workplace. I almost ran over some of them while a TV show was being shot there, so they have a lasting impression in my head. ^_^;

    Speaking of Cintiqs -- I'm not convinced. Maybe it's because I've been drawing on regular Wacoms for over a decade, but I like drawing in my lap and having it come up on the screen. Better than hunching over a board.
    I've been using Intuos tablets for about 10 years and I really used to be very iffy about Cintiqs. After using them and seeing how other people use them, I really do believe they are a huge step up from tablets. I notice many people also setup the cintiq very much like how Mankoon has it. It's very much like painting on a canvas set on an easel or drawing on a drafting table. Which is great cause it forces you to utilize your elbow more which can help to make more smoother natural curves. Everyone works differently of course. For me it wasn't until I started learning how to swing golf clubs properly, that I realized that our bodies create very smooth natural curves and that I was not fully utilizing that natural ability of my body in the way I draw and ink. The Cintiq actually allows me to exploit that ability more so than my tablet. Now if only they lower the price of the 20 in to $999, then I would buy one!
  • edited May 2008
    Do you have that video posted somewhere? I'd like to see it, Ktep. That picture is hot.
    Post edited by Ametto on
  • Ametto, I'm still working on the video, but I'll post it on my youtube channel and link it here once I get it up. I warn you it's very basic.
  • Ametto, I'm still working on the video, but I'll post it on my youtube channel and link it here once I get it up. I warn you it's very basic.
    Depends on your definition of basic, I'll certainly watch it, and with the (little) knowledge I have about Flash I might be able to help you determining how basic or advanced it is.
  • Did you draw it all in flash or did you use scanned inked image and converted the lines? For a moment there, I thought you drew it all solely in flash. I can program animation and functionality in flash but I never learned how to draw in it. Either way, I'm still interested.
  • Love the inking look ktep, reminds me a lot of the World Ends with You look.
  • @Ametto: Actually, it was all solely drawn in Flash. =) I used to program animation and functionality for flash too and eventually it evolved into one of my favorite programs I use for my line work. I will definitely link the tutorial once I finish the voice over.

    @Kiey: It definitely was an inspiration. =)
  • Sweet, ktep.
  • I've been using Intuos tablets for about 10 years and I really used to be very iffy about Cintiqs. After using them and seeing how other people use them, I really do believe they are a huge step up from tablets. I notice many people also setup the cintiq very much like how Mankoon has it. It's very much like painting on a canvas set on an easel or drawing on a drafting table. Which is great cause it forces you to utilize your elbow more which can help to make more smoother natural curves. Everyone works differently of course. For me it wasn't until I started learning how to swing golf clubs properly, that I realized that our bodies create very smooth natural curves and that I was not fully utilizing that natural ability of my body in the way I draw and ink. The Cintiq actually allows me to exploit that ability more so than my tablet. Now if only they lower the price of the 20 in to $999, then I would buy one!
    Hmmm...that sounds pretty good, then. I'll see if I can manage to try one out, and maybe get one after I do the other, more important upgrades I need to do. It's a tax write-off anyway, right?

    Oh, and that picture is rad. You have a great style.
  • Quick warm-up sketch while avoiding real work.
  • Nice weights fun fetus. The blacked out eyes are a nice touch.
  • I was hanging out at my friends' art studio mooching off their internet and I saw Funfetus's latest submission while talking to my friend about Iron Man which led to talking about war. By the end of our conversation this is what my hands produced. ^_^;

  • All the artists on the forum should do a group comic where every person does a different page but using the same characters and story. It would be interesting.
  • This is not related to my webcomic idea, but I figured I should put it up since it's part of my slow foray into drawing more masculine men. It's probably still very feminine by most people's tastes, but for those of you who have seen "Bishie Saruman..." Yeah, it's a step up. I mean, facial and body hair! O:

    Hooray for violin-playing elf pirates!
  • Hooray for violin-playing elf pirates!
    You may have spawned an entirely new sub-fetish.
  • All the artists on the forum should do a group comic where every person does a different page but using the same characters and story. It would be interesting.
    I had that same idea on the bus today. Whoa.
  • Hooray for violin-playing elf pirates!
    You may have spawned an entirely new sub-fetish.
    I already signed up for said fetish. :P He's an awesome bishie, Uglyfred!
  • All the artists on the forum should do a group comic where every person does a different page but using the same characters and story. It would be interesting.
    I had that same idea on the bus today. Whoa.
    Maybe everyone could do a panel, rather than a whole page? A whole page is a pretty big commitment. But I like the comic jam idea. I'm definitely down to do some panels.
  • All the artists on the forum should do a group comic where every person does a different page but using the same characters and story. It would be interesting.
    I had that same idea on the bus today. Whoa.
    Maybe everyone could do a panel, rather than a whole page? A whole page is a pretty big commitment. But I like the comic jam idea. I'm definitely down to do some panels.
    Let's makes a thread!
  • All the artists on the forum should do a group comic where every person does a different page but using the same characters and story. It would be interesting.
    I had that same idea on the bus today. Whoa.
    Maybe everyone could do a panel, rather than a whole page? A whole page is a pretty big commitment. But I like the comic jam idea. I'm definitely down to do some panels.
    I know little to nothing about artwork. Don't take exactly what I said as the rules. I have zero creative ability.
  • Thread made.
  • All the artists on the forum should do a group comic where every person does a different page but using the same characters and story. It would be interesting.
    Oh God. I just thought: "It's going to be moe Scrym, isn't it?"
    I feel ashamed now.
  • image

    Can we draw schoolgirls? Yes!
  • Not bad -- let's have more! (And draw your panel!)
  • Not bad -- let's have more! (And draw your panel!)

    OMG I totally forgot. Too much work and no fun time.
  • *pats Viga* She looks cute like that.

    And I don't need to clean my belly button!
  • edited August 2008
    Rough sketch in honor of a recent event. Left some space at the top for someone to put some text.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
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